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Subject: [Announcement|CFP]: Optimization: Theories and Applications (ICCSA 2005) Date: Wednesday 17 November 2004 10:18 From: Deok-Soo Kim dskim@hanyang.ac.kr To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@optimanumerics.com
ICCSA2005 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications Singapore, May 09-12, 2005 http://www.iccsa.org
Optimization: Theories and Applications (OTA) 2005
We are pleased to announce OTA workshop to be held as a part of The International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) 2005. ICCSA2005 will be held in Suntec City, Singarpore, May 9-12, 2005.
While the past ICCSA conferences have been quite successful, Optimization, which is one of the most important fields of research in the computational sciences, has been missing from the conference. After a number of discussions, we have now come up with a technical workshop on Optimization: Theory and Applications (OTA). The workshop OTA will represent a high level forum for exchanging information and ideas about optimization in both theories and applications using modern computing resources.
You are cordially invited to submit a paper (from 6 to 10 pages) for oral presentations. The paper should contain new unpublished results.
The topics to be presented in OTA sessions include, but not limited to
Mathematical Programming Large Scale Optimization Network Optimization Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization Stochastic Optimization Global Optimization Optimizations in Biosystems Optimizations in Telecommunications Data Mining Scheduling Financial Optimization Supply Chain Management Production Planning and Control Quality Control Manufacturing Systems Inventory Control and Material Flow Other Industrial Applications of Operations Research Etc.
All accepted papers will be published in an issue of Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS) by Springer-Verlag that will be delivered at the conference. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper once it is accepted. In addition, selected papers may be also published in a special issue of appropriate journals. Note that LNCS is one of the journals that are listed in SCI-E index with relatively high impact factor (http://www.isinet.com/isi/).
IMPORTANT DATES ---------------
December 10, 2004: Draft papers due January 10, 2005: Notification of Acceptance February 10, 2005: Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration May 09-12, 2005: ICCSA 2005 Conference in Suntec City, Singapore
PAPER SUBMISSIONS -----------------
All submissions must be written in English (6 to 10 pages in length) and should be submitted as an email attatchment to
Papers should comply the LNCS guidelines and this point will be checked very carefully. The style files for the LNCS can be found at the following URL:
Acceptable formats for initial draft for peer reviews are pdf. Please, check that you have included all the fonts required when generating the .pdf files, so that your paper can be read properly on any platform. Please keep in mind that the final version of your paper should be, in general, written in LaTeX 2e according to the rules of LNCS. (Hence, we recommend the authors to write papers in LaTex2e from the very beginning.)
We would also greatly appreciate if you could forward the information about the conference to those of your colleagues who may be interested in participation. For further details, please contact ota05@voronoi.hanyang.ac.kr or one of the workshop organizers as follows.
Prof. In-Jae Jeong (ijeong@hanyang.ac.kr) Prof. Dong-Ho Lee(leman@hanyang.ac.kr) Prof. Deok-Soo Kim(dskim@hanyang.ac.kr) Department of Industrial Engineering Hanyang University #17 Haengdang-Dong, Sungdong-Ku Seoul, 133-791 Korea
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