-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Reminder: Europ. Workshop on Software Ecosystems: Submission deadline Oct 16 🔔 Datum: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 12:08:41 +0000 Von: European workshop on software ecosystem ewseco16@software-ecosystem.com Antwort an: European workshop on software ecosystem ewseco16@software-ecosystem.com An: Gustaf Neumann Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Reminder: Europ. Workshop on Software Ecosystems: Submission deadline Oct 16 🔔 European Workshop on Software Ecosystems
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Reminder: Submission deadline is Oct 16 2016
Dear Gustaf,
The European workshop on software ecosystems (EWSECO http://opensourcebestpractices.us11.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=ed3e5cbf904b5fd0a350777d2&id=f304a864c6&e=4dfef1418a) is the *largest event in Europe *on the topic of ISV and developer ecosystems with a unique approach of *bringing together researchers and business people *to discuss software ecosystems. Short presentations and long discussions foster exchange of ideas and strategies at this event.
_*We would like to invite you to submit a presentation or a poster.*_
_SUBMISSION Deadline is October 16 2016._
Here is your information for next steps:
* *Presentations*: Propose your *presentation titles via email (title and 100 word abstract*) to ewseco16@software-ecosystem.com * *Posters*: Send *poster proposals via email (title and 100 word abstract*) to ewseco16@software-ecosystem.com * *Participate*: just register http://opensourcebestpractices.us11.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=ed3e5cbf904b5fd0a350777d2&id=b6132dc197&e=4dfef1418aand show up.
Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.
For the EWSECO http://opensourcebestpractices.us11.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=ed3e5cbf904b5fd0a350777d2&id=abf5b8f15a&e=4dfef1418aprogram committee
Dr. Karl Popp
/Copyright © 2016 drkarlpopp.com, All rights reserved./ Interesse and WI Themen
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