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Final Call for Papers & Participation
2nd International Workshop
In conjunction with the 12th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) 2000
June 5-6, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden
Data Warehousing embraces technology and industrial practice to systematically collect data from an enterprise and to use that data in annotated and aggregated form for managing the enterprise based on business decisions. Although many database techniques have been revisited or newly developed in the context of data warehouses, including view maintenance and applications such as OLAP and data mining, little attention has been paid to the design and management of data warehouses to appropriately serve their purposes, i.e., to support the management of a given enterprise. This workshop is intended as a forum to fill this gap. It will be the second in a series of workshops that started at CAiSE'99 in Heidelberg, Germany. The first workshop at CAiSE'99 was very successful and attracted participants both from industry and the research community.
We cordially invite participants both from the application industry and research to submit papers to the second workshop. An incomplete list of research and experience topics to be discussed at the workshop is given below. We especially encourage experts of the DW application industry to submit experience papers.
Research Topics
- Organization of meta-data management
- Design methods for data warehouses
- View selection for data warehouse materialization
- Conceptual vs. logical modeling of multi-dimensional data
- Measuring data warehouse quality
- Verification of design goals and information needs
- Data warehouse functionality in languages like SQL (e.g., OLAP operators)
- Query optimization
- Data warehouse evolution
- Data Warehouse security
- Temporal aspects
Experience Topics
- Integration of a data warehouse into an organization's business processes
- Handling federations of data warehouses
- Motivation for installing a data warehouse
- Experience with data warehouse software and tools
- Problems and challenges in data warehouse usage (e.g., coping with data inconsistency, performance issues)
- User acceptance of data warehouses
- Impact of OLAP and data mining on business decisions
- Success stories of data warehouse exploitation
Submission Instructions
Papers up to a maximum of 5000 words (experience papers up to 2500 words) should be submitted in electronic form (Standard Postscript or PDF) via Email to Martin Staudt, Swiss Life, IS Research, PO Box, CH-8022 Zurich, Switzerland
by the submission deadline (see below). More information about the workshop is available via
The workshop proceedings will be published in the Swiss Life IS Research Technical Report Series and included in the electronical CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
Important Dates
April 3, 2000: Submission of papers May 5, 2000: Notification of acceptance
Program and Organization Committee
Mokrane Bouzeghoub (INRIA) Latha Colby (Redbrick Systems) Stella Gatziu (University of Zurich) Joachim Hammer (University of Florida) Matthias Jarke (RWTH Aachen) Manfred Jeusfeld* (Tilburg University) K. Karlapalem (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Hans-Jürgen Lenz (Free University of Berlin) W. Lehner (University of Erlangen) Maurizio Lenzerini (University of Rome I) Nick Roussopoulos (University of Maryland) Hua Shu* (Karlstad University) Eric Simon (INRIA Rocquencourt) Il-Yeol Song (Drexel University) Nicolas Spyratos (Universite Paris XI) Martin Staudt* (Swiss Life) Dimitri Theodoratos (NTUA Athens) Gottfried Vossen* (University of Muenster)
*) organization commitee
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