-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [wkwi] CfP I3E 2008 Datum: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:08:45 +0100 (CET) Von: Moritz Strasser moritz.strasser@iig.uni-freiburg.de Antwort an: postmaster@idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de An: undisclosed-recipients:;
The I3E 2008 conference is the eighth IFIP conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society sponsored by IFIP WG 6.11 in cooperation with TC11 and TC8. It provides a forum for users, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present their latest findings in e-business, e-services, and e-society applications and the underlying technology to support those applications. The conference will host keynotes, organized sessions, and panel discussions as well as regular paper sessions comprising research track and industrial and administration track. Areas of particular interest for the regular paper sessions include but are not limited to:
e-Business . Innovative e-Business models . Mobile business . Inter-organizational systems . Enterprise application integration . Business process integration . e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting . Business process re-engineering . Supply, demand, and value chains . e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs and portals . e-Commerce content management . Digital goods and products . Dynamic pricing models . User behavior modeling . Trust and security e-Services . e-Service composition . Virtual organizations and coalitions . Inter-organizational services . Virtual enterprises and virtual markets . e-Collaboration and e-Services . Web 2.0 applications . Service-oriented computing . Agent-oriented e-Services . Web services . P2P co-operation models . Semantic web services . Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive services . Service workflows . Application service management . SaaS . NGN e-Society . e-Government (e.g. G2G, G2B, and G2C) . Mobile public services . Digital cities and regions . Multimedia and multilinguism . e-Democracy and e-Governance . Digital culture and digital divide . e-Inclusion to information society . Privacy and security . e-Health and e-Education . Legal, societal and cultural issues . Public e-Services for citizens and enterprises . Public-private partnerships . One-stop government - service integration . International dimension of e-Gov. . Disaster monitoring and prevention system . IT-Platform for public service
IINFORMATIION FOR AUTHORS / Submission of Papers For the research track, submissions should describe original, research work not submitted or published elsewhere. For the industrial and administration track, submissions should describe innovative products or good practices in the areas of conference interests. The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer within the IFIP book series. The papers should be no longer than 12 pages and 2 extra pages according to the template available at: http://springer.com/series/6102. An extra fee will be charged for each extra page when it is published. The name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the contact author have to be identified. One of the authors of each paper must register and present the paper at the conference.
ADDRESS FOR SUBMIISSIIONS Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically as a PDF file by following the link and instructions at the conference home page: http://www.i3e2008.org/
GENERAL IINFORMATIION For more information about the I3E 2008 conference please visit the web site at: http://www.i3e2008.org/
IIMPORTANT DEADLIINES Papers due: April 15, 2008 Acceptance: May 31, 2008 Final papers due: June 15, 2008
COMMIITTEE Organizing Committee Honorary General Chair: Tadao Saito, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Toyota InfoTechnology Center Co. General Chair: Ryoichi Sasaki, Tokyo Denki University PC Chair: Makoto Oya, Shonan Institute of Technology PC Vice Chair: Ryuya Uda, Tokyo University of Technology Local Steering Committee Chair: Motohisa Funabashi, Hitachi Finance Chair: Hiroshi Yajima, Tokyo Denki University Local Arrangements Chair: Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics Publication Chair: Chizuko Yasunobu, Hitachi Consulting Publicity Chair: Hiroshi Yoshiura, the University of Electro-Communications Members: Toyoyuki Kobayashi, NTT Communications, Hirokazu Konishi, NEC, Yuichi Matsushima, NICT, and Masahiko Narita, Fujitsu Liaison Chairs: IFIP: Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland Europe: Volker Tschammer, FhG FOKUS, Germany North America: Narcyz Roztocki, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA South America: Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, University of Campinas, Brazil Asia-Pacific: Wee Keong Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Program Committee Will be available at the conference website Steering Committee Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland Winfried Lamersdorf, the University of Hamburg, Germany Reima Suomi, Turku School of Economics, Finland