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Subject: CFP: Special Session on Security and Privacy in E-Commerce Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:24:48 +0100 From: Torsten Schlichting schlichting@wi-inf.uni-essen.de To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Special Session on
Security and Privacy in E-Commerce
within the
5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5)
Montreal, Canada, October 23-27, 2002
The dramatic changes in telecommunications and computing technology as evidenced in the Internet and WWW have sparked a revolution in electronic commerce. In fact, many organisations are exploiting the opportunities of Internet-based e-commerce solutions, and many more are expected to follow. But in spite of the well-published success stories, many businesses and consumers are cautious about e-commerce, and security concerns are often cited as being the most important barrier. This special session of ICECR-5 is devoted to the theory and applications of security and trust in electronic commerce. Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
- risk assessment and reduction in e-commerce systems - privacy issues - legal aspects and law enforcement - ethical aspects - trust aspects and management - digital signature applications - encryption in e-commerce systems - information flow issues - COTS protection - firewall technology - administration and management of safeguards - virtual private networks - authorization and access control models - mechanisms for guaranteeing non-repudiation - secure electronic markets
Important dates
May 15, 2002: Deadline for abstract submission July 5, 2002: Notification of acceptance of communications July 31, 2002: Deadline for early registration September 1st, 2002: Deadline for reception of final manuscripts and session descriptions October 23-27, 2002: Conference dates
If you are interested in submitting a paper, please send a complete paper or an extended abstract by May 15, 2002 to
and see the general CFP given below for further details on the ICECR-5 conference.
Call for Papers
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5)
Montreal, Canada
October 23-27, 2002
The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research ICECR-5 will provide a high quality forum for the presentation of results, the exchange of ideas, and scientific discussions on methodological, computational, deployment, and policy issues and challenges in electronic business. We invite participants from all relevant fields, telecommunications, computer science, information technologies, management, marketing, finance, operations research, economy, human-machine interfaces, psychology, legal and policy studies, in particular. The conference will combine technical presentations grouped in research sessions, with industry and research plenary speakers, as well as industry-lead panels. Presentations on innovative and advanced applications to, for example, market design, logistics, value chain management, distribution, finance and banking, telecommunications, transport, privatization of services, are welcome.
Following the 2001 successful meeting held at the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, the International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research moves for its fifth edition to HEC - Montreal in the city of Montreal, Canada.
Montreal is an ideal location for a conference that has the ambition to bring together researchers from all over the world and, in particular, from Europe and North America. Montreal blends the best of the two continents to offer a unique "atmosphère" and "joie de vivre" that the social program will deliver in full.
Paper submission
Papers submitted for presentation at the conference will be selected on the basis of an extended abstract of 5 to 10 pages. All selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Refereed full papers will be published after the conference. Further information and instructions will be announced at a later date and will be posted on the conference web site: http://tecom.cox.smu.edu/icecr5/
Important dates
May 15, 2002: Deadline for abstract submission July 5, 2002: Notification of acceptance of communications July 31, 2002: Deadline for early registration September 1st, 2002: Deadline for reception of final manuscripts and session descriptions October 23-27, 2002: Conference dates
Conference co-chairs
Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic Dept. management et technologie, U.Q.A.M. and Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory Centre for Research on Transportation Université de Montréal C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville Montreal (QC) Canada H3C 3J7 Phone: (1) 514 343 7143 FAX: (1) 514 343 7121 E-mail: theo@crt.umontreal.ca
Professor Bezalel Gavish Eugene J. and Ruth F. Constantin Distinguished Chair in Business Edwin L. Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University P.O. Box 750333 Dallas, TX 75275-0333 E-mail: gavishb@mail.cox.smu.edu
Conference information
Conference web site: http://tecom.cox.smu.edu/icecr5
Conference email: icecr5@crt.umontreal.ca
Please, copy this form, fill and return it to icecr5@crt.umontreal.ca
Last name: First name:
Tel: Fax:
I am interested in further information yes no
I am interested in presenting a paper yes no
I am interested in organizing a session yes no
Professor Bezalel Gavish Eugene J. and Ruth F. Constantin Distinguished Chair in Business, Edwin L. Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University P.O. Box 750333 Dallas, TX 75275-0333 E-mail: gavishb@mail.cox.smu.edu
Tel: Office (214) 768-8258 FAX (305) 832-3767 Administrative Assistant (214) 768-8256 Home (214) 528-3584
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