-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] Deadline Extension: Knowledge Sharing using Social Media Datum: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:14:31 +0200 Von: Alexander Stocker astocker@know-center.at An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Special Track on Knowledge Sharing using Social Media http://triple-i.tugraz.at/i_know/special_tracks/kss
3 September 2008 Graz, Austria
Since many authors have asked for an extension of the submission deadline, we will keep our submission system open for further two weeks. The extended submission deadline is now April 28, 2008.
This one-day special track takes place during TRIPLE-I '08 in Graz, Austria (3 - 5 September 2008) as one programme item of I-KNOW '08. The Special Track provides an interdisciplinary forum for international scientists and practitioners to discuss various aspects of Knowledge Sharing using Social Media (KSS).
The I-KNOW is part of a joint venture of the conferences united under the brand TRIPLE-I (http://triple-i.tugraz.at/): I-KNOW - International Conference on Knowledge Management, I-MEDIA - International Conference on New Media Technology, and I-SEMANTICS - International Conference on Semantic Systems. TRIPLE-I reflects the increasing importance and convergence of Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems. This unique concept aims at bridging the gaps between the various communities and their technology fields. Background
This KSS special track is the fourth event of a series which started at I-KNOW '05. The focus of the individual events always was on knowledge sharing but each year a different trend was picked up. In the first year attention was paid to knowledge sharing in research and higher education mainly within closed environments. In the second year the focus on research and higher education was continued but the knowledge sharing environments then were web 2.0 applications, especially social software, partly combined with semantic technologies. In the last year the organisers called for contributions dealing with social software especially in the organisational context. This year we keep this topic since research and experiences have grown.
In the past years different organisations - reaching from educational institutions to large companies - gave Social Media a trial and thus brought down the hype to earth. While in the beginnings it was not so clear in which areas which kind of Social Media could make sense, to which factors attention has to be paid for a successful implementation, and what the added value could be, in the meantime first answers have been found. Corresponding books were recently published, conferences increasingly addressed this topic, and science and industry published their insights in journals and magazines. Additionally, and this is the newest development in this area, there are first ideas about the integration of Social Media with Semantic Technologies. Objectives
Against the background of real world applications of Social Media, KSS '08 tries to find answers to the following guiding research questions:
* How is Social Media applied at the interface between enterprise and customers or partners? * Which factors facilitate and impede the successful implementation of Social Media? * Which Social Media applications are most promising for what purpose? * What are the approaches in introducing Social Media? * How is Social Media integrated with semantic technologies and to what purpose?
The special track will bring together international researchers as well as practitioners from different organisations who will have plenty of time for networking and real-world knowledge sharing. Topics
KSS '08 is especially concerned with the intern application of Social Media in small and medium sized enterprises, but also multinational enterprises, and the application at the interface to the outside world, namely partners, customers or even potential/former employees. Social, technical as well as business research questions and issues are of interest. We welcome scientific papers which present methods, tools, technologies, best practices and case studies.
We invite submissions that deal with issues including, but are not limited to:
* Procedures and practices of implementing Social Media in enterprises and at the interface to the outside world of an enterprise * Social Media in different business processes such as marketing, product development, training, innovation, or customer relationship * Social Media in individual and collaborative work * Value analysis of Social Media * Social Network Analysis * Economic and social theories explaining Social Media issues * Integration of social software with mobile devices * Cross-linkage of Social Media applications * Social Media business models
Important Dates
28 April 2008: Submission of the full papers (8 pages)
31 May 2008: Notification of acceptance
30 June 2008: Camera ready version (8 pages)
3-5 Sept. 2008: TRIPLE-I Conference Submission Procedure
File Types: PDF, Word for Windows Style Guides: http://triple-i.tugraz.at/about/style_guide Paper Submission System: http://i-know.know-center.tugraz.at/chairhelper/iknow08/submission
In case of problems or questions concerning the submission of papers, please contact the track chairs at kss@know-center.at. Notification of Acceptance and Publishing
Accepted papers will be published within the I-KNOW '08 conference proceedings. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for I-KNOW '08 before the deadline for Camera ready versions (30 June 2008). Chairs of KSS '08
The organization team of the special track on Knowledge Sharing using Social Media consists of the following people:
* Gisela Granitzer, Know-Center Graz, Austria * Alexander Stocker, Know-Center Graz, Austria * Anita Wutte, Know-Center Graz, Austria * Patrick Hoefler, Know-Center Graz, Austria
Programme Committee
* Tomáš Pitner, Masaryk University, Czech Republic * Florian Heidecke, University St. Gallen, Switzerland * Patrick Erren, University of Paderborn, Germany * Robert J. Slagter, Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands * Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria * Martin Memmel, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany * Anwar Us Saeed, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Pakistan * Martin Ebner, Technische Universität Graz, Austria * Isa Jahnke, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany * Martin Welker, Universität Leipzig, Germany * Thomas Pleil, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany * Wolf Hilzensauer, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria * Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam, Germany * Wolf-Fritz Riekert, Hochschule der Medien, Germany * Anna Maria Köck, Technical University of Graz, Austria
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