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Subject: Fwd: EDEN 2002 ANNUAL CONFERENCE - JUNE 2002, GRANADA Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:43:12 +0100 From: "H.R. Hansen" Hansen@wu-wien.ac.at To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 21:29:40 +0100 To: hans-robert.hansen@wu-wien.ac.at
From: eden-mail-list@eden.bme.hu (EDEN Secretariat)
EDEN 2002 Annual Conference
University of Granada, Spain 16-19 June 2002
Organised in co-operation with the University of Granada, with the support of Scienter Espana
Institutional sponsors: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - UOC Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia - UNED
Internationalisation is moving to European and global scene-the progress of the Bologna process: the creation of an European higher education area, developing perspectives of virtual mobility offer a challenge to think again about the issue of international co-operation in ODL and eLearning - now with the focus "within and beyond Europe". The EDEN 2002 Annual Conference at the University of Granada will focus on the survey of the European internal situation, and review the international scene beyond it.
- To which extent are the present motivations and interests in the
educational world relevant to follow the internationalisation trends?
- How can the scope be widened for those involved in European co-operation,
to enter into activities outside the continent?
- How can the role of internationalization in the consolidation,
standardization and professionalisation of the European ODL and eLearning be described properly?
- What are the appropriate means to find and support excellence in countries
which are not in the forefront?
- Can co-operation in ODL really efficiently go beyond borders and enter
small markets?
- What did we learn from the evaluation of models of virtual mobility?
- How should we develop and design new models of production and delivery
in ODL and eLearning in the international perspective
- How can we identify points of excellence, in respect of European
co-operation, and their outcomes?
- How can ODL contribute to professionalisation and internationalisation
of training of teachers?
WHO SHOULD ATTEND We invite to participate and contribute all those with experience, involvement, aspirations and progressive scenarios in mind about new connotations of internationalisation, looking for the potential of an even more intelligent co-operative trans-European environment.
- practicioners of eLearning and ODL
- researchers and policy makers in the open and distance learning and
eLearning area
- people developing international learning programmes
- experts in international collaboration in development of common curricula
- teachers and trainers, public institutions, professional communities
- companies and people involved in the marketing of education
- representatives of international organisations involved in education,
e-Learning and development
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS You are invited to submit proposals for a paper presentation that fits into one or more of the conference themes. The notes on the themes are intended to suggest rather than restrict topics for consideration. Papers can include (but should not be limited to) case studies, hands-on and grassroots activities, activist's platform and visions of the future, educational policy issues etc.
Deadline for submitting papers is March 31th. Please, send papers, not exceeding six A4 pages (figures and references included) in English via e-mail (as MS Word files) to the EDEN Secretariat. Detailed instructions for authors about standard layout of papers is displayed on the EDEN web site.
CONFERENCE VENUE - GRANADA AND ITS UNIVERSITY Granada is without doubt, one of the most attractive cities in the world. Apart from its rich historic and monumental heritage, it also enjoys a healthy climate thanks to its privileged position between the fertile plains and the foot of the Sierra Nevada.
Granada historically is the last redoubt of Islam in Western Europe, with a Moorish domination almost eight centuries (the Alhambra and the Generalife are samples of the splendour of this civilisation); and is also a Renaissance city (the Hospital Real or the Cathedral are only two examples of Granada's well-preserved historical heritage). For more information about Granada you can visit: http://www.red2000.com/spain/granada/index.html, or http://www.aboutgranada.com/granada/city1.asp and about Spain in general: http://www.tourspain.es/turespai/marcoi.htm, where by clicking Cities and Islands, further Andalucia-Granada you will also find details about the city, hosting the conference.
With 470 years of tradition, the University of Granada has been an exceptional witness to history, as its influence in the city's social and cultural environment grew until it was to become, over a period of almost five centuries, an intellectual and cultural nucleus in Southern Spain in its own right. It is currently a committed institution which is deeply involved in its setting. In recent years, the University of Granada has faced the greatest growth in its history, placing it among the top Spanish universities. The University web site is: http://www.ugr.es/
HOW TO JOIN? For being kept informed about the workshop and receive the Registration form, please complete and send the Express of Interest Form on the web site or send an e-mail to eden@eden.bme.hu with your details of correspondence (mailing address, e-mail, phone, fax).
EDEN - European Distance Education Network Secretariat H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1., Hungary Tel: +36 1 463 16 28, 463 2259 Fax: +36 1 463 18 58 E-mail: eden@eden.bme.hu http://www.eden.bme.hu
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Hans Robert Hansen, Rektor Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Rektorat Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel: (+43-1) 31 336 - 4700 Fax: (+43-1) 31 336 - 777 Email: hansen@wu-wien.ac.at
http://www.wu-wien.ac.at <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>