-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] cfp: I-COM Special Issue on Smartglasses Datum: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 07:59:24 +0100 Von: Wolfgang Prinz wolfgang.prinz@fit.fraunhofer.de Antwort an: Wolfgang Prinz wolfgang.prinz@fit.fraunhofer.de An: Mailingliste GI-FG Mailingliste Mailingliste GI-FG CSCW fgcscw@gi-ev.de, German HCI mci@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, WI wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, ABIS abis@l3s.de, Be-greifbare Interaktion interaktion@tzi.de
*Call for Papers*/* */ *Special Issue on Smartglass Technologies, Applications and Experiences*
i-com: Journal of Interactive Media http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/icom (http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/icom)
*Submission Deadline: 16. April 2016*
Over the last two years a variety of new Smartglass and VR-glass products became available which led to a number of new developments in various application domains. This special issue of the i-com Journal of Interactive Media seeks articles that report about Smartglasses, including VR-Glasses such as Oculus Rift, that focus on one or several of the following topics:
* Applications from business, education and entertainment * Case Studies presenting experiences and evaluations of applications and technologies * Interaction models for and with Smartglasses * Augmented Reality technologies for Smartglasses * Tools for building Smartglass applications * Smartglass Technologies and developments
All submissions must be in English, and should represent the original work of the authors. Improved versions of papers previously published in conference proceedings are welcome, provided that no copyright limitations exist. Submissions should be made electronically via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/icom
A short notice by authors who plan a submission to the editors is appreciated.
Wolfgang Prinz, Leif Oppermann (Fraunhofer FIT) Special Issue Editors