-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] Deadline extended: CfP 3rd Workshop on Integrated Knowledge ManagementSystems (IKMS2011) - 6th Conference Professional Knowledge Management Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 19:28:36 +0200 From: Stefan.Smolnik@ebs.edu To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
(Apologies for crosspostings of this announcement.)
Papers can be submitted until November 7, 2010!
6th Conference Professional Knowledge Management - From Knowledge to Action WM2011: February 21-23, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria http://www.wm-konferenz2011.org/indexEN.html --- Third Conference Workshop on Integrated Knowledge Management Systems (IKMS2011) http://www.ebs.edu/index.php?id=ikms2011
BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION OF THE WORKSHOP: Information systems supporting knowledge management (KM), in brief knowledge management systems (KMS), are subject of research and practical application since more than a decade. Nevertheless, analyses show that user acceptance and usage of KMS vary significantly in different settings, ranging from high utilization to complete rejection. Empirical findings suggest that integration is a key success factor for the adaptation and efficient usage of KMS. Integration in this context has several dimensions: Firstly, it means to arrange and connect the different technical functionalities of a KMS or its components to deliver a consistent and integrated user experience. In addition to this, the KMS should be integrated soundly into the application landscape of the respective organization. Secondly, it means to embed a KMS into the business processes as seamlessly as possible so that users perceive it as a helpful, daily used tool (instead of a separate, isolated system). Thirdly, in a networked economy integration means to connect KMS across organizational boundaries. The ideally integrated KMS offers a rich set of well orchestrated functionalities, is imperceptible as a separate system because it is fully embedded into daily work processes and is seamlessly connected within value network surrounding its host organization. The workshop aims to provide a forum to discuss issues and exchange experiences about the successful implementation of KMS, where integration is one important line of thought which can be complemented by other important success factors.
TOPICS: Topics of papers submitted can be, but are not limited to: - Integration of different kinds of information and application systems within KMS - Comparison of traditional systems supporting knowledge management with social software applications - Integration of social media applications and Web 2.0 technologies within KMS as well as for community management - The role of personalization and search as integrating technologies - The integrating role of semantic technologies - Usage of modern software technologies (e.g., SOA, Web-Services) to integrate KMS - The interplay of KMS applications and generic KM processes - Embedding of KMS into business processes - Modeling KMS as socio-technical systems aiming at an holistic knowledge management solution - Establishing knowledge-intensive corporate cultures as a prerequisite for successful KMS - User-generated content and services in KMS - User-driven semantic integration of KMS (collaborative semantic tagging)
ADDRESSED AUDIENCE: The target group includes researchers and practitioners in the fields of knowledge management systems. Besides paper presentations, this workshop offers organized and open spaces for targeted discussions. It aims at offering a forum for the presentation and discussion of new directions and interesting work in progress.
WORKSHOP DURATION: Half-day workshop
IMPORTANT DATES: 7th of November 2010 - Submission of workshop papers 30th of November 2010 - Notification of authors about acceptance/rejection 31st of December 2010 - Submission of camera-ready papers
SUBMISSION: This workshop solicits full research papers that discuss innovative problems from one of the areas sketched above. The format of a full paper is max. 10 pages following the LNI formatting guidelines (http://www.wm-konferenz2011.org/authors.html). Only electronic submissions (PDF format) to the EasyChair online conference management system (please refer to http://www.wm-konferenz2011.org/authors.html for further information) will be accepted. Submission languages are German and English. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the WM2011 conference before the deadline for camera-ready-copies of the papers (31st December 2010). Otherwise, the paper will not be published. All workshop participants must be registered for the conference.
REVIEW PROCESS: All submissions will be subject to review by the IKMS2011 Program Committee. The workshop organizers have final authority over the review process and all decisions relating to acceptance of papers. Review criteria include originality of ideas, technical soundness, significance of results, and quality of presentation. It is intended to have two to three reviews per submission. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be emailed to the corresponding author.
CONTACT AND ORGANIZATION: Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik (Chair) - EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht - stefan.smolnik@ebs.edu Prof. Dr. Markus Bick - ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin - markus.bick@escpeurope.de Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp - EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht - gerold.riempp@ebs.edu
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Andrea Back, University of St. Gallen Heiko Beier, moresophy GmbH Markus Bick, ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam Josef Hofer-Alfeis, Amontis Consulting AG Franz Lehner, Universität Passau Ronald Maier, Leopold-Franzens-Universtiy Innsbruck Claudia Müller-Birn, Carnegie Mellon University Ludwig Nastansky, University of Paderborn Gerold Riempp, EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht Hans-Peter Schnurr, ontoprise GmbH Stefan Smolnik, EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht Susanne Strahringer, University of Dresden Nils Urbach, EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht Harald von Kortzfleisch, University of Koblenz-Landau
EBS European Business School gemeinnuetzige GmbH, Universitaet fuer Wirtschaft und Recht i.Gr. - Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 19951 - Umsatzsteuer-ID DE 113891213 Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Christopher Jahns, President; Prof. Dr. Rolf Tilmes, Dean Business School; Sabine Fuchs, CMO; Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerrick Frhr. v. Hoyningen-Huene, Dean Law School; Verwaltungsrat: Dr. Hellmut K. Albrecht, Vorsitzender
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