-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CfP: Third International Workshop on Social Software Engineering (SSE'10) Datum: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 16:15:59 +0100 Von: Walid Maalej maalejw@in.tum.de Antwort an: Walid Maalej maalejw@in.tum.de An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
CfP: Third International Workshop on Social Software Engineering (SSE'10) http://www1.cs.tum.edu/sse10/
Workshop in conjunction with Software Engineering 2010 Paderborn, Germany - February, 22.-26.02.2010 http://www.se2010.upb.de/
Submissions deadline January, 11 2010
Software is created by people, with people and for people. These people work in varying environments. They have their particular backgrounds and act under different conditions. Thus understanding the human and social aspects of software engineering is crucial to understanding how methods and tools are used, and thereby improving the creation and maintenance of software systems as well as the management of software projects. "Social Software Engineering" (SSE) focuses on the development of systems in highly uncertain domains, with evolving goals, frequent changes and much user involvement. SSE systems can often (but not exclusively) be found on the web. Related technical concepts are user feedback, mashups, and perpetual beta. However, beneath technical expertise developing social software systems requires competency from other disciplines as diverse as psychology, organizational science or economics. Besides the advent of social software applications, software engineering research recognized in recent years that effective collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential in order to guarantee successful software development and maintenance. Methods and tools that support development teams must be based on interdisciplinary research efforts that investigate technologies, tools, processes and human factors in a holistic manner. While both directions - engineering social software and dealing with social aspects in the software engineering process - receive considerable attention, we think that ultimately, both might confluence into a new software engineering paradigm. This workshop provides a forum for discussing high quality research on the social aspects of software engineering and the engineering aspects of social software, as well as a meeting place for the community that is currently distributed over several research domains (software engineering, knowledge management, web 2.0, human computer interaction).
In this workshop we would like to bring together researchers and practitioners working on different aspects of collaboration and knowledge sharing in software engineering as well as the engineering of social software to discuss new results and future research challenges. Major topics addressed at the workshop include (but not limited to):
The topics of the workshop include, but are not restricted to:
* Social and human aspects of software engineering - Collaboration and knowledge sharing in development teams and (Open Source) communities - Impact of Social Software on development processes - Empirical studies on collaboration and information behaviour in social software engineering * Engineering social software - Engineering of lightweight and unobtrusive tools, Web 2.0 and Social Semantic Web applications - Approaches and tools for context-aware and personalized assistance - Particularities in the development of Social Software * Social Software Engineering - Concerns of individuals in collaboration settings, such as learning, usability and incentives - Usage of Social Software to teach software engineering, teaching social aspects of software engineering - Research methods and approaches for analyzing and designing successful collaboration support - Scientific analysis of the relation between methods/processes, tools and collaborative development practice
Full papers (max 10 pages), short papers (max 5 pages), posters and tool demonstrations (max 2 pages), as well as extended abstracts for Pecha Kucha talks are equally welcome for the workshop. They can be submitted via the workshop website. Submissions will be reviewed at least by 2 members of the program committee. Accepted contributions will be published in the GI-Edition ‚"Lecture Notes in Informatics". In addition, it is planned to publish extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of an international journal.
At time of submission, papers must follow the instructions and templates provided at www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/. Papers cannot exceed the page limits. At least one author has to register at the Software Engineering 2010 conference registration system and participate in the workshop. Submissions of contributions can be made via the workshop website http://www1.cs.tum.edu/static/sse10/
Submissions deadline January 11th, 2010 Author notification January 25th, 2010 Camera ready February 08th, 2010 Workshop February 24th, 2010
* Martin Ebner, TU Graz (Co-Chair) * Imed Hammouda, Tampere University of Technology (Co-Chair) * Hans-Joerg Happel, FZI Karlsruhe (Co-Chair) * Walid Maalej, TUM (Co-Chair) * Wolfgang Reinhardt, University of Paderborn (Co-Chair)
* Andreas Auinger, University of Applied Sciences Steyr * Jan Bosch, Jan Bosch Inc. * Mohamed Amine Chatti, RWTH Aachen * Bjoern Decker, Empolis GmbH * Alexander Felfernig, TU Graz * Tobias Hildenbrand, University of Mannheim * Michael Koch, Bundeswehr University Munich * Filippo Lanubile, University of Bari * Francesco Lelli, University of Lugano * Steffen Lohmann, University of Duisburg-Essen * Johannes Magenheim, University of Paderborn * Michael Mlynarski, sd&m AG * Dirk Riehle, University of Erlangen * Uwe Riss, SAP AG * Klaus Schmid, University of Hildesheim * Sulayman K. Sowe, United Nations University * Markus Strohmeier, TU Graz
PDF is available at http://www1.cs.tum.edu/sse10/images/cfp.pdf
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