-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [computational.science] IHCI 2011 Call for Papers Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 09:37:03 +0200 From: Milos Kudelka milos.kudelka@vsb.cz Organization: "ICCSA" To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
--- We apologize for multiple copies ---
-- IHCI 2011 Call for Papers --
Third International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction
August 29 - August 31, 2011
Prague, Czech Republic
The Third International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2011(IHCI 2011) will be held at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic during August 29 - August 31, 2011.
This conference is third in series, following IHCI 2009 and IHCI 2010 held in January at IIIT Allahabad, India. IHCI 2011 aims to provide an excellent opportunity for the dissemination of interesting new research, discussion about them and the generation of new Ideas in these areas. IHCI 2011 will consist of keynote lectures and oral presentations on all aspects of HCI. The conference also provides an opportunity to the international and regional companies and service providers to showcase their technology, product and services. Workshops and cultural events are planned.
Contributions are invited from prospective authors with interests in the indicated conference topics and related areas of application. All contributions should be high quality, original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. Every submission must identify the theme which best relates to the contents of the paper. Papers will be peer reviewed by the International Program Committee, and may be accepted for long and short presentation.
We solicit original research and technical papers not published elsewhere. The papers can be theoretical, practical and application oriented on the following themes (but not limited to):
- Cognitive Models for Human Computer Interaction
- Signal and Vision Processing
- Language Processing
- Intelligent Methods& Interfaces
The topics in IHCI 2011 include but are not confined to the following areas:
- Natural language and Vision-based interfaces
- Multi-modal interfaces
- User state detection (emotional, cognitive, motivational)
- Affective User-centered analysis, design and evaluation
- Affective Interfaces/ Systems/ Application/ Interaction
- Object/Target /Event Detection/Tracking/ Recognition/Classification
- Multimodal Signal/Image Processing
- Virtual Reality
- Information Retrieval/ Extraction/filtering
- Interaction design
- Cognitive modeling
- Text mining and summarization
- User Modeling& Personalization
- Cognitive models for web design
- Information fusion
- Intelligent Interfaces for games
- Intelligent Methods /techniques/ /Approaches for HCI
- Visualization methods and techniques
- User interface development environments
- Legal, Ethical& Social Aspects of HCI
- Mobile HCI
Submission Guidelines
We solicit research and experience papers as well as research-in-progress and practitioner reports applying artificial intelligence and soft computing techniques to Web in any of the areas listed above. The IHCI'11 papers will be published by Springer as part of their Advances in Soft Computing series. Papers should be prepared in LATEX and have a length of up to 12 pages following the Springer format http://www.springer.com/series/4240
Electronic submissions are due on May 15, 2011.
Papers will be accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the conference topics. A double reviewing process will be used. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer and will be indexed by Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.
Important Dates
Workshop Proposals: February 28, 2011
Submission of Papers: May 15, 2011
Notification: June 15, 2011
Camera Ready Paper: June 30, 2011
Registration: June 30, 2011
Conference: August 29 - August 31, 2011