Forwarded message from [foxterry@ESUMAIL.EMPORIA.EDU (Terry Fox)] sent originally on Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:57:22 -0600: : AMCIS 2000 : Americas Conference on Information Systems : Long Beach, California : August 10th - 13th, 2000 : : Call for Papers for the Mini Track : "IT Project Management" : : One result from the Y2K crisis is that many organizations have developed a better understanding of the importance of closely managing IT projects with a limited supply of information resources, particularly when faced with an immovable deadline. Now that the Y2K crisis is essentially behind us, there is a plethora of application requests that needs to be tackled, ranging from upgrades of transaction processing systems to developing strategic information systems that will allow companies to be competitive in today's e-business world. Learning from project management successes as well as failures and applying this knowledge to the backlog of IT projects is imperative if IS organizations expect to accomplish their goals of projects completed on-time, within budget, and which meet user specifications. The purpose of this mini-track is to examine the current state of the project management industry, learn from the past, apply successful techniques to today's projects, and educa! te the project managers of tomorrow. : : Possible Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following: : - case studies (Y2K and others) of project management success or failure : - incorporating project management into the systems development process : - applied project management theory and methodology : - analysis of project management tools and techniques : - risk management : - analysis and design related issues : - critical success factors for an effective project manager : - applications of project management to related disciplines : - curriculum issues related to teaching project management at the undergraduate and graduate levels (e.g., approaches, case scenarios used, etc.) : : Mini Track Co-Chairs : Terry L. Fox ( and : William S. Remington ( : Division of Accounting and Computer Information Systems : Emporia State University : Emporia, KS 66801 : : and : : Richard A. Huff ( : Computer Information Systems Department : University of Southern Colorado : Pueblo, CO 81001 : : Important Dates : Submission of Material : March 15, 2000 : Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 2000 : Camera-Ready Copy: May 5, 2000 : Conference Registration: June 1, 2000 : : Submission Guidelines : All submissions and inquiries are to be made to Terry Fox at . Submissions must be in English, and should represent the original work of the authors. Each submission is limited to SEVEN pages (approximately 3500 words) in length for a full complete research paper and THREE pages (approximately 1500 words) for a research-in-progress paper. All submissions should be made electronically and sent as an attachment in MS Word, WordPerfect, PDF, or HTML format. Please indicate "AMCIS 2000 Mini Track Submission" in the subject line of the e-mail to which your submissions are attached. Best papers will be recognized and receive awards at the conference. : : Submissions should include the following: : i) Name, e-mail, mailing address, university/organization affiliation, phone/fax numbers of the contact person and all co-authors. : ii) Title of the submission, Keywords (five words), Abstract, and Main body of the submission. : iii) References and/or bibliography (in MIS Quarterly format). : : Americas Conference on Information Systems covers the latest and important issues in Information Systems and to serve the research and teaching interests of the IS community. For more details about AMCIS 2000, see : : Terry L Fox, PhD, CPA : Division of Accounting and Computer Information Systems : Emporia State University : 1200 Commercial Street : Emporia, Kansas 66801 : (316) 341-5362 : (316) 341-6346 fax : : ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer ===== : ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
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