-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Academic Informing Science and Engineering Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 20:25:50 -0400 From: isAISE 2011 aise@mail.2011iiisconferences.org To: NEUMANN@WU-WIEN.AC.AT
Dear G. Neumann:
As you know, the environment complexity of Research and Education is increasing with an accelerated rate. Consequently, an adequate re-conception of academic activities (research, education, and/or consulting) in the context of adaptive complex systems might very probably improve the effectiveness of these activities. Complexity Science, Informing Science/Engineering, Cybernetics and Cyber-technologies could effectively support the re-conception and consequent re-design of academic informing activities, methodologies, and processes
Complexity Science and Informing Sciences/Engineering are emerging academic endeavors that are supporting this kind of re-conception and re-design in different academic fields (see for example T. Grandon Gill's "Informing Business: Research and Education on a Rugged Landscape"). On the other hand, Informatics and Cybernetics have a great potential in providing the conceptual and technological tools for the implementation of the newly conceived solutions and designs.
Based on this emerging new reality, IMCIC 2011 Organizing Committee decided to start the organization, in its context, of a series of international symposia on Academic Informing Science and Engineering with the purpose of bringing together academics and professionals to share their research and academic-practice-based reflections with other scholars and researchers concerned with the effectiveness of any or all kinds of academic activities.
The first international symposium on Academic Informing Science and Engineering: isAISE 2011 (http://www.2011iiisconferences.org/aise), will be held in the context of IMCIC 2011 (www.2011iiisconferences.org/imcic), in Orlando, Florida, USA on March 27-30, 2011.
We invite you to participate and/or submit a paper/abstract to isAISE 2011. The deadlines for the first of this series of symposia are the following (check isAISE 2011 web site for possible extensions). You can also participate organizing an invited session (registration fee will be waived for effective invited session organizers) and/or supporting the reviewing process of submitted papers/abstracts. Check the conference web site for more details regarding these issues.
Abstract/paper Submissions and invited sessions proposals: Jan 6th, 2011 Acceptance notification: Feb 7th, 2011 Final Papers Upload: Feb 22nd, 2011
All accepted and presented papers will be included in both: the printed and CD versions of the proceedings. Details with regards to double-tier reviewing process, acceptance policy, selections of keynote speakers, best papers, and their publication in the Journal of Systemic, Cybernetics, and Informatics, can be found at the symposium web site, and resumed in the page titled "About the Symposium"
Suggested Areas and Topics are the following
? Informing via research and/or informing research (meta-research) ? Informing via teaching (pedagogical methods and processes) and/or getting informed form students, as feedback for a more effective teaching ? Informing via consulting or practice and/or getting informed form practice, as feedback for a more effective consulting ? Relationships between research and teaching. Teaching via collaborative research. Researching via teaching or educational action research. ? Relationships between research and practice or consulting ? Relationships between teaching and practice or consulting ? Integrating research, teaching and consulting or practice ? Relationships between informing sciences and informing engineering ? Integrating Informing Science and Informing Engineering ? Action research applied to Academic Informing ? Qualitative and hybrid research applied to Academic Informing ? Informing systems engineering ? Educational systems engineering ? Research design ? Research programs and projects engineering ? Curriculum Design and Engineering ? Organizational engineering applied to educational organizations.
Best regards,
isAISE 2011 Organizing Committee
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