---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: 2nd Call for Papers: AT2AI-3 From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 16:34:09 +0100 (MET) From: paolo petta paolo@ai.univie.ac.at To: paolo@mail4.ai.univie.ac.at
(please distribute, apologies for multiple copies)
*** Call For Papers *** Call For Papers *** Call For Papers ***
Third International Symposium "From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation"
<URL: http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/~paolo/conf/at2ai3.html%3E
held at the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2002)
April 2-5, 2002, Vienna, Austria, EU
Paper submission deadline: November 16, 2001
By the time the first symposium "From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation" was held in April 1998, agent-based technology had already made a fast inroad from highly specialised workshops to mainstream textbooks. Rapid progress has continued to date, resulting in an ever expanding range of underpinning theories, architectural models, engineering methods, implementation frameworks, and tools.
Even so, there remain many issues to be investigated and clarified concerning the relations between theoretical models of agents and multiagent systems on the one hand, and the deployment of implementations based on these models and architectures in real-world applications on the other, including perspectives on the supporting infrastructure and middleware.
The main objective of this symposium is to foster the exchange of ideas and experience among researchers and practitioners working on theoretical and application-oriented issues of agent technology, covering both the micro and macro aspects of agent design and the transition from drawing boards and partly idealised models, over modeling tools and frameworks, to deployment, configuration and maintenance of implementations.
Of particular relevance to the symposium is work that reports insights gathered and lessons learnt when applying specific agent theories or architectures to application problems, and that discusses methods, methodologies, and other tools, that can help system designers to successfully accomplish the mapping between available agent technology on the one hand, and application problems on the other.
Topics of interest therefore include:
Conceptual and theoretical foundations Agent languages and architectures Learning and adaptability Communication, coordination and collaboration Social issues in agent societies Safety, security, and responsibility Single vs. multi-agent systems Agents vs. Middleware (e.g. CORBA, Grid Computing, ...) Development and engineering methodologies User interfaces and usability Testbeds and evaluations Applications
Symposium Chairs:
Jörg P. Müller (URL:mailto:joerg.mueller@mchp.siemens.de) Paolo Petta (URL:mailto:paolo@ai.univie.ac.at)
Programme Committee:
Ardissono, Liliana Bauer, Bernhard Dickinson, Ian J. Dignum, Frank Fischer, Klaus Flake, Stephan Gadomski, Adam-Maria Gustavsson, Rune Hanachi, Chihab Hoek, Wiebe van der Jonker, Catholijn M. Kirn, Stefan Klusch, Matthias Labrou, Yannis Luck, Michael Marik, Vladimir Meyer, John-Jules Ch. Noriega, Pablo Omicini, Andrea Ossowski, Sascha Picco, Gian Pietro Preist, Chris Rocha, Ana Paula Schroeder, Michael Wagner, Gerd Wooldridge, Michael J. Zambonelli, Franco
For details on how to prepare the draft final paper, see the guidelines for the main EMCSR conference published on the EMCSR web server (URL:http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/emcsr/). Draft Final Papers must not exceed 10 single-spaced A4 pages (maximum 43 lines, max. line length 160 mm, 12 point), in English. They have to contain the final text to be submitted, including graphs and pictures. However, these need not be of reproducible quality. They must carry the title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation (including. e-mail address, if possible) in this order, and must include an abstract.
Please notice that for this particular symposium submission in ELECTRONIC FORMAT is STRONGLY PREFERRED, either via e-mail as attachment, or by anonymous FTP upload WITH JOINT NOTIFICATION by e-mail; otherwise send FOUR hard copies of the draft final paper.
Address your submission to:
Paolo Petta Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence Schottengasse 3 A 1010 Vienna, Austria, EU
e-mail: paolo@ai.univie.ac.at
FTP: upload your papers to URL:ftp://ftp.ai.univie.ac.at/incoming/ please start the name of the uploaded file with "at2ai3_" and the first author name, e.g.: "at2ai3_petta.zip" FTP-uploads MUST BE accompanied by an e-mail notification to paolo@ai.univie.ac.at
Accepted Papers:
Authors of accepted papers will be notified by December 14, 2001; the list will also be published on the AT2AI-3 web site. After the event, a second round of more extensive reviews is planned which is to lead to the publication of extended versions of selected contributions in an edited collection.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: November 16, 2001 Notification of acceptance: December 14, 2001 Camera-ready copies due: January 18, 2002
* Please consult the symposium web page for latest updates (URL:http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/~paolo/conf/at2ai3.html) * For information about paper formatting, registration, and accommodation, see the main EMCSR 2002 Web site (URL:http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/emcsr/)