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Subject: Australian Information Warfare and Security conference 2002 Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:12:12 +0800 From: Bill Hutchinson W.Hutchinson@COWAN.EDU.AU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
3rd Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference 2002 Call for Papers
Background The 3rd Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference will be held in Perth, Western Australia, during November 28- 29, 2002.
Conference Theme The theme of the conference is "Protecting the Infrastructure". The conference will draw participants from national and international organisations. Best papers will be put forward for publication in the Journal of Information Warfare.
Sample Topic Areas The topics below are for guidance and not intended as an exhaustive prescriptive list: E-Intelligence/counter-intelligence Perception management Information warfare theory Information security Cryptography Physical security Security policy Information warfare policy Information warfare techniques Hacking Infra-structure warfare National security policy Corporate defence mechanisms Information warfare and security education Electro-magnetic pulse weapons
Invited speakers from government and major commercial interest will present position papers to complement invited academic keynotes
Call For Papers The word limit for papers is 3,500 words. The deadline for submitting papers is June 28th, 2002. Best papers will be submitted to the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW). For each submission, the first page should contain the title, abstract and the contact information of the main author (name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number and fax number). The second page should contain only the title and abstract with no mention of the author. Suggestions for debates and panels are encouraged and should be accompanied by the title and a 500-word summary of proposed discussion and the names and affiliations of all panel members. Early submissions are strongly encouraged. All submitted papers must represent completed and original work and must not have been published previously. Except for panels, all submitted papers will be double blind reviewed. In an instance where there is a dispute, a third reviewer will be called in. Papers should be submitted via e-mail to: w.hutchinson@ecu.edu.au
Instructions for Authors can be found on the JIW website:
For more detailed information regarding submission requirements, please visit the conference website at:
Important Dates Submission of papers 28 June 2002 Mini-Track Debate and Panel Proposals 12 July 2002 Notification of acceptance 19 August 2002 Camera ready copy due 20 September 2002
Associate Professor W Hutchinson School of Management Information Systems Edith Cowan University Churchlands Western AUSTRALIA 6018
Tel: +61 8 9273 8283 Fax: +61 8 9273 8332
Email: w.hutchinson@ecu.edu.au
Joint Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare: http://www.Jinfowar.com
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