---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: IFIP WG8.6, Sydney, Australia Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 17:07:38 +0100 From: Tom McMaster t.mcmaster@salford.ac.uk To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
<bold><color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>Dear Colleagues
</bold>Following a number of successful previous events, the next IFIP WG8.6 Working Conference on the Diffusion, Adoption & Implementation of IT/IS will be held in Sydney, Australia, between the 1st and 3rd of August, 2002.
Brief details follow, but additional details of the Call For Papers/Contributions can be found at:
{ HYPERLINK "http://www.isi.salford.ac.uk/ifip/call2001.htm" <FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param>}<FontFamily><param>Arial</param>
<bold><bigger>The Adoption and Diffusion of IT in an Environment of Critical Change<bigger><bigger><bigger> </bold><FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param><smaller><smaller><smaller>
<FontFamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Sydney, Australia, August 1st-3rd, 2002<bigger>
<bold><smaller>Key dates
</bold>Initial submit: January 16th, 2002
Acceptance: April 8th, 2002
Final version: June 5th, 2002
</bold>The theme of this WG8.6 Working Conference reflects the current imperatives for organisations to adopt, develop and implement IT in support of dynamic organisational requirements, an environment of rapid technological change and structural transformation of industry.
The implications for the adoption and diffusion of IT are a substantial increase in complexity at planning, requirements definition, design, development and implementation stages. Pressures to conform to external requirements may result in a period of externally-imposed radical change to current practice. Operationally, inter-organisational systems represent a completely new set of challenges for both technical and business staff.
</bold>Original unpublished papers should be submitted to Deborah Bunker at: {HYPERLINK "mailto:s.elliot@unsw.edu.au"<FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param>}<underline><color><param>0000,0000,FF00</param><FontFamily><pa ram>Arial</param>d.bunker@unsw.edu.au
</bold>Panel proposals based on key issues related to the conference theme are required and we would wish to encourage proposals for panel discussions that consider innovative approaches to inter-disciplinary research issues or research approaches.
Panel proposals to Steve Elliot at: { HYPERLINK "selliot@mail.newcastle.edu.au" <FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param>}<underline><color><param>0000,0000,FF00</param><FontFamily><pa ram>Arial</param>selliot@mail.newcastle.edu.au</underline><color><param>0100, 0100,0100</param>
Summaries of accepted panels will be included in the final proceedings.
<bold>General Information
</bold>All submissions should include a separate title page with the title of the paper and the author(s) name, affiliation, and address including telephone, fax and email. The body of the paper should contain the title and abstract, a list of keywords. The text and should not identify the author(s) in any manner. Once accepted, final papers must be submitted in IFIP/Kluwer camera ready format (available at {HYPERLINK "http://www.wkap.com/ifip"<FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param>}<underline><color><param>0000,0000,FF00</param><FontFamily><pa ram>Arial</param>http://www.wkap.com/ifip</underline><color><param>0100,0100, 0100</param>)
The reviewing process will be double blind reviewed, and each submission refereed by at least two anonymous reviewers. Papers accepted and presented as well as summaries of the panels will be post-printed in the proceedings expected to be published by Kluwer. No changes may be made to papers after acceptance. One author must attend the conference. All participants will receive a copy of the final proceedings. Additional copies of the proceedings will be available for purchase.
IFIP WG8.6 Web Site has now moved to:
See you there!
Best wishes,
Tom McMaster
==================================== Information Systems Institute University of Salford M5 4WT UK Office Tel: +44 (0)161 295 4946 Office Fax: +44 (0)161 745 8169 E-mail : t.mcmaster@salford.ac.uk ====================================
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