Forwarded message from [E.A.Whitley@LSE.AC.UK (Whitley,EA)] sent originally on Wed, 19 Jan 2000 15:05:04 -0000: : THE INFORMATION SOCIETY : Special Issue Call for Papers : "TIME AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY" : : Joint Editors for Special Issue: Heejin Lee, Brunel University, : United Kingdom and Edgar A Whitley, London School of Economics : and Political Science, United Kingdom : : Deadline for submission: June 26th 2000 : : Traditional notions of time and space are being challenged by : information technology based phenomena such as the internet, : globalisation of business and virtual work. : : Whilst it is easy to simply describe the temporal effects : of these changes in terms of everything being faster, : in practice the changes are much more fundamental. Indeed, : a useful comparison can be made with the wholesale : transformation of time perception and time discipline that arose : when mechanical clocks were introduced into societies that had : previously based their notions of temporality on the seasonal : passage of the sun. : : Thus, it is possible to consider time not simply as an objective, : clock-time based phenomenon, which is typically used as a constant : or an independent variable in studies. Instead, time can be viewed : as a subjective, socially constructed phenomenon which can be : studied as a dependent variable. : : This special issue of TIS hopes to further research and discussion : on time and information technology by publishing papers on aspects : of this theme from diverse viewpoints. : : Papers of empirical research (either qualitative or quantitative) : are welcomed as are theoretical papers that provide new insights : or state of the art reviews that cover diverse disciplines. : : For further information, and submission details, please : see : : Feel free to correspond with the special issue editors if you have : any questions or are planning to submit an article. : : Heejin Lee, Department of Information Systems and Computing, : Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom, : ph: + 44-1895-274000, fax: + 44-1895-251686, : Email: : : Edgar Whitley, Department of Information Systems, : London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, : ph + 44-207-955-7410, fax 44-207-955-7385, : Email: : : ÿÿStart of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ : ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ÿÿEnd of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
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