-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] Grids meet Autonomic Computing Workshop Datum: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:15:23 +0100 Von: cecile germain cecile.germain@lri.fr Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
(Apologies if you have received this more than once) ================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS ================================================== GRIDS MEET AUTONOMIC COMPUTING (GMAC) Workshop Barcelona, Spain, 15 June 2009 http://autonomic.ac.upc.edu/GRIDmeetsAC/
In association with the 6th International Conference on Autonomic Computing & Communications
IMPORTANT DATES Full paper: 23 February 2009 Author notification: 23 March 2009 Final manuscripts: 6 April 2009
SCOPE Scientific communities worldwide have constructed massive grids that contain several tens of thousands of CPU’s and several PetaBytes of storage. The complexity of grids has increased due to the large range of dynamic resources involved: hardware and middleware, but also software usage rights, sensors, etc. Grid applications taking advantage of those resources have also increased in complexity. In addition, grid usage is based on a sharing paradigm, which introduces the collective behaviour of users as a new complicating factor. A major technical and societal challenge for the immediate future is the stabilisation of production grids. The control and maintenance of these complex systems to achieve that remain a significant operational issue. Application optimization is similarly challenging. Autonomic Computing has emerged as a specific scientific domain, with the strong involvement of industry. Autonomic computing is highly relevant to grid systems at a time when production grids have become critical scientific infrastructures and must move to sustainable models. Considering the volume and structure of the manpower dedicated to the day-to-day operations, Self-Optimization, Self-Healing and Self-Configuration could provide immediate benefits. At the core of the autonomic computing is the fact that high-level goals should be exposed by the middleware and should be easily tuned by users and system administrators. The Workshop will contribute to building bridges between grid researchers on one hand and those in the autonomic computing community on the other. The focus of the workshop is to identify key scientific challenges related to the management and evolution of grids as a specific category of complex large-scale systems. The goal of the workshop is to promote community wide discussion of, and collaboration on potentially high-impact ideas that will influence and foster continued research in improving the manageability and reliability of grids. The workshop will feature invited presentations from major grid projects and Autonomic Computing scientists as well as regular papers and posters. The format will leave ample time for discussion PAPER/POSTER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Full papers (a maximum of 8 pages in length) and posters (2 pages) are invited. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on merits including correctness, originality, quality of presentation, and relevance to the workshop themes. Please see the conference web site for more information on the submission process. It is expected that the proceedings will be published by ACM. ATTENDANCE At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop. Registration fee to the workshop is in addition to the ICAC 2009 conference fee.
Chair Cécile Germain-Renaud LRI, France
Program Committee Mark Burgess Oslo U., Norway Ricard Gavalda UPC, Spain Charles Loomis LAL, France Ron Perrot Queen’s U. Belfast Lorenza Saitta UPO, Italy Jordi Torres UPC, Spain RaminYahyapour Dortmund U., Deutschland