-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CIST 2008 *DEADLINE EXTENDED* TO JUNE 7 Datum: Fri, 30 May 2008 16:11:57 -0400 Von: Syam Menon syam@utdallas.edu Antwort an: Syam Menon syam@utdallas.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
The submission deadline for CIST 2008 has been extended to midnight EST on June 7, 2008.
Co-Chairs, CIST
Call For Papers - Conference on Information Systems and Technology 2008 October 11-12th, Washington DC INFORMS Annual Conference
Co-chairs: Anand Gopal (Univ of Maryland), Syam Menon (UT Dallas) and Siva Viswanathan (Univ of Maryland)
Information systems research has progressed in the last decade beyond the confines of what was once considered a field characterized by hardware, software and telecommunication systems. IS research today is more suitably positioned at the confluence of several research traditions and methodologies, borrowing from and contributing to reference disciplines such as computer science, economics, sociology, marketing, operations management, and strategy. This cross-disciplinary perspective places IS researchers in a unique position to be able to examine novel and emerging phenomena and the rapid changes brought about by technology. The focus of this conference will be on examining emerging areas of interest that are still at the periphery of IS research � but are gaining prominence rapidly. Extending the envelope of IS research to study these emerging phenomena promises new theoretical and managerial insights. CIST 2008 is intended to highlight this theme by bringing together scholars who have leveraged and informed multiple and diverse disciplines to present their ideas in topics such as:
Consumer behavior in mobile and digital environments Digital Intermediaries and Sponsored Search Advertising Social Networks and Web 2.0 IS in Healthcare IT security and privacy Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Software Engineering Personalization Technologies Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and DRM Outsourcing and application service contracting Software procurement, open source software, and open standards IT in emerging economies and non-governmental organizations Knowledge management, collaboration and boundary spanning Online communities, and computer-mediated collaboration
The 2008 Conference on Information Systems and Technology will be held in Washington D.C on October 11th and October 12th 2008. The conference coincides with the INFORMS Annual Meeting, which will be held October 12 through 15 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and Omni Shoreham Hotel.
Key Dates Submission deadline: June 7th, 2008. Notification of acceptance: August 1st, 2008 Conference: October 11th and 12th, 2008.
Submissions are due June 1st, 2008. Submission should be made online at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=CIST08. More details are available through the conference website (http://www.smith.umd.edu/dit/cist2008/index.html). All CIST participants are required to register for CIST and the INFORMS Annual Conference. Questions can be emailed to cist08@gmail.com or to the co-chairs.
Papers should follow the guidelines specified below: Papers should be a maximum of 15 pages (excluding tables and figures), printable on 8.5 x 11-inch paper. Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins on four sides. Double-space throughout the paper. Include an abstract that explains as simply as possible the focus and contributions of the paper. Indicate on the front cover whether the paper is student-authored (the lead author is a student or the lead author indicates in writing that the bulk of the work was done by a student).
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