-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Pre-ICIS DIGIT 2019 Workshop - Extended Submission Deadline Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 11:40:32 +1200 From: Jean-Grégoire Bernard jg.bernard@gmail.com To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
*CFP: DIGIT 2019 - Sunday, December 15, 2019*
*IS Innovation Adoption, Use, and Diffusion: How Ecosystems Matter* *Submission Deadline Extended to Friday, September 6th, 2019*
The Special Interest Group on the Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIG ADIT) is celebrating its 30th year and will again host a pre-ICIS workshop for people interested in information technology adoption and diffusion (DIGIT). DIGIT will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2019 in Munich.
Early research in the stream of IS adoption and diffusion has explained how and why a standalone IS (e.g. PC, ERP system) is used and how it is adopted in a social environment. Now, IS innovation increasingly takes place in complex digital ecosystems that involve an ensemble of actors, platforms, vendors, developer communities, and regulators. At the individual level, IS innovation adoption involves the consideration of affordances of a specific IS innovation, say a voice-activated speaker, and also of its collection of complementary digital services and products (e.g. the “smart” home ecosystem developed by a technology vendor, such as Alibaba, Amazon, or Google). At the organizational level, the adoption and use of IS innovations are complicated by the permeable boundaries of enterprise platforms, which can be constructed from the combination of internal and external modules that are interlocked in a sprawling web of socio-technical relationships.
The emergence of digital ecosystems is an opportunity to reinvigorate the study of IS innovation adoption, use, and diffusion, because they bring to the fore several contextual considerations that are still under-theorized. These include network effects, which alter diffusion dynamics and complicate adoption decisions as well as architectural choices that undergird an ecosystem, which can constrain or aid the evolvability of a digital ecosystem. Furthermore, data is the lifeblood of ecosystems, and the extent to which it is created, exchanged, traded, and circulated within and across ecosystems calls for renewed attention to the role of information privacy, IS security, institutional norms, and regulations in adoption and use behavior.
Given the theoretical and practical importance of digital ecosystems for IS adoption and use, the 2019 DIGIT workshop provides an opportunity for IS innovation researchers to come together and generate vibrant discussions and exchanges of ideas about this new development. While papers adhering to the theme are encouraged, research in other IT adoption and diffusion research domains will also be considered. Potential topic areas include, but are not exclusive to:
- IS innovation adoption, diffusion, and abandonment in the presence of positive and negative network effects - IS innovation behavior across digital ecosystems (e.g. multi-homing) - Configurational approaches to the study of IS innovation issues in ecosystems - Ecosystem architecture and its role in IS innovation adoption and diffusion - The emergence and social organization of digital ecosystems: field dynamics, computerization movements, value conflicts, technology framing contests, institutions, and organizing visions - Post-adoption behavior and the co-evolution of IS innovation, through the interactions of users, platforms, vendors, open source & developer communities - Multi-level, complexity science, and nonlinear approaches to IS innovation behavior in digital ecosystems - New theorization of how ecosystems matter in IS innovation theories at the individual, organizational, interorganizational, and organizational field levels - New qualitative, quantitative, and design-led methodological approaches to examine the dynamics of IS innovation in digital ecosystems - Trust & information privacy: their governance in digital ecosystems, their impacts on innovation adoption and abandonment
Submitted research can be conceptual, analytical, design-oriented, or empirical in nature. The workshop will include paper presentations, paper roundtables, panel discussions and poster presentations.
*Instructions for Contributors* In the interest of discussing the most current research in this area, we welcome - Full research papers (fourteen single-spaced pages) - Research-in-progress papers (seven single-spaced pages) - Research idea abstracts (two single-spaced pages)
All submissions will be blind reviewed. Papers should not have been published previously in proceedings or journals, nor be under review elsewhere, but it is the general objective of the workshop that they will be submitted to a premier outlet after the DIGIT workshop. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the AIS Electronic Library. The authors can choose whether they want the full paper or only an extended abstract to be published. For past proceedings see: http://aisel.aisnet.org/digit/
*Instructions for Submissions*The deadline for submission of papers is Friday, September 6th, 2019.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made in mid-October.
All papers must conform to the instructions given in the DIGIT 2019 submission template. They must be single-spaced and submitted in Microsoft Word format. Full research and research-in-progress papers should include an abstract. Page counts exclude the title page, references and appendices. The title page should include the paper title and the authors' names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses. The main body of the paper should have a title, but no author identification.
Please use the DIGIT 2019 submission template, which can be found online at: https://www.sigadit.net/digit .
This year, all paper submissions should be submitted using the submission system at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DIGIT2019
Questions regarding paper submissions can be sent to the program co-chairs: Christian Maier (christian.maier@uni-bamberg.de) or Jean-Grégoire Bernard ( jean-gregoire.bernard@vuw.ac.nz)
*Instructions for Participation*The workshop date will be held on Saturday, December 15, 2019, in Munich. At least one author must register and attend the workshop to present the paper if the work is accepted.
*Workshop Committee*For information on SIGADIT and the DIGIT workshop, please contact the 2019 workshop committees:
Christian Maier 2019 DIGIT Program Co-Chair christian.maier@uni-bamberg.de Department of Information Systems and Services University of Bamberg Bamberg, Germany
Jean-Grégoire Bernard 2019 DIGIT Program Co-Chair jean-gregoire.bernard@vuw.ac.nz Victoria Business School Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand
Geneviève Bassellier 2019 DIGIT Workshop Chair genevieve.bassellier@mcgill.ca Desautels Faculty of Management McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sven Laumer SIGADIT Chair sven.laumer@fau.de Schöller endowed Chair for Information Systems Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Nuremberg, Germany
For more information about DIGIT see https://www.sigadit.net/digit _______________________________________________ AISWorld mailing list AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org