-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] Call for Papers - ECIS2023 - Track “IS Innovation Adoption and Diffusion” Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 08:07:16 +0000 From: Weinert, Christoph christoph.weinert@uni-bamberg.de Reply-To: Weinert, Christoph christoph.weinert@uni-bamberg.de To: wi@lists.kit.edu wi@lists.kit.edu
(Apologies if multiple copies of this call are received)
Call for Papers: Track “IS Innovation Adoption and Diffusion”
31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) – co-creating sustainable digital futures, June 11^th to 16^th , 2023, Kristiansand, Norway, https://ecis2023.no/ https://ecis2023.no/
*#Track Chairs#*
Annette M. Mills, University of Canterbury
Christoph Weinert, University of Bamberg
Hamed Qahri-Saremi, Colorado State University
Since its inception, the field of IS has made significant strides in understanding the range of issues impacting the implementation and use of IT/IS innovations in various settings. However, this last decade has witnessed unprecedented changes with major global issues showing how divided and fragile the world is. To address the economic, societal and environmental challenges presented, the UN set out an ambitious set of goals (17 SDGs), many of which can only be achieved through IT/IS innovation, and the adoption, use and diffusion of such innovations. The unrelenting pace of technological innovation and new and emerging information systems and technologies, including smartphones, social media, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, 5G, AR/VR, IoT, drones etc., also provides tremendous opportunity for change. Over the last years, nations, societies, environments and people have shown incredible ability to adopt and adapt to technology innovation and bring about change. At the same time, nations, societies and organisations are seeking ways to leverage, use and diffuse IT/IS innovations that promote sustainability at all levels, and improve lives. As we reflect on the challenges and need to ensure a sustainable future, the role of IT/IS in promoting inclusive, resilient and sustainable innovation by reshaping national economies, organizational operations, societies, the environment and individuals’ lives, requires attention.
The extant literature on IT/IS innovation, adoption and diffusion has advanced our knowledge of how IT/IS can be successfully implemented in ways that improve organisational operations. However, addressing the larger economic, societal and environmental challenges before us requires reflection, exploration and rethinking the theories, methods and contexts that have dominated adoption research in the last three decades. This calls for new theories and methodologies or ways of engaging and reshaping existing theories/methodologies to address the complexities of divergent contexts.
This track invites research that provides fresh theoretical and methodological perspectives on IT/IS innovation, adoption, implementation, use and diffusion. We especially encourage contributions that propose new theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches to understanding adoption, implementation, use and diffusion of IT/IS innovations for a sustainable future. Studies that use novel conceptual, analytical, design-oriented, or empirical approaches, and describe theoretically original and practically relevant research are welcome.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
* Organizational, societal and individual adoption, use and discontinuance of digital technologies * Adoption, implementation, use and diffusion of digital technologies for inclusivity, equity, and sustainability at all levels * Feature-level IT adoption, implementation, use und diffusion * Enablers and inhibitors of IT adoption, implementation, use and diffusion * Sustainable IT adoption, implementation and use for nations, organizations, societies, environments and individuals * Multi-level analysis of IT adoption, implementation, use and diffusion * Longitudinal investigation of dynamics of IT adoption, implementation, use and diffusion * Innovative uses of digital technologies and impacts (both negative and positive) on nations, organizations, societies, the environment and individuals * Multidisciplinary perspectives on acceptance, implementation, use and diffusion of IT/IS * New theoretical perspectives on, and methodological approaches to examining acceptance, implementation, use and diffusion of IT/IS * Co-creation of successful IT/IS adoption and use experiences.
*# Fast track journal publication opportunities #***
Selected papers presented in this ECIS2023 track will be invited to extend, and be fast-tracked to:
* * The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems* | https://sigmis.org/the-data-base/ https://sigmis.org/the-data-base/ * *Internet Research* | https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/intr https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/intr * * AIS Transactions of Human-Computer Interaction* | https://aisel.aisnet.org/thci/ https://aisel.aisnet.org/thci/
*# Important Dates #*
* Submission Deadline: November 17th, 2022 * Notification to authors: February 10th, 2023 * Submission of revised papers: March 31st, 2023
For further information please visit https://ecis2023.no/submissions/track-descriptions/?track=isiad https://ecis2023.no/submissions/track-descriptions/?track=isiad
Annette, Christoph, Hamed
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