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Subject: CSCW 2002 Paper Submission Deadline Approaching! Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 08:45:07 -0800 From: Madhu Reddy mreddy@ICS.UCI.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Dear Colleague,
We would like to remind you that the deadline for Paper submissions for the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2002 is March 22, 2002 at 5 pm Pacific Standard Time. We are now accepting electronic submissions at http://www.acm.org/cscw2002/cfp-papers.html. Please read the guidelines on the page to insure that your paper meets the submission requirements. In particular, all authors' names and affiliations should be blanked out on the copy that is submitted for review. If you have any questions about your paper submission, please send it to cscw2002-papers@acm.org.
Please remember that even if you decide not to submit a paper, we have other tracks that may be of interest to you. The deadlines for these tracks are listed below and the electronic submission for the tracks will be available soon.
Videos April 19, 2002 Panels April 19, 2002 Tutorials April 19, 2002 Workshops April 19, 2002 Interactive Posters June 28, 2002 Demonstrations July 12, 2002 Doctoral Colloquium July 12, 2002
The conference will be held November 2002 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Hotel and other information is is now available at http://www.acm.org/cscw2002/info.html.
Please forward this message to anyone who you think may be interested; our apologies if you receive multiple copies. If you have any questions, please visit our web site (http://www.acm.org/cscw2002) or contact us by email (cscw2002-info@acm.org). We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
Elizabeth Churchill & Joe McCarthy, Conference Co-Chairs
Madhu Reddy Publicity Chair
============================================================================ ACM 2002 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2002)
Sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Groups on
Supporting Group Work (SIGGROUP) and
Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI).
New Orleans, Louisiana, 16-20 November 2002
Call for Participation
The CSCW Conference is an ideal venue for presenting research and development achievements in the design, introduction, and use of technology that affect groups, organizations communities and societies. Although work is an important area of focus for the conference - the conference has traditionally focused on such topics as the use of email, chat, voicemail and videoconferencing in supporting people's work activities and working relationships - technology is increasingly supporting a wide range of recreational and social activities. As consumer markets continue to expand, more and more people are able to connect online and we are moving toward a Computer Supported Cooperative World. Appropriate topic areas for CSCW 2002 therefore include all contexts in which technology is used to mediate communication, coordination, cooperation and even competition among people, including entertainment, games, art, music and the remote sharing of intimate moments.
Given its broad scope, CSCW is a multi-disciplinary conference, and participation of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and perspectives is strongly encouraged. We welcome submissions from researchers and practitioners in all sectors, including academia, industry and government.
CSCW has consistently been at the leading edge of thinking about the role of coordination and communication technologies in our lives. With your help, CSCW 2002 will play an important role in continuing this tradition. Come and help us make CSCW a stimulating and exciting event.
Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following:
* Innovations and experiences with Intranets, the Internet, WWW
* Innovative installations: CSCW and the arts
* Innovative technologies and architectures to support group activity, awareness and telepresence
* Social and organizational effects of introducing technologies
* Theoretical aspects of coordination and communication
* Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative practices
* Ethnographic and case studies of work practice
* Working with and through collections of heterogeneous technologies
* Emerging issues for global systems
The following are brief descriptions of the CSCW 2002 participation categories; prospective participants should visit our web site (http://www.acm.org/cscw2002) to learn more about these categories.
STUDENT VOLUNTEERS: Students are invited to apply to volunteer at CSCW 2002. In exchange for 20 hours of volunteer work, students will receive complimentary conference registration and an invitation to the conference reception. The number of student volunteer positions will be limited. Interested students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program for the 2001-2002 school year should apply using the form on the conference website as soon as possible.
RESEARCH PAPERS: Papers should present original, unpublished research on technological mediation of activities affecting groups of people. Potential areas of interest include theory, methodology, empirical investigations, architectures, prototypes and experiences related to the development, deployment and use of computer systems supporting all aspects of shared activities, including, but not limited to, activities at work, in the home, in education, and the arts. Papers should be no longer than 10 pages, including the abstract, all figures and references.
VIDEOS: Videos are a great way to present work that involves dynamic interaction, ranging from demonstrations of new systems to complex aspects of group communication and work practice. Potential topics include, but are not limited to demonstrations of innovative research prototypes; demonstrations (but not marketing) of innovative aspects of commercial systems; studies of work practice that have implications for CSCW; retrospective collections of significant CSCW fields of work; and visions of future technologies.
INTERACTIVE POSTERS: Interactive Posters provide an opportunity for researchers to present work in a more open format where authors interact directly with groups of conference attendees. We especially encourage submission of late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a full paper, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies, student research, and other research best presented in this open format. Interactive Poster submissions should include a poster abstract of no longer than 2 pages, including all figures and references.
DEMONSTRATIONS: Demonstrations allow conference participants to view novel or noteworthy CSCW systems in action, discuss the systems with those who created them, and perhaps to try them out. Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, research prototypes and products. This forum is not an opportunity for marketing or sales presentations. Presenters must have been directly involved with the development of the system and be able to explain the differentiating and novel contributions of the system. Demo proposals should be a maximum of 4 pages.
PANELS: Panels should examine innovative, provocative, controversial, or late-breaking issues. The best panels are often structured as a debate with an opportunity for audience participation. We also welcome novel suggestions of topics or formats such as impromptu design by a panel or comparative empirical analyses by expert panelists who have divergent perspectives. We are open to innovative formats including live demonstrations and/or technology competitions. Panel proposals should be no longer than 4 pages.
TUTORIALS: Tutorials should be designed to give participants the opportunity to learn about CSCW concepts and techniques in intensive sessions. Proposals are solicited for half-day and full day tutorials. Tutorial proposals should be no longer than 5 pages.
WORKSHOPS: Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss and explore emerging areas of CSCW research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops may focus on any aspect of CSCW theory or practice, established concerns or new ideas. The goal of the workshop is to share understandings and experiences, to foster research communities, to learn from each other and to envision future directions. Workshops are typically run for a full day.
DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM: This Colloquium is a forum in which Ph.D. students can meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced CSCW researchers and practitioners. We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches that inform CSCW, including sociology, computer science, cognitive science, and related fields. Applicants should be beyond the proposal stage and into their dissertation research. The Colloquium committee will select approximately 10 participants who will be expected to give a short, informal presentation of their work during the Colloquium, to be followed by a discussion. Submissions should be no longer than 3 pages.
SUBMISSIONS: CSCW 2002 requires online submission. Please see the CSCW 2002 website (http://www.acm.org/cscw2002) for information about online submission information. All submissions should be formatted according to the standard ACM SIGCHI publication guidelines.
March 22, 2002 Papers due
April 19, 2002 Videos, Panel Proposals, Tutorial Proposals and Workshop Proposals due
June 7, 2002 Notification of accepted Papers, Videos, Panels, Tutorials and Workshops
June 28, 2002 Interactive Posters due
July 12, 2002 Demonstration Proposals and Doctoral Colloquium submissions due
July 19, 2002 Final version of Papers due
August 9, 2002 Final version of Videos and Video Abstracts due
August 16, 2002 Notification of accepted Interactive Posters, Demonstrations and Doctoral Colloquium submissions
October 5, 2002 Final versions of Panel abstracts, descriptions and position statements; Tutorial notes; Interactive Posters; Demonstrations abstracts; and Doctoral Colloquium submissions due
November 16, 2002 CSCW 2002 conference begins
For more information, please visit our web site (http://www.acm.org/cscw2002) or send us email (cscw2002-info@acm.org).