-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2013) Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:50:09 -0500 From: Mike Smit msmit@yorku.ca To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
***************************************************** || SEAMS 2013 ||
8th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
May 20-21, San Francisco, USA
co-located with ICSE 2013
Website: http://www.yorku.ca/mlitoiu/seams2013/ WikiCFP: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=23903
================ Call for Papers ================
SEAMS is the leading international forum for presenting and discussing novel ideas, innovations, trends and experiences in engineering software with self-managing and self-adaptation features. These key features enable software systems to adapt at run-time so they can cope with uncertainty. This uncertainty may be due to changes in their operational environment, variability of resources, new user needs, intrusions, and faults.
Solutions to complementing software systems with self-managing and self-adaptive capabilities have been proposed by researchers in many different areas, including software architecture, fault-tolerant computing, robotics, control systems, programming languages, run-time program analysis and verification, and biologically-inspired computing. This symposium focuses on software engineering aspects, covering methods, techniques, and tools that support the design and runtime operation of self-adaptive, self-protecting, self-healing, self-optimizing, and self-configuring software systems.
The symposium's objective is to bring together researchers and practitioners from many of the diverse areas that have an interest in adaptive software to investigate, discuss, and examine thoroughly the fundamental principles, state of the art, and critical challenges of self-adaptive and self-managing systems.
------------------------------ Topics of Interest ------------------------------
We are interested in submissions from both industry and academia on all topics related to self-adaptive and self-managing systems. These include, but are not limited to: -- requirements elicitation techniques for self-adaptation -- programming language support for self-adaptation -- modeling and analysis of adaptive systems (e.g., run-time models, cost-benefit analysis and models, etc..) -- properties of self-adaptive systems -- reuse support for self-adaptive systems (e.g., patterns, designs, code) -- design and architectural support for self-adaptation -- feedback control and algorithms -- support for run-time monitoring and adaptation mechanisms (for requirements, design, performance, etc.) -- software processes for self-adaptive systems -- software engineering for self-adaptive multi-agent systems -- self-organizing sysems -- evaluation, assurance and user-trust for self-* systems -- verification and validation of self-adaptive and self-managing software -- decision-making strategies for self-adaptive and self-organizing systems -- model problems and exemplars -- experiences with deployed self-adaptive and self-managing systems solving science, engineering, business and society problems
The following application areas are of particular interest: mobile applications, cloud computing, resource provisioning and optimization, smart applications and cyber-physical systems, autonomic computing, problem determination including logging, analysis and diagnostics, smart user interfaces, service-oriented systems, dependable computing, autonomous robotics.
------------------------------ Paper Submission Details ------------------------------
All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Papers must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings that will be published in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. SEAMS will recognise the highest quality submission(s) with a Best Paper Award. Papers should be formatted in IEEE style (see the ICSE 2013 style guidelines at http://2013.icse-conferences.org/), and submitted via Easychair.
We are soliciting four types of papers, as follows:
+ Formal and/or technical papers (10 pages): describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the field of Adaptive Software Systems. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential - or, even better, the evaluated - benefits of the contribution.
+ Evaluation papers (10 pages): evaluate existing problem situations or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e. by empirical studies, experiments, case studies, simulations, formal analyses, mathematical proofs, surveys, etc. Scientific reflection on problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be clearly stated. The research method must be scientifically sound and appropriate.
+ Experience papers (10 pages): present problems or challenges encountered in practice, relate success and failure stories, or report on industrial practice. The focus is on "what" and on lessons learned, not on an in- depth analysis of "why". The practice must be clearly described and its context must be properly set. Readers should be able to draw conclusions about their own practice.
+ Exploratory Papers (6 pages): these can be position/vision papers that describe novel research positions, targets or approaches, that go beyond current research and practice. They must describe precisely the new situation and demonstrate convincingly how current concepts, tools and methods, are inadequate. They must also present an approach for tackling the novel situation and demonstrate its pertinence and appropriateness.
Papers may be submitted at the following URL: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seams2013
------------------------------ Further Information ------------------------------
Website: http://www.yorku.ca/mlitoiu/seams2013/ Email: seams2013 AT easychair.org
------------------------------ Important Dates ------------------------------
Paper Submission: Jan 11, 2013 Notification: Feb 18, 2013 Camera ready: March 11, 2013 Symposium: May 20-21, 2013
------------------------------ Organization ------------------------------
SEAMS 2013 is co-located with ICSE 2013.
General Chair: Marin Litoiu, Canada
Program Committee Chair: John Mylopoulos, Italy
Steering Committee: Luciano Baresi, Italy Betty H.C. Cheng, USA Rogerio de Lemos, UK David Garlan, USA Holger Giese, Germany Marin Litoiu, Canada Jeff Magee, UK Hausi Muller, Canada Mauro Pezza, Switzerland
Publicity Chair: Mike Smit, Canada
------------------------------ Program Committee: ------------------------------
Robert Baillargeon, USA Luciano Baresi, Italy Nelly Bencomo, France Yuriy Brun, USA Rajkumar Buyya, Australia Marsha Chechik, Canada Fabiano Dalpiaz, Italy Laurence Duchien, France Schahram Dustdar, Austria Kurt Geihs, Germany Carlo Ghezzi, Italy Holger Giese, Germany Ian Gorton, USA Shinichi Honiden, Japan Paola Inverardi, Italy Valerie Issarny, France Gabor Karsai, USA Jeffrey O. Kephart, USA Marin Litoiu, Canada Emil C Lupu, UK Hanan Lutfiyya, Canada Xiaoxing Ma, Italy Jeff Magee, UK Serge Mankovski, USA Hausi A. Muller, Canada John Mylopoulos, Italy Bashar Nuseibeh, UK Liliana Pasquale, Ireland Anna Perini, Italy Mauro Pezza, Switzerland Jerry Rolia, USA Mazeiar Salehie, Ireland Vitor E. Silva Souza, Italy Mike Smit, Canada Ladan Tahvildari, Canada Danny Weyns, Sweden Andrea Zisman, UK
------------------------------ Sponsors ------------------------------ ACM IEEE ACM SIGSOFT IEEE TCSE
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