-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Datum: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:32:16 +0200 Von: EURASIP JASP Alertasp@alert.hindawi.com An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
"EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing," volume 2005, issue 15 has been published online.
Table of Contents
Special Issue on
Applications of Signal Processing in Astrophysics and Cosmology
o Editorial, Ercan E. Kuruoglu and Carlo Baccigalupi
o Separation of Correlated Astrophysical Sources Using Multiple-Lag Data Covariance Matrices, L. Bedini, D. Herranz, E. Salerno, C. Baccigalupi, E. E. Kuruoglu, and A. Tonazzini
o Adapted Method for Separating Kinetic SZ Signal from Primary CMB Fluctuations, Olivier Forni and Nabila Aghanim
o Detection of Point Sources on Two-Dimensional Images Based on Peaks, M. Lopez-Caniego, D. Herranz, J. L. Sanz, and R. B. Barreiro
o Blind Component Separation in Wavelet Space: Application to CMB Analysis, Y. Moudden, J.-F. Cardoso, J.-L. Starck, and J. Delabrouille
o Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Galaxies by Multiscale Methods, J-L. Starck, V. J. Mart?nez, D. L. Donoho, O. Levi, P. Querre, and E. Saar
o Cosmological Non-Gaussian Signature Detection: Comparing Performance of Different Statistical Tests, J. Jin, J.-L. Starck, D. L. Donoho, N. Aghanim, and O. Forni
o Time-Scale and Time-Frequency Analyses of Irregularly Sampled Astronomical Time Series, C. Thiebaut and S. Roques [Free: Open-Access Article]
o Restoration of Astrophysical Images�The Case of Poisson Data with Additive Gaussian Noise, H. Lantéri and C. Theys
o A Data-Driven Multidimensional Indexing Method for Data Mining in Astrophysical Databases, Marco Frailis, Alessandro De Angelis, and Vito Roberto
o Virtually Lossless Compression of Astrophysical Images, Cinzia Lastri, Bruno Aiazzi, Luciano Alparone, and Stefano Baronti [Free: Open-Access Article]
o Astrophysical Information from Objective Prism Digitized Images: Classification with an Artificial Neural Network, Emmanuel Bratsolis
o Multiband Segmentation of a Spectroscopic Line Data Cube: Application to the HI Data Cube of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 4254, Farid Flitti, Christophe Collet, Bernd Vollmer, and François Bonnarel
o Adaptive DFT-Based Interferometer Fringe Tracking, Edward Wilson, Ettore Pedretti, Jesse Bregman, Robert W. Mah, and Wesley A. Traub
o Technique for Automated Recognition of Sunspots on Full-Disk Solar Images, S. Zharkov, V. Zharkova, S. Ipson, and A. Benkhalil [Free: Open-Access Article]
o On-board Data Processing to Lower Bandwidth Requirements on an Infrared Astronomy Satellite: Case of Herschel-PACS Camera, Ahmed Nabil Belbachir, Horst Bischof, Roland Ottensamer, Franz Kerschbaum, and Christian Reimers
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