-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [fai-saso] Call for Papers "Organic Computing Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium" (OC-DDC) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 11:26:29 +0200 From: Christian Krupitzer christian.krupitzer@uni-wuerzburg.de To: fai-saso@listserv.uni-augsburg.de
Dear Colleagues,
We apologize if you received multiple CFPs for the Organic Computing Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium" (OC-DDC).
A short version of the CFP follows, the full version can be found here : http://ocddc2019.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/
The Seventh International "Organic Computing Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium" (OC-DDC 2019)
September 23rd to 24th 2019 in Kassel, Germany (as part of Informatik2019)
--- EXTENDED DEADLINE is May 1, 2019 ---
The 2019 edition of the Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium (DDC) is organised by the Special Interest Group on Organic Computing within the Gesellschaft für Informatik. It will take place in Kassel, Germany in the context of Informatik2019. Details on the event (and its predecessors) are available at: http://ocddc2019.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/
We invite applications from PhD students at any stage of their doctoral studies on self-adaptive and self-organising systems, e.g., in the context of Organic Computing, Autonomic Computing, self-organisation, runtime adaptive systems, autonomous learning, self-optimisation mechanisms, trustworthy systems, and related research topics.
Colloquium theme
The intent of the OCDDC is to bring together PhD students who have their research focus within the broader Organic Computing community and will not have defended their thesis before September 2019. The main goal of this colloquium is to foster excellence in OC-related research by providing students feedback and advice that are particularly relevant to their doctoral studies and career development. Each participant will take part in the colloquium organisation and the review process for the other participants. A keynote speaker will present current research in the field. Speaker and chairs will be available during the OCDDC and participate in the feedback process for the PhD students. Details on the speaker will be available as soon as possible (see website).
The schedule includes: - Prepare an article summarising the concept and possibly selected results of your PhD - Participate in the Review Process - Participate in the (supervised) decision process (acceptance of submissions) - Present your work to an audience consisting mainly of other PhD students from your community - Identify points of contact between your work and others - Build your social research network - Meet experts in your research domain and listen to their invited talks and expertise - Enjoy the opportunity to get hints on the PhD process and related topics from these experts
PhD students are invited to participate by submitting articles of up to 14 pages (written in English, in Springer's LNCS style). The colloquium will give participants the opportunity to present their ongoing research in a friendly forum. They will obtain valuable feedback from colloquium attendees in a constructively critical and informal atmosphere.
The proceedings of the last editions have been published in a book series with university of Kassel press. An example can be found using this link: http://www.upress.uni-kassel.de/katalog/abstract.php?978-3-86219-832-0 However, this year's proceedings will become part of the overall proceedings for the Informatik2019 conference. See the following link for details: https://informatik2019.de/
Important dates - Submission Deadline: May 1, 2019 (extended) - Notification: May 31, 2019 - Camera ready: June 20, 2019 - Colloquium Dates: September 23 - 24, 2019
Submission - Submission of max. 14 pages - Via EasyChair using the following link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocddc19
Invited Keynote Speakers - tba
Organisation - Christian Krupitzer (Universität Würzburg) - Sven Tomforde (Universität Kassel, Germany) Contact: christian.krupitzer@uni-wuerzburg.de stomforde@uni-kassel.de
Steering Committee - Jörg Hähner ( Universität Augsburg) - Christian Müller-Schloer (Leibniz Universität Hannover) - Bernhard Sick (Universität Kassel, Germany)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Christian Krupitzer Research Group Leader at the
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samuel Kounev
University of Würzburg Am Hubland, Informatikgebäude (M2), Room A110 97074 Würzburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (931) 31 83252, Fax: +49 (931) 31-83252 https://go.uniwue.de/krupitzer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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