-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [IEEE Educ Society] India-wide conference Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:52:26 -0400 From: reilly@media.mit.edu Reply-To: reilly@media.mit.edu To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Hello Gustaf,
I have something else to share with you about the development of services that the IEEE Education Society will provide to our members. It's a conference in India. I hope to meet many IEEE Education Society members who attend.
I want to develop an annual conference in India that focuses on the mission of the IEEE Education Society. I want that conference to be accessible and inexpensive. I have been very fortunate to have enlisted several leaders in IEEE India leaders are leading this effort. The leaders of the IEEE Kerala Section and the IEEE India Council are supporting this effort. Now I can just get out of their way and move onto the next item (note: aside from staying married while holding the office of president).
Gustaf, hopefully this conference can be held simultaneously in several venues throughout India thus easing the cost and logistics of travel. We also hope to have speakers attend this event via teleconference from outside India. This first conference will be excellent and will also be a starting point; from there we will build and evolve this terrific conference.
-Rob- reilly@media.mit.edu
Rob Reilly Ed.D. MIT
President, IEEE Education Society http://www.media.mit.edu/~reilly USA +1.413.443.6153 (home) USA +1.413.329.1878 (mobile)
"If you want to increase your success rate then double your failure rate." --Thomas Watson, IBM Founder
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED EDUCATION (ICTEE) Theme: Educational Technology for Societal benefit Conference Web site: http://www.ictee.org/ ========================================================= January 3-5, 2012, Amrita University, Amritapuri, Kerala, India ==================
Sponsored by ============ * IEEE Education Society * Amrita University, India * IEEE (Kerala section), India * IEEE Computer Society (Kerala section), India * IAJC Group of Journals * IEEE India Council
The mission of ICTEE 2012 is to provide an international forum for discussion and dissemination of recent innovations in the use of technology in education at both higher education and K-12 levels.
The theme of this conference is Educational Technology for Societal Benefit. This theme reflects the technological development occurring in the region and indeed worldwide, and the role of innovation in the sustainable application of technology in education.
We will involve highly reputed faculty and researchers from outstanding American, Indian, European and Australian Universities in the paper review process and in conference presentations.
We look forward to your presence at the ICTEE 2012, in ?Gods own country?, Kerala, India.
Sincerely ICTEE 2012 Organizing Committee ============================ CALL FOR PAPERS ============== We invite the submission of original papers reporting high quality new academic or industry, innovative research in the area of Educational Technologies.
We also invite proposals for workshops, tutorials and student poster sessions that bring together experts from industry and academia. Tutorials or Workshops can cover any aspect of Education using Technology research, education or practice that is relevant to the University and School community. Typically, these are hands-on sessions that may demonstrate or explain a new development in the field.
All the submissions should be made through Easy Chair. The submission page for ICTEE 2012 is:
****International and Domestic Travel grants are available****
Important Dates ============== * Paper Submission: Aug 31, 2011 * Paper Review: Sep 01 ? Oct 31, 2011 * Final Camera-ready Submission: Dec 10, 2011
Conference Proceedings, Special Issues ================================ * IEEE Xplore Digital Library * Springer Special Issue * IAJC Journal * JCHE Journal * ijCSCL Journal * INDER SCIENCE Publishers
Suggested topics for Paper submissions ================================ ? Intelligent Tutoring and Monitoring Systems ? Adaptive and Personalized Educational Systems ? Computational Models of Learning and Instruction ? Sematic Web and Ontologies for Learning Systems ? Diffusion of Innovation in Education ? Knowledge Representation and ontology in learning analytics ? CSCL, Web 2.0 and Social computing for learning ? Game-based learning and systems ? Evaluation of Tutors and Learning Environments ? User Interface Design for Instructional Systems ? Data Mining and Web Mining in Education ? Virtual Simulations and Remote Equipment Labs ? Synchronous and Non-Synchronous E-Learning ? Haptics and Vocational Education ? Information Retrieval and Visualization Methods for Learning ? Student Modeling and Cognitive Diagnosis
General Chair =========== - S Ramadorai IEEE Fellow, Vice Chairman, Tata Consultancy Services Advisor to Prime Minister of India, National Skill Development Council
General Co-Chairs =============== - M S Vijay Kumar Senior Associate Dean and Director, Office of Educational Innovation and Technology, MIT - Raghu Raman Director, Center for Research in Advanced Technologies for Education (CREATE), Amrita
International Advisory Board =========================== - Lee Hartwell, Nobel Laureate, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University - Rob Reilly, President, IEEE Education Society, MIT - Charles B. Fleddermann, Editor in chief, IEEE Transactions on Education - Wolfgang Nejdl, Editor in Chief, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technology - Mitchel Resnick, MIT Media Laboratory, MIT - Uday Desai, IEEE Senior Member, Director, IIT Hyderabad - Candace Thille, Executive Director, Open Learning Initiative, Carnegie Mellon University - NK Sinha, Addl. Secretary, Mission Director, National Mission on ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India India - N Ravi Shanker, Addl. Secretary, Head, eLearning, Ministry of IT, Govt. Of India - Karmeshu, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi - Paul Kim, CTO, School of Education, Stanford University - Amar Nath, IEEE R10 Execom Member - Raghu Raghavendra, Senior Associate Dean, Univ. of Southern California - Marcia Linn, Director, Technology Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS), UC Berkeley - Bharath Jayaram, SUNY, BUFFALO - Joan Herman, Director, CRESST, UC Los Angeles - Vineet Joshi, Chairman, CBSE, India - Girdhar Gyani, Secretary General, Quality Council of India - Krishna Sistla, Senior Director, Oracle Education Initiatives - Kinshuk, NSERC Research Chair, Athabasca University - AK Ray, Center for Educational Technology, IIT, Kharagpur - Telle Whitney, CEO, Anita Borg Institute for Women& Technology
Program Co-Chairs =============== - Satish Babu, Chair, IEEE Kerala - Kamal Bijlani, Head, eLearning Research Lab, Amrita - Mark Rajai, President, International Association of Journals and Conferences - Ram Gopal Gupta, Chair, IEEE India Council
Publications Chair ============== Krishnashree Achuthan, Amrita
Tutorials, Workshops Chair ====================== Prema Nedungadi, Amrita Praveen Bist, Amrita
Publicity Chair =========== Prashant R.Nair, Amrita K.B.Senthilkumar, IEEE Kerala
Important Dates ============== Paper Submission: Aug 31, 2011 Paper Review: Sep 01 ? Oct 31, 2011 Final Camera-ready Submission: Dec 10, 2011
==================================== IEEE International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE) Jan 3 - 5 2012 Amrita University, Amritapuri, Kerala, India http://www.ictee.org/; ictee@amrita.edu Paper submissions: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictee2012
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