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Subject: News and Information from USENIX (53545) Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 17:17:41 -0700 (PDT) From: enotify@usenix.org To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Dear USENIX members, SAGE members and past conference attendees:
We thought you'd be interested in the following news and information from USENIX.
The San Francisco Marriott is now offering lower hotel rates than previously publicized for attendees to the 11th Security Symposium being held August 5-9 and the Java VM Symposium being held August 1-2. Both prospective and registered attendees will receive the new $159 rate. In order to offer this rate, we must guarantee that a certain number of sleeping rooms will be used during the conference. And, if those guarantees are not met, we will be assessed penalties which are often quite high. Therefore, we encourage attendees to book at the headquarters hotel. http://www.usenix.org/events/sec02/registration/
Security Symposium Tutorials, August 5-6 include: - Building Honey Pots - Marcus Ranum, NFR Security, Inc. - Unix Security Solutions - Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis - Building Secure Software - Gary McGraw, Cigital - Wireless IP - Phil Cox and Brad C. Johnson, SystemExperts Corporation
Security Symposium Tech Sessions, August 7-9 include: - KEYNOTE SPEAKER, Whitfield Diffie, Chief Security Officer, Sun Microsystems - Simon D. Byers, ATT Labs - Research - Professor Edward W. Felten, Princeton University - Paul Kocher, Cryptography Research, Inc.
Register for your FREE pass to our Vendor Exhibition*: http://www.usenix.org/events/sec02/exhibition.html *Exhibit passes include access to the Keynote presentation by Whit Diffie, Wednesday, August 7.
JAVA (tm) VM '02 - Early Registration ends July 10, 2002
Talk technical and network with Java VM implementers, developers, and researchers at the 2nd Java Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium, August 1-2, 2002 in San Francisco. http://www.usenix.org/events/javavm02/
Featuring Keynote speaker Robert Berry, Distinguished Engineer at The IBM Centre for Java Technology, and Invited Talk speaker David Tarditi, manager of the Advanced Compiler Technology at Microsoft Research.
REGISTER TODAY! (Java VM attendees are also eligible for the reduced hotel rates outlined above.)
SAGE has launched SAGEwire, a new web service presenting news, opinion, and original content for system administrators. The official public announcement will be in a few weeks, but we'd like to give USENIX and SAGE members a sneak preview. Be sure to try the interactive features, such as journals, polls and comments.
Visit http://sagewire.sage.org/
WEISS '02 - Paper submissions due July 15, 2002
Submit your paper to the 2nd Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software. The 2002 program committee is looking for submissions from the industry, reporting on their experiences, successes, failures, and needs as well as submissions from researchers, reporting on their own experiences in relevant areas such as technology transfer, collaborations between research and industry, etc.
For more information, please visit http://www.usenix.org/events/wiess02/cfp/
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