-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] CfP: DL 2013 - 26th Int Workshop on Description Logics Datum: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 09:55:37 +0000 Von: Markus Krötzsch markus.kroetzsch@cs.ox.ac.uk An: Markus Kroetzsch markus.kroetzsch@cs.ox.ac.uk
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
26th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2013)
Ulm, Germany, July 23--26, 2013
Co-located with ORE 2013 followed by RR 2013 and Reasoning Web 2013
The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information and compare experiences.
The workshop will be held at the University of Ulm, Campus East, from July 23rd to July 26th, 2013.
In this year, DL workshop will be collocated with the 2nd OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE), which will take place on July 22nd in Ulm, Germany. Furthermore, the International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR), will take place in Mannheim (1:40 min by train from Ulm) directly subsequent to the DL workshop (July 27th - 29th), and the 9th Reasoning Web Summer School (July 30th - Aug 2nd) also in Mannheim.
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Abstract submission deadline: April 05, 2013 Paper submission deadline: April 12, 2013 Acceptance notification: May 27, 2013 Camera ready copies: June 09, 2013 Early registration: June 24, 2013 Workshop: July 23-26, 2013
WORKSHOP SCOPE -------------- We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics, including but not limited to:
* Foundations of description logics:
decidability and complexity of reasoning, expressive power, novel inference problems, inconsistency tolerance, reasoning techniques, and modularity aspects
* Extensions of description logics:
closed-world and nonmonotonic reasoning, defaults, epistemic reasoning, temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, query languages
* Integration of description logics with other formalisms:
object-oriented representation languages, database query languages, constraint-based programming, logic programming, and rule-based systems
* Applications and use areas of description logics:
ontology engineering, ontology languages, databases, ontology-based data access, semi-structured data, document management, natural language, learning, planning, Semantic Web, and cloud computing
* Systems and tools around description logics:
reasoners, software tools for and using description logic reasoning (e.g. ontology editors, database schema design, query optimization, and data integration tools), implementation and optimization techniques, benchmarking, evaluation, modeling
INVITED SPEAKERS ---------------- * Michel Dumontier, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada * Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy * Ian Pratt-Hartmann, University of Manchester, UK
ORGANIZATION ------------ * Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology (Program co-Chair) * Birte Glimm, University of Ulm, Germany (Workshop co-Chair) * Yevgeny Kazakov, University of Ulm, Germany (Workshop co-Chair) * Markus Kroetzsch, University of Oxford, U.K. (Program co-Chair)
RESOURCES --------- * Information about submission, registration, travel information, etc., is available on the DL 2013 homepage: http://www.uni-ulm.de/en/in/dl2013/ * Enquiries about the DL 2013 workshop can be made by contacting the organizing committee * The official Description Logic home page is at http://dl.kr.org/