Forwarded message from [ (Shinya MIYAKAWA)] sent originally on Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:34:19 +0900: : Apologies if you receive multiple copies. : : -------- : : call for papers : IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science : IFIP TCS2000 : --- Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics --- : August 17 - 19, 2000 : Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan : : IFIP TCS2000 is the first International Conference on Theoretical Computer : Science organized by the IFIP TC1 on Foundations of Computer Science. Major : topics of the conference are follows: : : Track (1): Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation : : analysis and design of algorithms --- algorithm experimentation --- : continuous algorithms and complexity --- computational complexity --- : descriptional complexity --- cellular automata and machines, automata : and formal languages --- hardware algorithms and parallel algorithms : --- computational learning theory --- algorithmic aspects in discovery : science --- cryptography --- combinatorics --- probabilistic and : randomized algorithms --- molecular computing and algorithmic aspects : of bioinformatics --- quantum computing --- neural network computing : --- evolutionary and genetic algorithms --- computational geometry --- : computational and mathematical finance --- bridging complexity and : semantics. : : Track (2): Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification : : logic and semantics for programs and languages --- foundations of : system specification --- term rewriting systems --- proofs and : specifications in computer science --- types and category theory in : computer science --- theoretical aspects of specification and : verification of hardware and software --- theoretical aspects of : software concepts --- concurrency theory --- theory of parallel and : distributed systems --- theory of internet languages and systems --- : constructive and non-standard logics in computer science --- : foundations of security --- theoretical foundations of data bases --- : logic, specification and verification of hybrid and real-time : systems --- theoretical foundations of open systems --- bridging : semantics and complexity. : : Submissions on the above topics and related topics are invited. Submitted : papers should preferably be typeset in LaTeX2e using the Springer document : class llncs for the LNCS format, see : : (the command \pagestyle{plain} turns on page numbering), and no longer than : 14 pages. They should be sent in Postscript by email to one of the : following addresses by January 28 (Friday), 2000: : : for Track (1),; : for Track (2), : : A submission should include the track name for the submission, the title of : the paper, names and affiliations of authors, an abstract up to 300 words, : and the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and email : address. The submission must be in English, and it should provide a summary : of the main results and their details to allow the program committee to : assess their merits and significance, including references and comparisons. : The result of the paper must be unpublished and not submitted for : publication elsewhere, including journals and the proceedings of other : symposia or workshops. One author of each accepted paper should be able to : present it at the conference. : : Important Dates: : : January 28, 2000: Deadline for submission of papers : April 7, 2000: Notification of acceptance : May 5, 2000: Final camera-ready text due : : See for further information about the : submission procedure. : : The program will consist of: : : Plenary Invited Talks : Mart'in Abadi (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies) : Masami Hagiya (U. Tokyo) : Madhu Sudan (MIT) : : Track (1) Invited Talks : Ernst Mayr (TU Muenchen) : Shu Tezuka (IBM Tokyo Research Lab) : Mihalis Yannakakis (AT&T Research) : : Track (2) Invited Talks : Thomas Henzinger (UC Berkeley & MPI-Saarbrucken) : Naoki Kobayashi (U. Tokyo) : Gordon Plotkin (U. Edinburgh) : : Banquet Speech : Michael O. Rabin (Harvard U.) : : as well as the selected contributed talks and a panel discussion. : : The Proceedings, published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer : Science, Springer-Verlag, will be available at the conference. See : for general information : about the IFIP TCS2000 Conference. : : Program Committee Co-Chairs : Track (1): Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation : Jan van Leeuwen (U. Utrecht) : Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Technology) : Track (2): Logic, Semantics, Specification, and Verification : Masami Hagiya (U. Tokyo) : Peter D. Mosses (U. Aarhus) : : Program Committee : Track (1): Ricardo Baeza-Yates (U. Chile), Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong UST), : Felipe Cucker (City U. Hong Kong), : Rosario Gennaro (IBM T.J. Watson Research), : Alan Gibbons (U. Liverpool), Andrew V. Goldberg (InterTrust STAR Lab, USA), : Ernst Mayr (TU Muenchen), Hiroshi Nagamochi (Kyoto U.), : Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu U.), Paul Vitanyi (CWI, Amsterdam), : Jiri Wiedermann (Academy of Sciences, Prague), Takashi Yokomori (Waseda U.) : Track (2): Samson Abramsky (U. Edinburgh), Egidio Astesiano (U. Genova), : Luca Cardelli (Microsoft, Cambridge), Robert Constable (Cornell U.), : Javier Esparza (TU Muenchen), Naoki Kobayashi (U. Tokyo), : Jos'e Meseguer (SRI, Menlo Park), Benjamin Pierce (U. Pennsylvania), : Davide Sangiorgi (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis), John Staples (U. Queensland), : Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw U.), : P. S. Thiagarajan (Chennai Math. Inst., India), : Kazunori Ueda (Waseda U.), Naoki Yonezaki (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) : : Conference Co-Chairs : Giorgio Ausiello (IFIP TC1 Chair and U. Roma "La Sapienza") : Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.) : : Steering Committee : Giorgio Ausiello (U. Roma) <chair>, Wilfried Brauer (TU Muenchen), : Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.), Michael O. Rabin (Harvard U.), : John Staples (U. Queensland), Joseph Traub (Columbia U.) : : Organizing Committee Co-Chairs : Setsuo Arikawa (Kyushu U.), Yasuyoshi Inagaki (Nagoya U.), : Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.) : : The IFIP TCS2000 conference is organized by the IFIP TC1 on Foundations of : Computer Science in cooperation with Information Processing Society of Japan, : Japan Society of Software Science and Technology, Institute of Electronics, : Information and Communication Engineers in Japan*, European Association of : Theoretical Computer Science, Association of Symbolic Logic, and Association : for Computing Machinery-SIGACT. (* indicates "to be verified".) : : E-mail address for any inquiry:
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