---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: IIWAS2001 - Call for Participation Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 13:19:07 +0200 From: Ismail Khalil Ibrahim ismail.khalil-ibrahim@SCCH.AT To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION AND PRELIMINARY PROGRAM ********************************************** The Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS2001)
September 10-12, 2001, Linz, Austria
organized by Software Competence Center Hagenberg - Austria
in collaboration with Johannes Kepler University of Linz - Austria and National University of Singapore - Singapore
************************************************ PRELIMINARY PROGRAM **************************** Monday, September 10th, 2001 ***************************** 07:30 - 08:30 Registration
08:30 - 09:30 Opening session Werner Winiwarter, StÊphane Bressan, Klaus Pirklbauer, Ismail K. Ibrahim
09:30 - 10:30 Keynote Speech "Agents and E-commerce: Hype and Reality", Frank Dignum; Utrecht University, The Netherlands
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Tutorials "Towards Integrating XML and Relational Database Systems", Gerti Kappel and Elisabeth Kapsamer; Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria "Logic Programming Languages for the Internet", Andrew Davison; Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
12:00- 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:30 Invited Talk "Applications of ORA-SS: An Object-Relationship-Attribute Data Model for Semistructured Data", Tok Wang Ling; National University of Singapore, Singapore
13:30 - 14:00 Invited Talk "Building a Web-based Open Source Tool to Enhance Project Management, Monitoring and Collaboration in Scientific Projects", A Min Tjoa; Technical University of Vienna, Austria
14:00 - 14:30 Invited Talk "XML Benchmarks Put to the Test", StÊphane Bressan; National University of Singapore, Singapore
14:30 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 17:00
Session: XML, Metadata and Semantic Web I 15:00-15:30 "Updating Relational Databases through XML Views", V. de Paula Braganholo, C. A. Heuser, C. R. M. Vittori; Brazil, Argentina 15:30-16:00 "Accessing and Transforming Dynamic Content Based on XML: Alternative Techniques and a Practical Implementation", Y. Despotopoulos, G. Patikis, J. Soldatos, L. Polymenakos, J. Kleindienst, J. Gergic; Greece, Czech Republic 16:00-16:30 "Improved Navigation through Extended XML Links", A. Lekova, O. De Troyer; Bulgaria, Belgium 16:30-17:00 "An XML and Java Based Approach to Application Integration in Shipping", B. Karakostas, S. Christofi, M. Turega; UK
Session: Searching and Organizing the Web I 15:00-15:30 "Modeling Ubiquitous Web Applications - A Comparison of Approaches", G. Kappel, B. Prll, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger, T. Hofer; Austria 15:30-16:00 "N-Sums: A Framework for Web-based Search Engines", A. Rattana, A. Davison; Thailand 16:00-16:30 "Automatically Combining Ranking Heuristics for HTML Documents", J. Rapela; USA 16:30-17:00 "Query Expansion Using Constraint Spreading Activation in Information Retrieval System", Z. A. Hasibuan, I. Budi; Indonesia
Short Papers Session I 15:00-15:20 "Benchmark Tests to Evaluate Multi-Agent Toolkits", L. M. Koch, E. Shakshuki, M. Kamel; Canada 15:20-15:40 "Design and Architecture of a Digital Music Library on the Web", I. Papadakis, C. Douligeris; Greece 15:40-16:00 "Migrating Web Applications to WAP", E. Carrillo, J. J. Samper, R. Cirilo, S. Felici; Colombia, Spain 16:00-16:20 "3-tier Architecture for Stateful Web Applications", I. Aggelis, S. Hadjiefthymiades, D. Martakos; Greece 16:20-16:40 "Communication Based Multiple Models in Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems", A. Zakari; France 16:40-17:00 "Agent-Oriented Architecture for eMarketplace", H. H. Ghenniwa; Canada
17:00 17:30 Coffee Break
17:30 18:30 Panel "Is Standardization of Web Semantics possible and desirable?"
18:30 19:30 Welcome Reception
***************************** Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 ***************************** 08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:45 Invited Talk "Trusted Electronic Commerce Transactions", Gºnther Pernul; University of Essen, Germany
09:45 - 10:30 Invited Talk "The Misguided Silver Bullet: What XML Will and Will NOT Do to Help Information Integration", Stuart Madnick; MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 12:00 Tutorials Tutorial "Intelligent Database Systems", Barbara Catania; Universita' degli Studi di Genova, Italy Tutorial "Data Warehousing", Mukesh Mohania; Western Michigan University, USA
12:00 13:00: Lunch
13:00 14:30
Session: XML, Metadata and Semantic Web II 13:00-13:30 "Reengineering the Web Sites by Using Metadata and a Methodological Approach", I. Amous, C. Chrisment, F. Sedes; France 13:30-14:00 "Towards an Architecture for Personalization and Adaptivity in the Semantic Web", V. R. Arago, A. A. A. Fernandes, C. A. Goble; UK 14:00-14:30 "RDF Based Mediator for Integrating Tourism Information Sources", A. Ashari, A M. Tjoa, R. Wagner; Austria
Session: Searching and Organizing the Web II 13:00-13:30 "Distributed Resource Discovery Using a Content-Sensitive Infrastructure", A. Fongen, F. Eliassen, I. Ferguson, S. Stobart, J. Tait; Norway 13:30-14:00 "Towards a Topic Map Based Knowledge Management System for the Legal Domain", T. Luckeneder, K. Steiner, W. W», R. Wagner; Austria 14:00-14:30 "Case-based Reasoning and Legacy Data Reuse for Web-based Recommendation Architectures", F. Ricci, N. Mirzadeh, A. Venturini, H. Werthner; Italy Session: Advanced Databases and Mediation 13:00-13:30 "HYSSOP: Natural Language Generation Meets Knowledge Discovery in Databases", J. Robin, E. Favero; Brazil 13:30-14:00 "A Functional Approach for Advanced Database Applications", K. Xu, B. Bhargava; USA
14:00-14:30 "Providing Multilingual Natural Language Access to Tourism Information", H. Berger, M. Dittenbach, D. Merkl, W. Winiwarter; Austria
14:30 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 17:30
Session: Application Design and Implementation 15:00-15:30 "A Functional Architecture to Support Commercial Exploitation of Internet-based Services", H. Jonkers, S. Hille, A. Tokmakoff, M. Wibbels; The Netherlands 15:30-16:00 "WebWisdom - Database Support for Distance Learning Systems", K. Walczak, W. Wiza, M. Podgorny; Poland, USA 16:00-16:30 "Ad-me: A Context-Sensitive Advertising System", N. Hristova, G. M. P. O'Hare; Ireland 16:30-17:00: "Application of Domain Knowledge to Word Images Recognition", Hendrawan; Indonesia
SESSION Mobility, Security, and Access Control 15:00-15:30 "The Butterfly Model for Internet Resource Access Control", A. Wolf; Germany 15:30-16:00 "Universal SIM Toolkit-based Client For Mobile Authorization System", V. I. Khachtchanski, A. L. Kustov; Finland 16:00-16:30 "A Comparison of Distributed Authorization Solutions", W. Essmayr, S. Probst, E. Weippl, Austria 16:30-17:00 "A Specification Language for Mobile Application Development", L. E. Nugroho; Indonesia
Short Papers Session II 15:00-15:20 "Information Retrieval for an Industrial Support Environment ", R. L. Eurico, N. G. Mourinho, N. Castela, A. G. Lopes; Portugal 15:20-15:40 "Querying Multiple Data Sources Using Views", J. Wang, M. Maher, R. Topor; Australia, USA 15:40-16:00 "Metadata Encoded in XML: Enabling Complex Query Formulation in Distributed Statistical Databases", Y. Bi, J. Lamb; UK 16:00-16:20 "A Metamodel for Integrating Data to Database Marketing Systems", S. W. M. Siqueira, D. S. Silva, M. H. Braz, R. N. Melo; Brazil, Portugal 16:20-16:40 "Search and Ranking of Relevant Information in XML Documents", S. Smadhi; France 16:40-17:00 "A Framework of Security Authentication for Internet Banking", D. Hutchinson, M. Warren; Australia 17:00-17:20 "On the Integration of Text Mining and Database Systems", E. Bezerra, M. L. Q. Mattoso, G. B. XexÊo; Brazil
18:30 23:00 Banquet
******************************* Wednesday, September 12th, 2001 ******************************* 09:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk "Implications of Convergence on Education", Ramakoti Sadananda; Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 13:00
Session: Applications 10:30-11:00 "Towards a Multi-Layer Model for Evolution of Shared Workflows in a Virtual Enterprise", R. Tagg, G. Quirchmayr; Australia 11:00-11:30 "Web-based Product Data Management and Parts Catalog Publication System for Collaborative Product Development", N. C. Do, H. Kim, H.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Lee, J.-H. Lee; Korea 11:30-12:00 "Foolproof Query Access to Search Engines", B. Bakker, J. ter Bekke; The Netherlands 12:00-12:30 "A New Taxonomy of QBME Processing in CBIR Systems", W. Ten Brinke, P. K. Srivastava, M. V. Ramakrishna; Australia
Session: Geo and Spatial Data 10:30-11:00: "Spatial Document Management System Using Spatial Data Fusion", T. Sagara, M. Arikawa, M. Sakauchi; Japan 11:00-11:30 "Scale-Dependent Transmission of Spatial Vector Data on the Internet", C. Liang, C.-H. Lee, J.-D. Lee, H.-Y. Bae; Korea 11:30-12:00 "Efficient Processing of k-Nearest Neighbor Queries in Spatial Databases with the SH-tree", T. K. Dang, J. Kºng, R. Wagner; Austria 12:00-12:30 "Web-based VR Walk through Cities - VRGraz.com an Overview", A. K. Nischelwitzer; Austria
Short Papers Session III 10:30-10:50 "A Web-based Network for Human Resources Management Information System in Training and Education", T. Lestari; Indonesia 10:50-11:10 "eLearning for Islamic Studies and Research", R. Kuswara; Indonesia 11:10-11:30: "Development of CORBA-Based Distributed Business Logic Components in Oracle JServer Environment: An Implementation Case Study of a Virtual Store Application", A. Djunaiedi, R. Soelaiman, Y. P. Handoyo; Indonesia 11:30-11:50 "Development of Low-cost Web-based Applications", A. Kadir; Indonesia 11:50-12:10 "APSIKD for Electrical Power Distribution Management", Tumiran, I M. Sukarsa; Indonesia 12:10-12:30: "Mirroring Unified Metadata as the Solution for the Digital Library Network at Developing Countries - Case Study: The Indonesian Digital Library Network", I. Fahmi; Indonesia 12:30-12:50"Predicting the Indonesian Exchange Rate from Textual Web Data", W. Agung, K. Anindito, S. Purnomo; Indonesia
13:00 13:30 Closing Ceremony -------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION INFORMATION
Please visit http://iiwas2001.scch.at/registration.htm
Early bird registration deadline is August 22, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION & ACCOMODATION
Linz is one of the biggest cities in Austria, with about 200.000 inhabitants and is located along the Danube. It is the capital of Upper Austria (Obersterreich), one of Austria's nine regions. The conference venue is situated at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, situated in a campus slightly outside the city center. It is a young university which has been extended a lot during its 35 years of existance.
Address of the conference venue is: Johannes Kepler Universit¿t Linz Altenbergerstr. 69 A-4040 Linz
For the conference we reserved rooms in the nearby Julius Raab-Heim / Hotel Sommerhaus which is within walking distance from the conference venue.
Please visit http://iiwas2001.scch.at/accomodation.htm for complete information about accomodation and http://iiwas2001.scch.at/linz.htm for information on how to get to the conference venue.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Linz -----------------------------------------------------------------
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