-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] CFP Journal Symbolic Computation Special Issue on Dynamic Geometry and Automated Reasoning Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 13:19:05 +0100 Von: Prof. Tomas Recio tomas.recio@unican.es An: Kovács Zoltán zoltan@geogebra.org, Francisco Botana fbotana@uvigo.es
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Special Issue on Dynamic Geometry and Automated Reasoning https://sites.google.com/site/kovzol/jsc-si-dg-ar
Journal of Symbolic Computation* https://www.journals. elsevier.com/journal-of-symbolic-computation
Francisco Botana, University of Vigo, Spain Zoltán Kovács, The Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz, Austria Tomas Recio, University of Cantabria, Spain
- submission deadline: September 1, 2017 - notification of acceptance / rejection: February 2, 2018 - final versions: March 30, 2018
Since the last half century, automated deduction in elementary geometry has become one of the most successful achievements in the field of automated reasoning. Along these decades various methods and techniques have been studied and developed for automated proving and discovering of elementary geometry statements. On the other hand, dynamic geometry software systems have emerged, such as Cabri Geometry, C.a.R., Cinderella, DrGeo, GeoGebra, The Geometer's Sketchpad, Geometry Expert, Geometry Expressions or Kig with an ever-increasing presence in mathematics education. Some of them possess a large number of users (over thirty million) all around the world.
The merging of these two tools (automatic proving and dynamic geometry) is, thus, a very natural, challenging and promising issue, currently involving logic, symbolic computation, software development, algebraic geometry and mathematics education experts all from over the world.
The Special Issue intends to be an opportunity for
- presenting the current state of the art concerning the development of automatic proving features on dynamic geometry systems, - discussing the current and potential applications of such features in different contexts, such as CAGD or mathematics education.
TOPICS (not restricted to):
- Algorithmic aspects: formal, logic and algebraic geometry approaches, constraint solving, invariant and coordinate-free methods, real and complex geometry issues, probabilistic, synthetic approaches, techniques from discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and numerics.
- Software aspects: Implementation of automated proving methods in dynamic geometry programs, design of packages and systems, data representation. Parallel and distributed computing, considerations for modern hardware and new devices. User-interface issues, use with systems for digital libraries, courseware, ...
- Application aspects: applications to mechanics, geometric modeling, CAGD/CAD, computer vision, robotics and education.
Papers must not duplicate work already published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All the papers will be refereed according to the JSC standards. Papers should follow the guidelines for JSC submissions (see https://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-symbolic-computation/0747-7171/...), and should be submitted through Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jscdgarsi2018).
The introduction of the paper must explicitly address the following questions in succinct and informal manner:
- What is the problem? - Why is the problem important? - What has been done so far on the problem? - What is the main contribution of the paper on the problem? - Why is the contribution original? (see below for clarification) - Why is the contribution non-trivial?
Make the paper complete (since there is no page limit):
- All the related works and issues must be completely and carefully discussed. - All the previous relevant JSC papers must be properly cited and discussed. - All the theorems must be rigorously proved (no sketch allowed). - All the important definitions/theorems/algorithms must be illustrated by well-chosen examples.
* An international journal, the Journal of Symbolic Computation, founded by Bruno Buchberger in 1985, is directed to mathematicians and computer scientists who have a particular interest in symbolic computation. Automated theorem proving is one of the research areas of interest highlighted in the Journal’s description. The Journal of Symbolic Computation has a 1.030 Impact Factor, according to the last Thompson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (2016).
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