---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: CfP Web Services for E-Business: BIS2002 Special Session Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:19:21 +0200 From: Manfred Jeusfeld Manfred.Jeusfeld@KUB.NL To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
(sorry for multiple reception of this CfP)
Poznan, Poland April 24-25, 2002 www.emisa.org/WSEB02
Call for Papers
Submission deadline: December 15, 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ORGANIZERS * Manfred Jeusfeld, jeusfeld@kub.nl * Mathias Weske, weske@hpi.uni-potsdam.de
SCOPE The Special Session on Web Services for E-Business aims at identifying new issues and discussing new solutions in the web services domain, a new and promising approach to application integration and application development in web environments. We invite research papers and industrial papers in the following categories: * process modeling in web environments * interorganizational workflow * application development methodologies * domain engineering * information integration for e-business * monitoring of e-business transactions * access rights management for e-services * integration of backoffice systems * e-business frameworks and marketplaces * standardization of web services * business-to-business integration
Besides novel research approaches, we welcome contributions reporting on case studies and state-of-the-art reports about the use of web services in e-business.
This Special Session is supported by EMISA, the German Computer Science Society Special Interest Group on Development Methods for Information Systems and their Application.
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES * Long papers up to 5000 words * Work-in-progress papers up to 2500 words
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES * papers must be submitted electronically to Mathias Weske (weske@hpi.uni-potsdam.de) in either Microsoft Word or PDF file format * the language of publication is English * the first page of the paper must include title, abstract, authors' names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses * a separate cover page (in ASCII format) must include paper title, authors' names, and full contact author information * following the paper's submission, it is automatically understood that all the organizational approvals for the publication of it have been granted to the conference organizers * the authors will prepare the final manuscript in time for its inclusion in conference proceedings and will present the paper at the conference * all presenters must register at the conference, i.e., only registered authors' papers will be included in the proceedings
IMPORTANT DATES Dec. 15, 2001 submission deadline for long and short papers Feb. 15, 2002 notification of acceptance/rejection Mar. 15, 2002 submission of final version after correction Apr. 24-25, 2002 the conference
PROGRAM COMMITTEE George Giaglis (AUEB, Greece) Stefan Jablonski (U Erlangen-Nºrnberg, Germany) Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (U Tilburg, The Netherlands) Stefan Kirn (TU Ilmenau, Germany) Ralf Klischewski (U Hamburg, Germany) Josef Kºng (U Linz, Austria) Andreas Oberweis (U Frankfurt, Germany) Hansjºrgen Paul (IAT, Gelsenkirchen, Germany) Mareike Schoop (RWTH Aachen, Germany) Gottfried Vossen (U Mºnster, Germany)
IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Manfred Jeusfeld University of Tilburg, Infolab Warandelaan 2 Postbus 90153, NL 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands Phone +31-13-466-3119, Fax +31-13-466-3069 mailto: jeusfeld@kub.nl
Mathias Weske Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Stra»e 3, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany Phone +49-331-5509-191, Fax +49-331-5509-189 mailto: weske@hpi.uni-potsdam.de
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