-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] IEEE ICALT 2012: two more weeks to submit contributions Datum: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 09:20:01 +0100 Von: mifav@roma2.infn.it An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
XII IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2012) Rome, July 4-6, 2012
organized by IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology and IaD School of Tor Vergata University of Rome at the headquarters of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR).
Conference website: www.scuolaiad.it/ICALT2012/ (N.B. downloadable banners for your website are now available in the DOWNLOADS section of the website to announce and support the conference on your website) -----------------------------------------------
* Adrian Cheok - Director of the Mixed Reality Lab, National University of Singapore - Keio University Graduate School of Media Design * Javier Hernandez-Ros - Head of the TeLearn& DigiCult Unit of the European Commission * Harold Jarche - Chairman of Internet Time Alliance
in addition
* Liina-Maria Munari (TeLearn& DigiCult Unit) will introduce the European Project Track -----------------------------------------------
* December 30, 2011: Submissions of Papers, Panels, Tutorials, Industrial track, European Project track * December 30, 2011: Notification of acceptance of Workshops' proposals * February 1, 2012: Authors' Notification on the review process results * February 15, 2012: Panels' and Tutorials' proposals notification on the review process results * March 15, 2012: Authors' Registration Deadline * April 1, 2012: Final Camera-Ready Manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form submission
The theme for ICALT 2012 is "Growing by Architecting on top of our Memories", with design inspired learning, fostering creativity and fun, complex educational experiences and their monitoring, ubiquitous learning and flexible environments as featured topics.
Topics of Interest
? Learning Systems, Environments and Architectures ? Adaptive, Personalized and Context-aware Technology-Enhanced Learning& Education ? Virtual Worlds for Academic, Organizational, and Life-Long Learning& Education ? Ambient Intelligence and Smart/Flexible Environments for Learning& Education ? School of the Future and Future Classrooms ? Wireless, Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Technologies for Learning& Education ? Computer Supported Collaborative Learning& Education ? Social Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing ? Affective Computing for Learning& Education ? Design for the Experience, Interaction Design and HCI in Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Rethinking Pedagogy and Processes in Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Design Inspired learning: Theories, Methodologies& Tools ? e- Assessment, e-Evaluation and e-Monitoring: Theories, Methodologies& Tools ? Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning& Education ? Fostering creativity in Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Motivation and engagement in Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Knowledge and Competencies Management ? Data Mining and Web Mining in Education ? Semantic Web and Ontologies for Learning and Educational Systems ? International Alliance for Open Source, Open Standards, and federated repositories ? Human-Centered Web Science and its Applications to Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Technology-enhanced Science Education ? Technology-Enhanced Language Learning ? Advanced Technology-enhanced Learning& Education for all ? E-learning in the Workplace ? Trust and reputation in Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Sustainability of Technology-enhanced Learning& Education ? Technology-enhanced Learning& Education in developing countries and disadvantaged areas
SUBMISSIONS: Please submit your manuscript using the ASK-Conference System at: http://www.ask4research.info/conference/upload.php -----------------------------
CONTACTS: For Academic queries, please contact: Carlo Giovannella (giovannella@scuolaiad.it) For Technical Issues about ICALT Submission System, please contact: Panagiotis Zervas (pzervas@iti.gr)
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