-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] WSE 2008 - Call for Papers Datum: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:59:55 +0200 Von: Massimiliano Di Penta dipenta@unisannio.it Antwort an: Massimiliano Di Penta dipenta@unisannio.it An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Call for Papers
The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution (WSE 2008)
October 3-4, 2008; Beijing, China
Co-located with the 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2008)
Since its inception in 1999, the Web Site Evolution (WSE) series of events has provided a forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work on subjects related to the disciplined evolution of large-scale Web sites. Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, WSE 2008 aims to attract participants from different research communities, ranging from software maintenance & evolution to Web engineering and service oriented computing. WSE 2008 will provide researchers and practitioners with an exciting environment to discuss results and exchange ideas.
WSE 2008 will be held in Beijing, China on October 3 and 4, 2008. It will be co-located with the 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2008). The technical program of WSE 2008 will include invited talks, paper presentations, panel discussions, and working sessions.
TOPICS: Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following aspects of Web based application design, development, maintenance & evolution: - Migration towards Web 2.0 - Migration towards SOA - Empirical studies - Model-driven reengineering of Web applications - Security - Testing - Quality assessment of Web applications - Tools, environments, and technologies - Multilingual Web sites
SUBMISSION PROCESS: The Symposium foresees the submission of research papers or experience report, not exceeding 5000 words (10 pages using 10-point font type), including figures and references. It also foresees short papers, which can present novel ideas and preliminary results. Short papers should not exceed 3000 words (4 pages using 10-point font type). Paper submissions must be received by Friday, June 6, 2008, and must be in Adobe Acrobat PDF. Papers must be submitted online via the EasyChair system. Authors of the best papers from WSE 2008 will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for consideration of publication in a special section of the STTT: International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
IMPORTANT DATES: - Paper Submissions: June 6, 2008 - Author Notification: July 7, 2008
GENERAL CHAIR Massimiliano Di Penta - Univ. of Sannio, Italy
PROGRAM CHAIRS Filippo Ricca - University of Genoa, Italy Liu, Chao - Beihang University, China
FINANCE CHAIR Damiano Distante - Univ. of Sannio, Italy
LOCAL ARRANGEMENT Wu, Ji - Beihang University, China
WEB CHAIR Alessandro Marchetto - FBK-irst, Italy
SPONSORS: - IEEE Computer Society (Sponsorship Pending) - The Reengineering Forum - University of Sannio, Italy - University of Genoa, Italy - Beihang University, China - Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
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