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Subject: Fwd: ENTER 2004 - Call for papers Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 14:15:58 +0200 From: jhp J.Hanns.Pichler@wu-wien.ac.at To: Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at, Josef.Mazanec@wu-wien.ac.at, Alfred.Taudes@wu-wien.ac.at, office@kmuforschung.ac.at
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:32:26 +0100 (BST)
From: Dimitrios Buhalis D.Buhalis@surrey.ac.uk
To: "Dimitrios Buhalis @ University of Surrey" d.buhalis@surrey.ac.uk cc: Prof Andrew Frew afrew@qmuc.ac.uk Subject: ENTER 2004 - Call for papers X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4273 charon 84c5ea1b1b48d75d8a09e4562da61018
Apologies for multiple copies
Dear Colleagues Please see call for papers for ENTER 2004 http://www.ifitt.org/enter/downloads/ENTER_2004callv2.pdf Regards Dimitrios
ENTER 2004 in Cairo, Egypt - January 26th 28th, 2004
The Eleventh International Conference On Information Technology and Travel & Tourism - IFITT's Global Travel & Tourism Technology and eBusiness Forum
ENTER2004@Cairo celebrates the 11th anniversary of the ENTER conference and an established history of innovation in thinking in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Tourism and Travel. ENTER is recognised as the annual international conference where practitioners and researchers in the ICT in Travel and Tourism domains meet. The event is organised by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT). ENTER 2004 will continue this tradition of providing a unique forum of exchange among academics, industry and government. The conference has continued to attract growing numbers of participants and ENTER 2003 set new attendance records we expect Cairo to continue this excellent tradition! We will be informing you on these sites about the current Conference details.
CALL FOR PAPERS The initial call for papers has started. Find more information here.
Dr Dimitrios Buhalis
Course Leader, MSc in eTourism http://www.smsss.surrey.ac.uk/eTourism/ Director, Centre for eTourism Research (CeTR) School of Management, University of Surrey, NEW OFFICE: 20MS02, Guildford GU2 7XH, England, UK http://www.som.surrey.ac.uk/ TEL:+44 1483 686332 FAX:+44 1483 686346 Email: d.buhalis@surrey.ac.uk http://www.smsss.surrey.ac.uk/StaffArea/Buhalis/
NEW BOOK eTourism:information technology for strategic tourism management http://www.pearsoneduc.com/book.asp?prodID=100000000003766&d=LT LECTURER'S RESOURCES http://www.booksites.net/buhalis
Tourism Distribution Channels: Practices, Issues and Transformations http://www.continuumbooks.com/book_details.cgi?bid=2572&aid=2395&ssi... MA5E3UIB0O9TDC7G&name=Dimitrios%20%20Buhalis
eTourism Futures: Exploring the ICT revolution+visioning the future of tourism 3rd Interactive Workshop & Seminar, University of Surrey, 29-30 March 2004 http://www.smsss.surrey.ac.uk/ShortCourses/eTourismFutures.pdf