---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: IDIMT-2001 -- Final Call for Paper Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 13:24:26 +0200 From: Christian Hofer ch@SEA.Uni-Linz.ac.at To: Christian Hofer ch@SEA.Uni-Linz.ac.at
FINAL CALL FOR PAPER - IDIMT-2001 =================================
The Prague University of Economics (Czech Republic) and The University of Linz (Austria) have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the
9th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT-2001) in Zadov (Bohemien Forest) - Czech Republic September 19th - 21st, 2001
The aim of these annual talks is to provide an interdisciplinary and informal forum for an interchange of holistic concepts and ideas on Information Management, Information Engineering, Business Processes, System Theory and Design, and related topics. The increasing interest in information as a vital resource makes it necessary to consider both technology transfer and opportunities for establishing technical and commercial co-operation internationally. The co-operation of technical and economic research institutes and of researchers with different economic and historical backgrounds provides an interesting basis for interdisciplinarity.
Due to the nowadays increasing pervasiveness and ubiquitousness of computers the focus of this year's conference will be dedicated to the challenges, advantages and problems brought about by modern ICT's and the new opportuni-ties offered by them.
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Topics of sessions:
A) Soft Systems Theories B) Theory and Practice in Knowledge Management C) Information System Definition for a changing Environment D) Cooperative Information Environments E) Tele-Teaching, Tele-Learning and Tele-Work F) e-Economics G) Trends in Business, Technology, and Research & Development
Each session will consist of one keynote paper and several position papers, which should relate to the keynote paper. The draft versions of the keynote papers are placed on ftp.sea.uni-linz.ac.at in directory /pub/IDIMT2001.
Please submit your position paper (extended abstract, in English, typed in double spaced format, approx. 4 pages, preferable as electronic versions) until April 16th, 2001 to: Dr. Christian HOFER (mailto:ch@sea.uni-linz.ac.at)
Authors of accepted position papers will be invited to submit a full-length paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings. The Conference Proceedings will be published by "Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz".
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Important Dates:
Extended Abstract due April 16, 2001 Notification of Acceptance May 14, 2001 Camera Ready copies due June 11, 2001 Conference Opening Sept. 19, 2001 Conference Sept. 19-21, 2001
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Programme Committee:
Chroust Gerhard (Chair) A Editor Doucek Petr (Vice-Chair) CZ Keynote Speaker Beneder Manfred A Session Organizer Dianis Erik CZ Session Organizer Dobay Peter H Keynote Speaker Geldner Dusan CZ Session Organizer Gross Tom D Session Organizer Hofer Christian A Editor Jakubicka Ladislav CZ Session Organizer Klöckner Konrad D Keynote Speaker Loesch Christian A Keynote Speaker Mittelmann Angelika A Keynote Speaker Mulej Matjaz SL Keynote Speaker Stowell Frank GB Keynote Speaker Tlusty Herwig A Session Organizer
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Site and Accommodation:
The conference takes place at the Sporthotel 'OLYMPIA' in Zadov, a lovely little village on mountain Churá?ov in the Bohemien Forest at an altitude of 1000 m. It is located 60 km north of Passau, 150 km south of Prague, and 130 km north-west of Linz. It is a delightful place for walks and short trips into the countryside.
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Contact Information:
Dr. Christian HOFER Systems Engineering and Automation Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria Phone: +43-732-2468-8873, fax: -8878 email: ch@sea.uni-linz.ac.at