-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Deadline is coming: SERVICES-II 2009 Datum: Wed, 13 May 2009 23:46:42 -0400 Von: Patrick C. K. Hung patrick.hung@uoit.ca Antwort an: Patrick C. K. Hung patrick.hung@uoit.ca An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send it to interested colleagues, researchers and students. Many Thanks.
:::::::::::::::::::: CALL FOR PAPERS ::::::::::::::::::::
The 5th 2009 World Congress on Services (SERVICES-II 2009) To be conjunction with the 6th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2009), September 21-25, 2009, Bangalore, India
Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing (TC-SVC) and IBM Research
The theme of the 5th 2009 World Congress on Services (SERVICES-II 2009) is "modernization of the services industry". SERVICES-II 2009 supports and further explores the science and technology of modernizing services industries using latest methods and technologies such as Services Computing, which has been formally promoted by IEEE Computer Society since 2003. From a technology perspective, Services Computing has become the foundational discipline for modernizing the services industry.
The 1st Joint Conference on SERVICES includes the 2005 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005) and the 2005 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2005), which were held in July 2005 in Orlando, Florida, USA. The 2nd Joint Conference on SERVICES includes the 2006 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2006) and the 2006 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2006), which were held in September 2006 in Chicago, IL, USA.
In 2007, the 3rd Joint Conference on Services formally became the 2007 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2007), which was held in July 2007 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The 2008 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2008) was co-located with the 2008 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2008) in July 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA as well as the 2008 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2008) in September 2008 at Beijing in China.
In 2009, the World Congress on Services (SERVICES-I 2009) will be held in July 2009 in LA, USA. Then the World Congress on Services (SERVICES-II 2009) goes beyond the IT community. SERVICES 2009 PART II tries to attract researchers, practitioners, and industry business leaders in all the following services sectors to help define and shape the modernization strategy and directions of the services industry. You are invited to submit research, engineering, and business innovation papers to the SERVICES-II 2009.
In addition, SERVICES-II 2009 presents keynote sessions, panel discussions, paper presentations, paper posters, innovation show cases, job fair, Services University (Summer School and Fall School), Education Methodology Summit, �Services Cup" contest, SOA industry summit, workshops, and symposiums with the 2009 International Conference on Cloud Computing.
Submission Deadline ===================
1. Work-in-Progress Paper of SCC 2009 2. SOA Contest Paper 3. Tutorial Proposal 4. 2009 IEEE Symposium on SOA Standards (SOA Standards 2009) 5. Panel, Demo Presentation, Exhibit, Job Fair Booth Reservation or Event Proposal 6. IEEE 2009 Ph.D. Symposium on Services Computing (PhD@Services2009-INDIA) 7. 2009 IEEE Education Methodology Summit on Services Computing (EMS-SC 2009)
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2009 Decision Notification (Electronic): June 1, 2009 Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: June 22, 2009
SERVICES 2009 also invites you to Services University ===================================================== "Services University" (servicesuniversity.org) was launched at The 2007 Congress on Services (SERVICES 2007) to help teach Services Computing discipline in a systematic way. A regional leader's community is being formed to support this worldwide "Services University" program. It is technically sponsored by IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing, IBM Research and other sponsors.
Paper Submission and Review Process =================================== Please use the submission page (http://www.servicescongress.org/2009/2/submission.html) to find the right tracks and events to submit your papers.
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 program committee members. Please note that the same paper should NOT be submitted to other conferences or events simultaneously. Such duplicate submissions will be rejected from all conferences without review.
Accepted papers will appear in the CD-ROM version and online version of the proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Congress on Services Part II (SERVICES-II 2009), which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Extended versions of selected best papers published in the SERVICES-II 2009 will be invited for potential publication in the International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR), the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), and IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC). Both the SERVICES-II 2009 Proceedings and JWSR are included in EI Compendex. JWSR is also indexed in SCI-E.
Please check the page limit of each track in (IEEE Proceedings style) pages and required to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings template. Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF or Word format) is required. Detailed instructions for electronic paper preparation and submission, panel proposals, tutorial proposals, and review process can be found at www.servicescongress.org. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register to the conference and present the paper.
Paper Review Policy =================== SERVICES-II 2009's Policy and professional ethics require that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge, which that access providers. Contents of abstracts submitted to conference program committees should be regarded as privileged as well, and handled in the same manner. The Conference Publications Chair shall ensure that referees adhere to this practice.
Organization Committee ====================== Program Committee Chair:: Liang-Jie Zhang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Program Vice Chair:: Patrick C. K. Hung (University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada)
Program Committee Administrative Assistants:: Jordanne Christie (University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada) Matthias Farwick (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Publication Chair:: Jia Zhang (Northern Illinois University, USA)
Global SOA Industry Summit Chairs:: Tony Shan (IBM, USA)
Publicity Chairs:: Althea Liang (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Tutorial Chairs:: Elisa Bertino (Purdue University, USA) Shiping Chen (CSIRO, Australia)
Panel Chair:: Yong Woo Lee (The University of Seoul, Korea)
Workshop Chairs:: Jian Yang (Macquarie University, Australia) Akhil Kumar (Penn State University, USA) Christian Huemer (University of Vienna, Austria)
Body of Knowledge Chairs:: Ernesto Damiani (University of Milan, Italy) Zhixiong Chen (Mercy College, USA)
Services Education Methodology Summit Chair:: Anup Kumar (University of Louisville, USA)
Ph.D. Symposium Chairs:: Kezysztof Zielinski (AGH - University of Science and Technology, Poland) Yuhong Yan (Concordia University, Canada)
Innovation Showcase Chair:: Wing-Kwong Chan (City of University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Local Arrangement Chair:: A. Senthil Rajan (Jyoti Nivas College, India)
Registration Chair:: Thomas Kwok (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Technical Steering Committee:: Carl K. Chang (Iowa State University, USA) Ephraim Feig (Innovations-to-Market, USA) Hemant Jain (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA) Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Calton Pu (Georgia Tech, USA) Jeffrey Tsai (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) Zhiwei Xu (Institute of Computing Technology, China) Liang-Jie Zhang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Program Committee Members:: Nils Gruschka (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany) Yaacov Yesha (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA) Celso Hirata (ITA, Brazil) Reijo Sulonen (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland) Timothy K. Shih (Tamkang University, Taiwan) Fa-Long Luo (Anyka Inc., USA) Anca Ivan (IBM Thomas J Watson Center, USA) Gang Li (Chinese Academacy of Sciences, China) Philippe Cudre-Mauroux (MIT, USA) Abhik Roychoudhury (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Liming Zhu (NICTA, Australia) Khalid Al-Begain (University of Glamorgan, UK) Suresh Damodaran (RosettaNet, USA) Prashant Doshi (University of Georgia, USA) Wei CR Sun (IBM China Research Lab, China) Young B. Choi (James Madison University, USA) Pontus Johnson (KTH, Sweden) Shiyong Lu (Wayne State University, USA) Calton Pu (Georgia Tech, USA) Ernesto Damiani (The University of Milan, Italy) Khalil Drira (CNRS-LAAS, France) Justin Zhu (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Sanjay Chaudhary (Dhirubhai Ambani - Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India) Harry Perros (North Carolina State University, USA) Yan Wang (Macquarie University, Australia) Claude Godart (LORIA, France) Claudio Bartolini (HP Palo Alto Labs, USA) Meiko Jensen (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
*** For any enquiries, please e-mail to the Program Committee Vice-Chair Patrick C. K. Hung: patrick.hung@uoit.ca ***
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