-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Special Issue on Big Data, Service and Intelligence- Methods, Techniques and Applications in IJSSOE Datum: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 14:19:26 +1000 Von: Zhaohao Sun zhaohao.sun@gmail.com An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, nafips-l@listserv.gsu.edu nafips-l@listserv.gsu.edu, bisc-group@cs.berkeley.edu bisc-group@cs.berkeley.edu, eusflat.members@iiia.csic.es eusflat.members@iiia.csic.es, IRMA ListServ irma-l@irma-international.org Kopie (CC): Hepu Deng hepu.deng@rmit.edu.au, Dr Kenneth David Strang kenneth.strang@gmail.com
Special Issue on Big Data, Service and Intelligence- Methods, Techniques and Applications in International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering
The International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE) (ISSN 1947-3052; eISSN 1947-3060) is an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association (www.igi-global.com/ijssoe). IJSSOE is indexed or listed in the following at the moment: ACM Digital Library; Bacon’s Media Directory; Cabell’s Directories; DBLP; Google Scholar; INSPEC; JournalTOCs; MediaFinder; The Standard Periodical Directory; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. 1 Rationale Big data have become a strategic resource for organizations, industries, enterprises, businesses, and individuals as well as national security. Big Data are also a key enabler of exploring business insights and economics of services. Big Data are generated from various instruments, sensors, Internet transactions, emails, videos, click streams, social networking services and other sources, characterized with at least 10 Bigs©: big volume, big velocity, big variety, big value, big veracity, big market, big service, big intelligence, big opportunity and big challenge to manage using traditional and emerging tools and technologies. These 10 Bigs of big data have been challenging many existing sciences, technologies, methods and techniques in many fields, and then big data has become a hot research area spanning the fields of computer science, information technology and information systems to that of engineering, applied mathematics, optimization, healthcare, business, government, and telecommunications. Big Data applications are emerging in many disciplines, fields and industries globally. Nations, organizations, businesses and individuals have been enjoying the benefits of big data, and are pursuing more benefits from big data and their technologies and applications. For more related to Rationale see
http://wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=54627%C2%A9ownerid=4946... 2 Objective and Topics
The objective of this Special Issue in International JSSOE is to present the state of the art research and practical experiences on Big Data, Big Service and Big Intelligence (3 Bigs out of 10 Bigs) from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. The disciplines include computing, business, management, applied mathematics, optimization, ICT, intelligent systems, decision science and economics and beyond. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 2.1 Fundamentals of Big Data, Service and Intelligence
Fundamental concepts, models, architectures, frameworks or theories for planning, designing, building, operating or evaluating, managing big data driven services and big data driven smart services (big services, for short), big data driven intelligent services and big data service intelligence (big intelligence, for short) are related to * Big data computing * Big data analytics services * Big data science and foundations * New computational models for big services * Mathematical theory of big services * ICT fundamentals for big services * Visualization of data, information, knowledge and wisdom * Decision science for big services * Statistical modelling for big services * Optimization techniques for big services * Research methodology for big services * Data mining for big services * Business models for services * Statistical thinking and computing thinking for big data, service and intelligence * Fundamentals of big data, intelligence, and wisdom * Intelligence computing for big services where intelligence computing includes agent based technologies, computational intelligence, soft computing, data warehouse, data mining and web mining, genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing, knowledge technology, knowledge systems and their emerging technologies. 2.2 Big Data Driven Approach to Big Services * Fuzzy logic approach to big services * Machine learning for intelligent big services * Intelligent agents for big services * AI approach to big services * Optimization for intelligent big services * Big data infrastructure as a big service * Cloud services as a big service * Mobile services as a big service * Big data analytics as a service (BaaS) * Social networking as a big service * Business strategy service * Decision analysis service * Entrepreneurship and innovation service * Information systems service * Marketing service * Strategic management service * Services management service * Health service management service * Organisational decision Making * Managerial decision making * Service economy and policy * Visualization techniques for big data driven services * Service computing where service computing includes service science, service technology, service systems, service engineering, and service Management. 2.3 Big Data Driven Approach to Big Intelligence Big intelligence includes * Business intelligence * Organisational intelligence * Marketing intelligence * Mobile intelligence * Cloud intelligence * Social networking intelligence * Networking intelligence * Web intelligence * Enterprise Intelligence * Analytics intelligence
2.4 Applications of Big Data, Service and Intelligence * Big data, service and intelligence for developing Industry 4.0 * Big data analytics based services innovation * Big data, service in business ecosystems * Big data analytics and data markets * Big data, service and intelligence for e-commerce * Big data, service and intelligence in business decision making * Big data, service and intelligence in healthcare * Big data, service and intelligence in banking industry * Big data, service and intelligence in social networks * Big data, service and intelligence Search and Mining * Big data, service and intelligence for management * Big data, service and intelligence for risk management Cases and applications for using theories, technologies and approaches to big data, service and intelligence in the main service domains such as: social networking services, cloud services, financial services, legal services, healthcare services, logistics services, educational services, and military services taking into account demand from government, organization, enterprise, community, individual, customer and citizen are encouraged. 2.5 Emerging Technologies and Methods for Big Data, Service and Intelligence * The Internet of things * The Internet of services * Service 4.0, Intelligence 4.0 in Industry 4.0 * Intelligent service computing * Data intelligence computing
Notes for Intending Authors
We are seeking original, genuine, innovative, scientifically rigorous research papers on Methods, Techniques and Applications of Big Data, Service and Intelligence. Empirical research, case studies or theory based qualitative and quantitative studies on Big Data, Service and Intelligence are also welcome.
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed 8000 words. All submissions will be blindly reviewed by at least two reviewers based on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of the manuscript. Submissions should be directed by email to the editors of this special issue at zhaohao.sun@gmail.com and dickson.shiou@gmail.com or online. The tentative title and abstract consisting of less than 150 words should be submitted to the editors at one’s earliest convenience for constructive suggestion.
For more information, please visit the following web site.
Important dates * Full paper submission: July 30, 2016 * Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2016 * Revised submission: November 20, 2015 * Final acceptance notification: December 20, 2016 * Camera ready version of paper: January 20, 2017 * Publication: January – June, 2017
Guest Editors
Dr Zhaohao Sun, Ph.D. PNG University of Technology, Lae, PNG & Federation University Australia, Ballarat, AUSTRALIA Email: zhaohao.sun@gmail.com; zsun@dbs.unitech.ac.pg
Dr Dickson Chiu, PhD University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
e-mail: dickson.shiou@gmail.com; dicksonchiu@ieee.org _______________________________________________ AISWorld mailing list AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org