-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Final CFP HICSS 56 Privacy, Trust and Governance in the Data-driven Economy Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 20:57:38 +0000 From: Johan Sandberg johan.sandberg@umu.se To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Dear colleagues Please considering submitting your latest research to the minitrack: Privacy, Trust and Governance in the Data-driven Economy in the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) January 3-6, 2023 Maui, Hawaii. Background to Minitrack The strategic role of data as an essential raw material for social and economic activities gives rise to new opportunities and challenges for organizing and innovating. Organizations are encouraged to transform and adopt data strategies that enhance their competitiveness. However, detailed insights and guidance remain scarce on how to approach this transformation and what the effects are on, e.g., privacy issues, stakeholder trust, business models, frameworks, public policy, and governance structures. Although data has become a strategic resource for many organizations, many large-scale data exchanges initiatives fail for a vast host of reasons. For example, datasets are increasingly exchanged among organizations, but the possible uses of the data are less predictable. Furthermore, in processing and extracting value from data, organizations confront a landscape of complex socio-political considerations when exchanging sensitive data. Such issues open new forms of governance, risks, privacy issues, business models, and information systems designs as organizations adapt to the data economy. Hence, potential topics that this minitrack will address are (but are not limited to): - How do the distinct characteristics of data re-shape our thinking of platform evolution? - What new types of privacy-enhancing business models emerge from the data-driven economy? - How can data platforms and novel launch strategies be used for data-driven business models? - How can data platforms ignite new forms of private-public partnerships? - How can data platforms be governed to promote privacy? - How can stakeholders in a data ecosystem trust reliability and authenticity of the datasets? - What new tensions emerge as organizations re-orient and transform to the data economy? We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers that advance our understanding of the new forms of organizing following the data economy. We call for papers that advance our understanding of the distinct nature of data and its impacts on privacy, business models, and governance of platforms through quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research approaches. Selected accepted papers have a fast-track opportunity in the journal Electronic Markets (Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Businesshttp://www.electronicmarkets.org/). Key dates Please check the conference website for updates June 15, 2022, 11:59 pm HST: Paper submission deadline August 17, 2022: Acceptance notice is emailed to authors by the review system September 22, 2022: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for Publication January 3-6, 2023: HICSS-56 conference
More information for authors can be found here: https://hicss.hawaii.edu/authors/https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__eur05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fhicss.hawaii.edu-252Fauthors-252F-26data-3D04-257C01-257Cdaniel.rudmark-2540ri.se-257Ca0a35225694444f53b2708da06bd852a-257C5a9809cf0bcb413a838a09ecc40cc9e8-257C0-257C0-257C637829708302219630-257CUnknown-257CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0-253D-257C3000-26sdata-3D9tNUXOrdUFWLGp4WHnYEWMUD5g9ird1-252BVhJFam0MDOE-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=Z20NwfCLEk-q6Plsz_ruUQDYOzxfYeYrYZsxo_GACsE&m=XyxFg-_XAtoaG8WqyeAxIgErWJ05v06WWT0fBiiJL7qCDwqOpx639vdHVFDfCaOB&s=xuCMPkdgjQThW9YiBb1YBIDIosPClO8rvyxSSckUW1c&e= More information on the minitrack can be found here https://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-56/internet-and-the-digital-economy/#privacy...https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__eur05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fhicss.hawaii.edu-252Ftracks-2D56-252Finternet-2Dand-2Dthe-2Ddigital-2Deconomy-252F-2523privacy-2Dtrust-2Dand-2Dgovernance-2Din-2Dthe-2Ddata-2Ddriven-2Deconomy-2Dminitrack-26data-3D04-257C01-257Cdaniel.rudmark-2540ri.se-257Ca0a35225694444f53b2708da06bd852a-257C5a9809cf0bcb413a838a09ecc40cc9e8-257C0-257C0-257C637829708302219630-257CUnknown-257CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0-253D-257C3000-26sdata-3D1dIESZmayGBuO9pyPyqNbvWRDRvwiMPKm6TB-252BkiuInk-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=Z20NwfCLEk-q6Plsz_ruUQDYOzxfYeYrYZsxo_GACsE&m=XyxFg-_XAtoaG8WqyeAxIgErWJ05v06WWT0fBiiJL7qCDwqOpx639vdHVFDfCaOB&s=OdIiEb8gfNDZw9cNKfpzjU5z_u-IaxYpo5lFQg5XCDc&e=
Minitrack Co-Chairs Johan Sandberg johan.sandberg@umu.semailto:johan.sandberg@umu.se Umeå University Hosea Ofe H.A.Ofe@tudelft.nlmailto:H.A.Ofe@tudelft.nl Delft University of Technology Mark de Reuver g.a.dereuver@tudelft.nlmailto:g.a.dereuver@tudelft.nl Delft University of Technology Daniel Rudmark daniel.rudmark@ait.gu.semailto:daniel.rudmark@ait.gu.se University of Gothenburg and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
---------------------------------------------------- Johan Sandberg, Associate Professor Department of Informatics Umeå University 901 87 Umeå SWEDEN
johan.sandberg@umu.semailto:johan.sandberg@umu.se https://www.umu.se/en/staff/johan-sandberg/
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