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Subject: ERCIM News 58 - SPECIAL THEME: Automated Software Engineering - Call for contributions Date: Tuesday 13 April 2004 14:11 From: "Paul Gruenbacher" pg@sea.uni-linz.ac.at To: "Paul Gruenbacher" pg@sea.uni-linz.ac.at, "Yves Ledru" Yves.Ledru@imag.fr
-----Original Message----- From: Peter Kunz [mailto:peter.kunz@ercim.org] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 11:58 AM Subject: ERCIM News 58 - Call for contributions
Call for contributions to ERCIM News No. 58 (July 2004)
Guidelines for articles below
Articles have to be sent to the local editor of your country or to peter.kunz@ercim.org
The sections of EN58 are:
__________________ * Joint ERCIM Actions __________________
* The European Scene
SPECIAL THEME: Automated Software Engineering
Coordinated by:
Paul Grünbacher, pg@sea.uni-linz.ac.at - Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Yves Ledru, Yves.Ledru@imag.fr - Laboratoire Logiciels, Systèmes et Réseaux - IMAG, France
Automated software engineering is concerned with how to apply computation to automate or partially automate analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems in order to achieve significant improvements in quality and productivity.
This includes the study of techniques for constructing, understanding, adapting, and modelling software artifacts and processes. Both automatic systems and collaborative systems are of interest, as are computational models of human software engineering activities. Knowledge representations and artificial intelligence techniques applicable to automated software engineering are of interest, as are formal techniques that support or provide theoretical foundations.
Papers should describe research in automating software development activities or providing automated support to users engaged in such activities. We are especially interested in experience papers that report on industrial applications of automated software engineering and in areas, such as automotive systems and medical systems, where automated techniques could potentially have a large impact in practice.
We thus invite contributions in the form of short papers to the special theme on Automated Software Engineering that address theoretical foundations, practical techniques, software tools, applications and/or experience reports in automated software engineering.
Topics include: - Automated reasoning techniques - Category & Graph-theoretic approaches to software engineering - Component-based systems - Computer-supported cooperative work - Configuration management - Domain modeling and meta-modeling - Human computer interaction - Knowledge acquisition - Maintenance and evolution - Modeling language semantics - Ontologies and methodologies - Open systems development - Program understanding - Re-engineering - Reflection- and Metadata approaches - Requirements engineering - Reuse - Specification languages - Software architecture - Software design and synthesis - Software visualization - Testing - Tutoring, help, documentation systems
- Verification and validation
Reviewing: Articles submitted to the special theme are subject to a review process.
* R &D and Technology Transfer
* Events
________________________________________________ * In Brief ________________________________________________
Guidelines for ERCIM News articles
Style: ERCIM News is read by a large variety of people. Keeping this in mind the article should be descriptive (emphasize more the 'what' than the 'how') without too much technical detail together with an illustration, if possible.
Length : Try to keep the article short, i.e. 700-800 words.
Format : Submissions preferably in ASCII text or MS Word
Structure of the article:
The emphasis in ERCIM News is on 'NEWS'. This should be reflected in both Title and Lead ('teaser').
* a teaser: a few words about the project/topic. Printed in bold face, this part is intended to raise interest. (keep it short)
* details describing:
what the project/product is who is involved where it takes place why the research is being done when it was started/completed the aim of the project the techniques employed the orientation of the project future activities other institutes involved in this project co-operation with other ERCIM members in this field
* useful Link(s) * a contact address with: - full name of the author - phone number - e-mail address
Additional items: * an illustration (photos, graphics), for example of the product, applications mentioned in the article, people working on the project, etc. (avoid as much as possible flow charts and screen dumps). Illustrations must be accompanied by a caption.
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