-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers - MoCoHe 2008 - The First International Workshop on Mobile Collaborations for Hospital-based Health Care Datum: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 00:36:02 -0400 Von: Laura Rusu irinar7@gmail.com Antwort an: Laura Rusu irinar7@gmail.com An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
------------------------Apology for Multiple Postings --------------------
The First International Workshop on Mobile Collaborations for Hospital-based Health Care
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 (http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/mhrg/workshops/index.html) Linz, Austria, November 24-26, 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Full papers submission 21 August 2008 Acceptance Notification 30 September 2008 Camera-Ready Papers 08 October 2008
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------------------- The First International Workshop on 'Mobile Collaborations for Hospital-based Health Care' ( MoCoHe(tm)) 2008 is an integral part of the 10th @WAS International Conference on information Integration and Web-based Application & Services (iiWAS 2008), which will be held in conjunction with the 6th @WAS International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM 2008), on 24-26 November 2008 in Linz, Austria.
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 BACKGROUND AND GOALS -------------------------------------
Clinical workers in a hospital ward are, by the very nature of their work, mobile. The information that nurses, doctors and other health professionals need in their daily working life however is not always readily mobile. Detailed patient records, for instance, are usually accessed via a workstation connected to a database.
The past few years have seen the emergence of research that incorporates medicine, IT and communications studies, investigating the possible ways in which ubiquitous computing can address this problem.
However, there remains the open question of how and when to use ubiquitous computing for ward data management. The use of a mobile wireless infrastructure can lead to security and reliability problems. Mobile devices often have usability problems that can only be solved by technological innovation. Current best practice workflow can be disrupted by the introduction of automated electronic solutions. There are interoperability issues for nomadic clinicians who need context aware, always available connections.
There are several international events that concern healthcare management, ubiquitous and mobile work and dependability of systems. However, while these events occasionally involve some overlap of areas, there does not currently exist a forum for discussing the essential convergence of the areas, nor in bringing together practitioner and academic perspectives. An important objective of the MoCoHe(tm) workshop is to bring together academics working in information systems and organisational systems; academics working in communication theory and device dependability; and healthcare workers interested in developing better ward management systems. The time is ripe to bring together this combination of expertise, because the research community is evolving and hospital-based healthcare is moving towards adopting mobile technologies.
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 TOPICS OF INTEREST ----------------------------------
Contributions are solicited in all areas of pervasive computing research and applications. Topics include, but not limited to:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Enhancing and improving, rather than disrupting and dictating, current healthcare workflow.
This topic concerns usability and workplace communication issues that arise from the deployment of mobile solutions. It involves examination of how technologies can enhance or disrupt information management at the organisational and architectural level.
2. Dependability and trustworthiness of ubiquitous and mobile devices.
This theme involves the application of computer science theories of dependability to provide guarantees for required quality of service levels
3.Data integration across different health service settings.
Electronic health records form an integral part of the modern hospital. Other emerging areas of electronic health management include wider integrated networks of records and online health. An important technical and social problem is how data should be integrated between these arenas.
4.Technological innovation and interoperation.
Many devices, from handheld computers to ward monitoring equipment, can now be integrated into a single interoperable framework due to innovations in wireless and Bluetooth. This theme will examine how these innovations can be integrated to increase access to health services, improve cost effectiveness, enhance educational opportunities, improve health outcomes, provide better quality of care and enhance social support.
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: -------------------------------------
We encourage submission of high quality papers to the MoCoHe(tm) 2008 Workshop. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their works will be presented at the MoCoHe(tm) 2008 Workshop by one of the co-authors.
Formatting ----------- Only full papers in English will be accepted. Papers should be formatted according to the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) guidelines(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Authors using LaTex need to choose the LaTeX2e - Tighter alternative style. If you have already formatted your paper according to the Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG, Austrian Computer Society), it is not necessary to upload an ACM formatted version right now, but you will be asked to reformat your paper upon notice of acceptance. The maximum number of pages is 6 pages (or 5000 words).
Submission ----------
Submission of the manuscript can be made via EasyChair Conference System (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mocohe2008) login page for MoCoHe(tm) 2008.
Proceedings -----------
All manuscripts will be peer reviewed and accepted manuscripts (workshop proceedings) will be published together with iiWAS 2008 / MoMM 2008 proceedings by Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library and indexed in major indexes properly.
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 PROGRAM ----------------------- TBA
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 PROGRAM COMMITTEE --------------------------------- List available on workshop website
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 CHAIRS ----------------------
Dr Maria Indrawan, Co-Chair Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
Dr Chris Ling Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
Dr Linda Dawson Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 CONFERENCE INFORMATION -------------------------------------- For information regarding conference venue, travel, visa's, accommodation and registration, see iiWAS 2008 / MoMM 2008 websites.
MoCoHe(tm) 2008 CONTACT ----------------------- Dr Maria Indrawan, Co-Chair Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia Maria.Indrawan@infotech.monash.edu.au http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/mhrg/workshops/index.html
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