-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] CfP Workshop on high performance computing in bioinformatics Datum: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:51:46 +0200 Von: Mario Guarracino mario.guarracino@na.icar.cnr.it Antwort an: mario.guarracino@na.icar.cnr.it Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
Workshop on High Performance Computing in Genomic, Transcriptomic and Proteomic (HPC-GTP -2006)
held in conjunction with
The International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2006)
December 1 -4, 2006
Sorrento, Italy
HPC-GTP Home Page: http://www.na.icar.cnr.it/~mariog/HPC-GTP (Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers) _______________________________________________________________________
Paper submission: July 21, 2006 (automatic one week extension) Author Notification: September 1, 2006 Camera-Ready Papers: September 20, 2006
The first Workshop on High Performance Computing in Genomic, Proteomic and Transcriptomic, held in conjunction with The International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2006), brings together researchers that use high performance computing to solve computationally expensive problems in genomic, proteomic and transcriptomic, using algorithms, methods and tools from machine learning and data mining. The workshop will provide a forum for presenting and exchanging new ideas and experiences in this area.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, high performance algorithms, methods, systems, architectures, and tools for:
* Molecular evolution, * Molecular sequence analysis, * Gene expression and microarray, * Gene networks, * Identification and annotation of genes and regulatory elements, * Combinatorial libraries and drug design, * RNA analysis and mRNA identification, * Functional genomics and proteomics, * DNA Assembly, Classification, Clustering, and Mapping, * Computational Proteomics, * Protein Structure Prediction and Modeling,
Talks will be accepted on the basis of a paper. Submissions should include abstract, key words, e-mail address of the corresponding author, and must not exceed 15 pages, including tables and figures, by July 21, 2006. Please visit the workshop home page for submission instructions.
Notification of acceptance will be given by September 1, 2006, and camera-ready papers will be due September 20, 2006. Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance. All accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in proceedings that will be distributed at the workshop. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Some selected papers, after further revisions, will appear in an edited book of Wiley's series on Bioinformatics.
Mario R. Guarracino National Research Council High Performance Computing and Networking Institute, mario.guarracino@icar.cnr.it
Panos M. Pardalos University of Florida Center for Applied Optimization pardalos@ufl.edu
Laurence T. Yang St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Department of Computer Science
Enrique Alba University of Malaga, Spain eat@lcc.uma.es
Annabella Astorino ICAR-CNR annabella.astorino@icar.cnr.it
Mario Cannataro University of Catanzaro cannataro@unicz.it
Vipin Chaudhary Wayne State University, USA vipin@wayne.edu
Maria Luisa Chiusano University of Naples Federico II chiusano@unina.it
Claudio Cifarelli University of Rome La Sapienza claudio.cifarelli@uniroma1.it
Amitava Datta University of Western Australia, Australia datta@csse.uwa.edu.au
Ivan De Falco ICAR-CNR ivanoe.defalco@icar.cnr.it
Andrei Doncescu LAAS, National Center for Scientific Research, France adoncesc@laas.fr
Chokchai Leangsuksun Louisiana Tech box@coes.latech.edu
Joseph Landman Scalable Informatics, LLC landman@scalableinformatics.com
Tao Li International University of Florida, USA taoli@ece.ufl.edu
Wenjun Li UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA liwenjun2k@yahoo.com
Yiming Li National Chiao Tung University Taiwan ymli@mail.nctu.edu.tw
Jun Ni University of Iowa, USA jun-ni@uiowa.edu
Youxing Qu Univresity of Georgia, USA youxing@csbl.bmb.uga.edu
Ryoko Hayashi JAIST, Japan ryoko@jaist.ac.jp
Chun-Hsi Huang University of Connecticut, USA huang@engr.uconn.edu
Clara Pizzuti ICAR-CNR pizzuti@icar.cnr.it
Oleg Prokopyev University of Florida oap4ripe@ufl.edu
Onur Seref University of Florida seref@ufl.edu
El-Ghazali Talbi LIFL, France talbi@lifl.fr
Domenico Talia University of Calabria talia@deis.unical.it
Ernesto Tarantino ICAR-CNR ernesto.tarantino@na.icar.cnr.it
Gerardo Toraldo University of Naples toraldo@unina.it
Yanqing Zhang Georgia State University, USA yzhang@cs.gsu.edu
Bingbing Zhou University of Sydney Australia bbz@it.usyd.edu.au
Albert Zomaya University of Sydney, Australia zomaya@it.usyd.edu.au
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