-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [EDEN-News] EDEN Research Workshop 2016, Oldenburg - Detailed Programme Available Datum: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 20:14:53 +0200 Von: EDEN Research Workshop 2016, Oldenburg Secretariat oldenburg@eden-online.org An: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at Kopie (CC): EDEN Newsletter eden-news@eden-online.org
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Detailed Programme Available #EDENRW9
Oldenburg 4-6 October 2016
*REGISTRATION http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/registration/ | KEYNOTES http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/keynotes/ | SCOPE http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/#8e6d6209018be25c6 | THEMES http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/#9a8b8f1d3af750bac | ACCOMMODATION http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/accommodation/* | *PROGRAMME* http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/programme/
Detailed Programme and Joining Instructions Available
The Conference programme http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/programme/ includes plenaries, parallel sessions with paper presentations, workshops, poster and synergy sessions. Great interest is shown by the several submissions outside of Europe: from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Turkey and Australia. The event starts on Tuesday afternoon on 4 October, with registration, followed by the Welcome Reception and ends with the Closing Plenary Session on 6 October.
The detailed programme can be downloaded here http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/RW9-programme-booklet-web.pdf.
You can find and read the Joining Instructions http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/joining-instructions-Oldenburg.pdf for the conference with practical information about getting to the conference, registration, conference events, Oldenburg, etc.
The Editors' Panel at the 9th EDEN Research Workshop, 6 October, 2016
*editorsDianne Conrad*, Co-editor of the International Review of Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL), Athabasca University, Canada;
*Som Naidu*, Executive Editor of Distance Education/, /Monash University, Australia;
*Peter Shea*, Editor of Online Learning (formerly Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN), University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY);
*Ulrich Bernath*, Chief Editor of the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL)/, /Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning, Oldenburg/Germany,
invite the audience to participate actively in the conversation about:
* the distinctive features and specific characteristics of each of the represented journals; * the acceptance procedures for getting submissions published and what to do with rejection; * how “early” researchers will meet the levels of accomplishment; * why publish in peer-reviewed learned journals?
Focus Group Session
On *Thursday morning, October 6 from 11:30-13:00*, we will be offering a special focus group session for workshop delegates to meet with and engage in further *dialogue with our keynote speakers*. During the focus group session, you will have an opportunity to join in on round table discussions with the individual speakers and further explore the ideas presented during the keynote plenaries. Results of the focus group sessions will be posted later on EDEN’s NAP web site.
Keynote Speech Titles Revealed
*Paul Prinsloo:* The Increasing (Im)Possibilities of Justice and Care in Open, Distance Learning
*Inge de Waard*: Self-determined Learning: Lifelong Learning in an Open Range or Fenced Land?
*Olaf Zawacki-Richter* *& Som Naidu*: Exploring 35 Years of Research into Distance Education
*Isa Jahnke*: Studying Learning Expeditions in Cross Action Spaces with Digital Didactical Designs
*George Veletsianos*: A Scholarly Life Online
Workshop Session Sneak Peek 2
What Drives Student Participation in Online Tutorials?
sneek peakOnline methods have seen a transition to medium and large scale events run by teams of tutors. This move to online tuition has fundamentally changed the characteristics of The Open University tuition in several respects.
As staff responsible for the professional development of Associate Lecturers tutoring in Life Sciences we developed a method to help us evaluate our tutors' online tutorials and recognise good practice with regard to student participation.
Community of Inquiry Framework: New Directions and Research Opportunities
This session will focus on new directions and research opportunities in regards to collaborative thinking, educational design, and K to 12 educational contexts. Thinking collaboratively is a theoretical and practical guide to thinking and learning in deep and meaningful ways within purposeful communities of inquiry. It is the means to inquire, test, and apply new understandings, and to make sense of the information that bombards us continuously.
Dr. Garrison will discuss new directions related to thinking collaboratively in online and distance education. Dr. Cleveland-Innes will suggest research opportunities in regard to teaching presence and educational design in distance education. Dr. Vaughan will demonstrate how the CoI framework can be applied to teacher development in order to improve student engagement and success.
Registration Open
register http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/registration/
Last call for the undecided to secure their participation at the conference: *registration is open until 3 October*. Please visit the Online Registration Form http://www.eden-online.org/2016_oldenburg/registration/#form to join the event.
Open Badges - Recognising your achievements at the Research Workshop
In order to show our appreciation of non-formal professional development we will issue open badges http://www.eden-online.org/recognition/eden-open-badges/ at the Research Workshop to recognise the accomplishments of speakers and participants. Open badges distributed at EDEN events stand for the quality of the development of your skills.
EDEN first issued open badges at the Open Classroom Conferences held in Athens.
Encouraged by the appreciation of former conference delegates we continue issuing open badges at the 9th EDEN Research Workshop as well.
The Welcome Reception & Conference Dinner
The *Welcome Reception* will take place on 4 October, Tuesday at 19:30 at the conference venue in the Foyer on the Ground floor of building A14.
The *Conference Dinner* will be held on 5 October, Wednesday at 20:00. For delegates who have booked: please, bring your ticket & badge with you. The three course, traditional German cuisine Conference Dinner will be held at the Klinkerburg Restaurant, a truly unique place. The restaurant occupies the original first class waiting room in the main train station of Oldenburg. The Best Research Paper Award will be handed out during the Conference Dinner.
*The address of Restaurant Klinkerburg: *
Bahnhofsplatz 12, 26122 Oldenburg
*The Conference Venue*
*Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg *
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany
Building A14
Visit the Oldenburg State Theatre
The dome of the Oldenburg State Theatre has been part of the city's skyline since 1893. The building is of Neo-Baroque design, and although it has undergone some changes, its essence has been retained.
Three theatres are housed under its roof. In addition to the impressive Grosses Haus with 827 seats, in October 1998 the curtain first rose in the Kleines Haus which seats 350. In the season of 2001/2002, a small studio theatre, the Spielraum with seating for 70, also came into being.
The programme of the Oldenburg State Theatre is coloured by a high-quality, classic repertoire of operas, operettas, musicals, plays, dance performances and concerts as well as its commitment to the artistic avant-garde. Premieres and debut performances are regular features on the State Theatre's programme.
The 9th EDEN Research Workshop is the initiative of EDEN supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union
EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network Secretariat Tel: +36 1 463 1628, 463 2537 Fax: +36 1 463 1858 E-mail: oldenburg@eden-online.org mailto:oldenburg@eden-online.org http://www.eden-online.org http://www.eden-online.org/