-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SOFSEM 2012 - Second CALL for PAPERS Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 10:56:40 +0200 From: sofsem@sofsem.cz To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
[This information is being posted to multiple lists - we apologise if you get it several times. Please, pass the information to whom it may benefit. Thank you for understanding and cooperation. The organisers.]
38th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science January 21-27, 2012 Orea Hotel HORAL (Spindleruv Mlyn) Czech Republic http://www.sofsem.cz/
Dear Sofsemists, dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to submit a paper for one of the four SOFSEM 2012 tracks:
with extended support for student papers in the traditional
All accepted papers for regular tracks (after registration and payment) will be included in the conference proceedings published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS - Series by Springer Verlag. Student papers accepted for the SOFSEM Student Research Forum (after registration and payment) will be published in SOFSEM 2012 local proceedings.
We would especially like to attract your attention to the
In memory of Alan Turing, whose 100th anniversary is celebrated in 2012, SOSFEM 2012 will host a session on Turing machines. The session will consist of invited and contributed talks on Turing machines as the basic model of computability and complexity, and reporting new developments related to models inspired by, for example, biology and physics. SOFSEM 2012 is among the official Centenary Events of The Alan Turing Year (for more details see http://www.turingcentenary.eu/)
We hope that you find the SOFSEM 2012 tracks and topics - for details see
interesting, and that by submitting your paper to the SOFSEM 2012 conference you will help to contribute to yet another succesfull SOFSEM.
Important dates: Abstracts deadline: June 15, 2011 Full papers deadline: June 22, 2011 Acceptance notification: September 21, 2011 Camera-ready papers: October 5, 2011 Early registration deadline: November 7, 2011 Conference: January 21-27, 2012
As usual at SOFSEM, a very distinguished feature of the SOFSEM 2012 will be the higher number of Invited Speakers. The list of SOFSEM 2012 invited speakers:
* Foundations of Computer Science Track:
- Yuri Gurevich (University of Michigan and Microsoft Research, USA) What's an Algorithm?
- Giuseppe F. Italiano (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy) [Title to be announced]
SPECIAL EVENT: SESSION ON TURING MACHINES. - Felipe Cucker (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) [Title to be announced]
- Peter van Emde Boas (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Turing Machines for Dummies
- Jiri Wiedermann (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) [Title to be announced]
* Software& Web Engineering Track:
- Paul De Bra (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) A Fully Generic Approach for Realizing the Adaptive Web
- Pavel Zezula (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic) Multi Feature Indexing Network (MUFIN) - Similarity Search Platform for many Applications
* Cryptography, Security, and Verification Track:
- Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel) Recent Challenges and Ideas in Temporal Synthesis
- Krzysztof Pietrzak (Cryptology Research Group, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Efficient Cryptography from Hard Learning Problems
* Artificial Intelligence
- Kevin Warwick (University of Reading, United Kingdom ) Not Another Look at the Turing Test!
- Roberto Navigli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy ) [Title to be announced]
Location, venue and leisure activities of SOFSEM 2012 are presented at: http://www.sofsem.cz/sofsem12/index.php?page=location http://www.sofsem.cz/sofsem12/index.php?page=leisure
As the SOFSEM 2012 organization will progress, the conference website will be regularly updated to let you know about important news.
We are looking forward to your submissions.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.
On behalf of all SOFSEM 2012 organizers,
Georg Gottlob (Program Committee Chair) Julius Stuller (Steering Committee Chair)
--------- The mail has been sent to gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at.