-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [computational.science] CFP: MoPoC'12 (update: journal special issue) Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 19:22:34 +0200 From: Zsolt Nemeth nemeth.zsolt@sztaki.mta.hu Organization: "ICCSA" To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
################################################################### Call for Papers:
In conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012)
November 12-16, 2012, Shanghai, China
Web: http://w3c.org.au/mopoc2012/ ###################################################################
Workshop Theme ################################################################### Cloud services are perpetually becoming more important to current IT operations. For instance, according to IDC, the 'revenue from public IT cloud services exceeded $21.5 billion in 2010 and will reach $72.9 billion in 2015, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.6%.'[1]. Along with the cloud's increasingly central role to the services industry, monitoring cloud services as well as the applications deployed on them is becoming a priority - if mission-critical business applications are deployed to a cloud, real-time monitoring of service quality becomes as integral to the cloud as business activity monitoring is to current (in house) process management solutions. However, currently deployed solutions are minimal at best. Techniques for dynamically monitoring, predicting and capturing the relationship between service quality, current cloud service allocation and changes in workload patterns remain both, an open research problem and a practical need. Overall, the integration of cloud monitoring, workload prediction, service performance models and optimization techniques to effect an end-to-end automated monitoring and provisioning process over cloud environments is a hitherto neglected research area.
The goal of the MoPoC'12 workshop is to strengthen scholarly and industrial research in algorithms, methods and tools for monitoring the current state of cloud services and/or applications deployed to the cloud (with regards to, for instance, performance, availability, compliance with governmental regulations, or security), as well as for predicting these parameters for future services or applications. The workshop fosters the exchange of ideas between practitioners building state-of-the-art solutions, and researchers interested in the conceptual foundation of future monitoring and prediction solutions for cloud services. The event accepts paper submissions regarding novel ideas for cloud monitoring and prediction, as well as experience reports on quality monitoring and prediction of cloud services in industrial settings.
[1] http://www.idc.com/prodserv/idc_cloud.jsp
Topics ################################################################### The workshop accepts mature work-in-progress or final results, as well as short papers containing initial results, in the following main topics of interest:
- Novel solutions for cloud monitoring and prediction with regards, but not limited to:
* Performance * Cloud resource utilization / energy efficiency * Availability * Costs / Profitability * Cloud Service Level Agreements (SLAs) * Compliance with governmental regulations * Security * Application- and domain-specific monitoring of cloud services
- Experience reports on quality monitoring and prediction of cloud services
Paper Submission and Publication ################################################################### Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished research papers, as
- Full papers (up to 12 pages including all references and figures) - Short papers (up to 6 pages including all references and figures)
on the listed or related topics.
Please submit papers via Easychair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mopoc12.
All workshop papers will be published in the combined workshop post- proceedings of ICSOC 2012, as part of Springer LNCS Services Science Subline. Thus, papers must be prepared in the Springer LNCS style. Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop pogramm commitee. Each submission will be evaluated by 2 to 4 commitee members with regard to originality, maturity, technical quality and clarity of presentation. At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop and present the work. Attendance of the workshop will require registration to the main conference.
UPDATE: Related Special Issue in "Software: Practice and Experience" ################################################################### High-quality submission to MoPoC'12 will be encouraged to submit extensions to the upcoming special issue "Software Tools and Technologies for Monitoring and Prediction of Cloud Services" of the journal "Software: Practice and Experience" [2] (published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.).
[2] http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-024X/
Important Dates ################################################################### July 31, 2012: Paper Submission Deadline September 15, 2012: Paper Acceptance Notification October 1, 2012: Camera Ready Paper & Copyright November 12-16, 2012: Main ICSOC conference (the workshop will likely be one or two days before the main conference)
Commitees ################################################################### Organizers: - Armin Haller, W3C - Philipp Leitner, Vienna University of Technology - Rajiv Ranjan, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia - Stefan Tai, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Program Commitee: - Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology - Manuel Carro, U. Politecnica de Madrid - Claudia-Melania Chituc, University of Porto - Waldemar Hummer, Vienna University of Technology - Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Stuttgart - Niels Lohmann, Universitaet Rostock - Annapaola Marconi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Andreas Metzger, Paluno, The Ruhr Insitute of Technology - Anton Michlmayr, Mercatis AG - Zsolt Nemeth, SZTAKI - Surya Nepal, CSIRO Australia - Christos Nikolaou, University of Crete - Ernst Oberortner, Boston University - Mukaddim Pathan, Australian National University - Eric Wohlstadter, University of British Columbia - Florian Rosenberg, IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre - Benjamin Satzger, Vienna University of Technology - Vladimir Tosic, NICTA - Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna
Contact ################################################################### For more information, please contact:
Philipp Leitner Information Systems Institute Distributed Systems Group Vienna University of Technology Argentinierstrasse 8/184-1 1040 Vienna, Austria leitner [NOSPAM] infosys.tuwien.ac.at