-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP: Workshop on Grid Computing Security and Resource Management (GSRM'06) Datum: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 10:59:55 +0100 (CET) Von: Maria S. Perez mperez@fi.upm.es Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
------Our apologies if you receive more than one copy of this announcement------ Second International Workshop on Grid Computing Security and Resource Management (GSRM'06) GSRM'06 WebSite: http://www.it.deakin.edu.au/GP2P/GSRM.htm in conjunction with THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (ICCS 2006) University of Reading, UK May 28-31, 2006
Call for Papers =================== Grid computing is an emerging technology that enables large-scale sharing of widely distributed resources and coordinated problem-solving and collaboration between groups of scientists. The dynamic and multi-institutional nature of grid computing environment introduces challenging security issues that demand new technical approaches. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers, developers, and users of grid computing from academia, business and industry with experience in the area of security aspects related to grid infrastructures, grid applications and grid resource management. We are soliciting original high quality research papers on topics of interest that include but are not limited to:
Security in computational grids Security in data grids Security in high-performance computing Resource management in grids Resource and Service Discovery Approaches Load Sharing and Load Balancing Techniques Fault-Tolerant Resource Management Approaches Grid computing infrastructures, middleware and tools Grid computing services Grid and cluster computing Agent-based management of resources in distributed systems Agent architectures for grid environments
SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION DETAILS ===================================== Authors are invited to submit papers of not more than 8 pages electronically (PS or PDF format, + sources) using the ICCS 2006 paper submission system.
All submitted papers must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). All submitted papers will be evaluated on significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition.
Proceedings =============== Accepted papers will appear in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer-Verlag. All the manuscripts accepted for publication by Springer in its series LNCS must be accompanied by a Signed Copyright Form. You can download the form here.
Special Issue Journal ======================== Some papers from the workshop will be selected for journal length extension and published in the International Journal of ComputerApplication in Technology (IJCAT), Multiagent and Grid Systems Journal as a special issue expected to be published in early 2007.
Registration ============== At least one of the authors of accepted paper must be registered for the paper to be published. Deadline for early registration is March 30, 2006. For further information such as registration fee, local organizing committee, program committee, please refer to the ICCS homepage.
IMPORTANT DATES ================== Full papers submission:December 20, 2005 Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2006 Camera ready papers: February 10, 2006 Early registration: March 30, 2006
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