-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CFP for 2nd Intl workshop on the Layout of Software Engineering Diagrams, LED 08 Datum: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:26:45 +0100 Von: Andrew.Fish@bton.ac.uk Antwort an: Andrew.Fish@bton.ac.uk An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Second International Workshop on LAYOUT OF (SOFTWARE) ENGINEERING DIAGRAMS (LED'08)
This workshop is associated with the 2008 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'08) and co-located with Diagrams'08 and Software Visualisation'08 (SoftVis'08)
======================================================================== Workshop Date: September 15th 2008 Location: Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany
LED Homepage: http://www.cmis.brighton.ac.uk/led2008/
VLHCC Homepage: http://vlhcc08.cs.unibw.de/ ========================================================================
IMPORTANT DATES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * 16 Jun 2008: Initial Submissions * 14 Jul 2008: Notification of Authors * 18 Aug 2008: Camera-ready Papers
THEMES AND TOPICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traditionally, diagrams play an important role in many disciplines such as electrical engineering (e.g. Karnaugh-diagrams), civil and mechanical engineering (construction plans), geography (maps), etc. In Software Engineering today, diagrammatic languages like IDEF, UML or ARIS are commonplace, and with the rise of model driven development and domain specific languages, the use of such languages will become even more widespread in the future. All in all, diagrams play an important role in communication between engineers.
Given the visual nature of diagrams, it is obvious that the quality of diagram layout greatly contributes to the quality of communication based on these diagrams. However, creating task-adequate layouts is surprisingly hard, and the cognitive factors involved are not very well understood. Furthermore, tool support is rarely satisfactory (e.g. consider the sorry state of automatic layout support in UML tools).
We solicit submissions in the following areas.
- Layout algorithms, guidelines and patterns - Visual language theory - Quality attributes related to layout - Layout styles and modeling purposes - Surveys of layouts in specific areas - Diagrammatic reasoning - Visualisation constraints, algorithms, and tools - Cognitive aspects of diagram layout - Knowledge representation and diagram layout - Empirical research on layouts
Submissions in other, related areas are also welcome.
GOALS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The workshop aims to bring together and consolidate the community, survey the state of the art, and identify current research trends and future challenges. We hope to initiate an ongoing process to advance both the scientific knowledge and the industrial state of the art.
TARGETED ATTENDEES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Practitioners from industry faced with layout-related problems in their work - Researchers working on visualisation, layout and related subjects - Researchers with an interest in cognitive psychology and mental representations - (prospective) PhD students looking for attractive thesis subjects
WORKSHOP FORMAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LED'08 is intended as a discussion- and interaction-oriented workshop. Paper presentations will be used to provoke discussion. At the end of the day, there will be a plenary session where the results of the workshops and future research directions will be summarised.
SUBMISSION AND EVALUATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We solicit the submission of position papers (6-8 pages) and full papers (14-16 pages). Position papers are short papers, stating the position of the author(s) on any of the topics within the scope of the workshop. For example, position papers could describe work in progress with a particular tool, algorithm, conceptual approach or visualisation method. Position papers will be evaluated based on their potential for generating discussion, and on the originality of the positions expressed.
Full papers may be describing experiences of comparative evaluations, controlled experiments, industrial case studies with visualisation or layout techniques, or report on a substantial implementation effort or theoretical contribution. Also, conceptual papers aiming at classifying approaches and surveying existing work will be of interest. Full papers will be evaluated based on their contribution and impact to the state of the art or the building of the community.
All papers must conform to the ECEASST format. All papers must be submitted electronically in the PDF format via the EasyChair submission system. Submitters are kindly asked to indicate the type of submission (position paper or full paper). Every submission will be reviewed by 2-3 different reviewers, one of which will be from an industrial affiliation.
SUPPORT AND PUBLICATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The workshop will be supported by the German Chapter of the ACM. The workshop proceedings will be published by the ECEASST. Electronic and hard copies will be made available for attendees at the workshop. A selection of the best papers may be invited to submit extended versions for journal publication.
CO-CHAIRS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Fish, University of Brighton Harald Störrle, Universität Innsbruck
PROGRAM COMMITTEE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Phil Cox, University of Dalhousie Holger Eichelberger, University of Hildesheim Wolfgang Glock, mgm technology partners Ulrike Gröttrup, Bayerische Landesbank Corin Gurr, University of Reading Florian Hacklinger, Zühlke Engineering John Hosking, University of Auckland Chris Hundhausen, University of Washington Alexander Knapp, University of Munich Eileen Kramer, University of Georgia Kim Marriott, Monash University Mark Minas, Armed Forces University of Munich Nikolaus Müssigmann, FH Saarland Barbara Paech, University of Heidelberg Helen Purchase, University of Glasgow Peter Rodgers, University of Kent Gabriele Täntzer, Universität Marburg Thomas Tensi, sd&m
CONTACT DETAILS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please email led2008@brighton.ac.uk for further details or information regarding the workshop or look at the workshop web site indicated above.
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