---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: FEATS 2001 - Program and Call for Participation Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 18:22:32 +0200 From: DENEUX dominique.deneux@univ-valenciennes.fr To:
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Are you interested in ...
DESIGN ? FEATURE modelling ? CAD/CAM/CAPP ? METHODS and MODELS to validate products over their whole LIFE CYCLE ? (manufacturing, sale, use, repair, recycling, ...)
... then you are welcome to attend
International IFIP Conference on Feature based modelling in advanced design for the life-cycle systems.
12-14 June 2001 LAMIH - UMR CNRS n°8530 Valenciennes, France
co sponsored by CIRP / IEEE / IFAC Program chair: Prof. R. SOENEN
*** In a few words ...
In 3 days and 35 conferences of 45 minutes, speakers from 14 countries will present the state-of-the-art and future trends about the use of extended feature models, for better managing design and representing the various facets of the life cycle of products, processes and services. The official language will be English.
Detailed information is available at a clic's distance : http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/LGIL/FEATS2001/
Do not delay your pre-registration (reduced fees until 31st May)
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon in Valenciennes,
Prof R. SOENEN, Program chair Dr D. DENEUX, Conference chair
*** Feel concerned ? here are a few more details...
Tuesday 12th June 2001 : Advances in system architectures
08:30 - Registration 10:00 - Welcome speeches
10:30 - Session A (plenary) - Global life cycle account (LCA)
BORG J. (1), GIANNINI F (2). University of Malta (1) - CNR Genova (2) Exploiting integrated product and life-phase features
11:15 - Industrial I (plenary) - LCA in the AUTOMOTIVE industry
Two speakers (1), (2) PSA Peugeot Citroen (1) Renault (2) CAD and analysis deployment at Renault and PSA Peugeot Citroen
14:00 - Session B (//) - Feature based design architectures
VENKATARAMAN S., SHAH J., SUMMERS J. Arizona State University An investigation of integrating design by features and feature recognition
BRUNETTI G., RIX J. Fraunhofer - Institut (IGD) Feature-based virtual engineering
GIGUERE F.(1), RIVEST L. (2), DESROCHERS A. (1) University of Sherbrooke (1) - ETS Montréal (2) Improving design productivity and product data consistency. From design intent to solid models through technological links
14:00 - Invited I (//) - Geometry related features
BRUN J.M. University of Aix Marseille (ESIL) Viewpoint dependent form features recognition and dimensioning
BRONSVOORT W.F., NOORT A., VAN DEN BERG J., HOEK G. F.M. Technical University of Delft Product development with multiple-view feature modelling
MICHELUCCI D. Ecole des Mines in Saint Etienne Ellipsoidal skeletons for reconstructing surfaces from segmented 3D medical images of organs
16:30 - Session C (plenary) Feature based links between life cycle activities
HAASIS S. (1), FRANCK D. (1), ROMMEL B. (1), WEYRICH M.(2) Daimler Chrysler A.G. R&T Ulm (1) Daimler Chrysler A.G. IT Stuttgart (2) Feature based integration of product, process and resources
FICHTNER D., NESTLER A. Dresden University of Technology (Institute of Production Engineering) Manufacturing features for NC-programming with extended information management
Wednesday 13th June 2001 : Advanced feature models
09:00 - Session D (//) - Dimensions and tolerances
SERRANO J. (1), CAPUTO F. (2), LANZOTTI A.(2) University of Jaume (1) - University of Naples (2) A new feature based approach to functional dimensioning and optimum tolerancing
MAZIERO N. (1), FERREIRA J.(2) University of Passo Fundo (1) - University of Santa Catarina (2) Automatic dimensioning of rotational parts in an intelligent feature-based design system
09:00 - Invited II (//) - Use of virtual reality techniques
COIFFET Ph, GARBAYA S. Laboratory of robotics of Paris Using VR techniques for product life-cycle evaluation in the design stage
CHEDMAIL P., MAILLE B. Ecole Centrale of Nantes - IRCCyN Virtual reality in the design process An example in the assembly domain
10:45 - Session E (plenary) Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE)
MANDORLI F. (1), RIZZI C. (2), SUSCA L. (2), CUGINI U. (2) University of Ancona (1) - University of Parma (2) An approach to implement feature-based applications using knowledge aided engineering technology
11:30 - Industrial II (plenary) LCA in the RAILWAY industry
CHENAIS J.P., PETIT J.M. Alstom Transport Railway braking systems: life-cycle cost design oriented
14:00 - Session F (//) - Meaningful geometry
GAO C. H.(1), CHENG K. (1), WEBB D. (1), HARRISON D.K. (2) Leeds Metropolitan University (1) - Glasgow Caledonian University (2) An investigation to surface features inspection on complex shaped components
PATALANO S. (1), GERBINO S. (1), DI MARTINO C. (2) University of Naples (1) - Systems-Engineering ELASIS SCpA (2) Complex product development by parametric-associative CAD Systems. Modelling car body components by using surface features
BIANCONI F. University of Perugia On the geometry and topology recognition in triangulated boundary models
14:00 - Invited III (//) - Non geometric features
SEGARRA G. (1), SECHI N. (2) Renault SA (1) - Renault DTSI (2) From product to service engineering : innovative technology - intensive services development in auto industry
DENEUX D. University of Valenciennes (LAMIH) Life-cycle modelling of an innovation
AZARIAN A. (1), BUENO R. (2), WARMAN E. (3) Institut Ligeron (1), Fatronik systems (2), K-Four (3) Machine tool life cycle design process modelling
16:30 - Session G (//) - Costs features
HAASIS S., LAYER A., SCHULZE H. Daimler Chrysler A.G. R&T Ulm Feature technology: added value for the engineering process. Cost calculation and experience transfer
DI STEFANO P. University of L'aquila A features based representation scheme for design
H'MIDA F., MARTIN P., VERNADAT F. University of Metz (LGIPM) Concept of a cost entity for cost estimation in mechanical production
16:30 - Session H (//) - Manufacturing features
KO K. (1), KIM B. (1), KIM D. (2), CHOI B. (1) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (1) - Wooyoung Co Ltd (2) A hierarchical CAPP system architecture for die cavity machining
BORANGIU Th. (1), DUPAS M. (2), IVANESCU N. (1) Polytechnics University of Bucharest (1) - University of Valenciennes (2) Feature based modelling in robot vision tasks
Thursday 14th June 2001 : Life cycle aware design
Visits (two options)
Option 1: (//) Visit of a car assembly plant : MCA (bus shuttle available)
MCA (Maubeuge Construction Automobile) is the unique RENAULT plant where the Kangoo is manufactured for the whole French and European markets. 1,200 cars are produced everyday.
Option 2: (//) Transportation Transfer Centre of the University : C3T
The C3T is a technical centre dedicated to transfer the competencies of the University to regional SMEs. It has a driving simulator, a catapult for crash tests, a semi anechoic room for acoustic tests, a rapid prototyping chain, and several dedicated equipments permitting life-cycle tests (dynamic analysis, fatique, acoustics, )
10:45 - Session I (plenary) Predicting parts deterioration
MATSUDA M. (1), SUZUKI H. (2), KIMURA F. (2) Kanagawa Institute of Technology (1) - University of Tokyo (2) Tolerance modelling using the feature based product model for prediction of used parts deterioration
11:30 - Industrial III (plenary) LCA in the AEROSPACE industry
DUREIGNE M. EADS CCR (Common Research Centre) Features and large civil aircraft development
14:00 - Session J (//) - Applications of Knowledge Based Engineering
MANDORLI F., GERMANI M., BERTI S. University of Ancona A feature-based application based on KAE technology. An automatic system for hydraulic cylinders configuration
EVGENEV G., KUZMIN B., LEBEDEV S., TAGIEV D. Bauman Technical University of Moscow Multi-agent CASE-technology for development of design-for-the-life-cycle systems
FILIPPI S., BANDERA A., ADAMI C. University of Udine (DIEGM) Knowledge based engineering framework (KBEF): an integrated environment for product development and optimisation
14:00 - Session K (//) - Life cycle performance indicators
SEKLOULI A., GIEN D. French Institute of Advanced Mechanics (IFMA) A new QFD method for manufacturing system improvement. Application in SMME's
TODOROV G., TODOROV N., KAMBEROV K., VRABEVSKY B., ROMANOV B. Technical University of Sofia Reliability analysis approach of high loaded power tool construction using finite element analysis
GIUDICE F., LA ROSA G., RISITANO A. University of Catania Product recovery-cycles design. Extension of useful life
FEES: (reduced before 31st May)
The fees depend on the date of your payment and your situation. Prices include
: unlimited access 3 days, 3 lunches, proceedings on CDROM, cocktail, coffee
breaks. The banquet on 13th May is optional.
Industrial 350.00 EURO bef. 31 May, 400.00 after Academic 300.00 EURO bef. 31 May, 350.00 after IFIP member 280.00 EURO bef. 31 May, 330.00 after Auditor student 150.00 EURO bef. 31 May, 200.00 after
Banquet (opt.) 50.00 EURO
On our web site you can find a selection of hotels downtown Valenciennes, with pricing information. A bus shuttle will be provided every morning and evening, between downtown and the conference site. Detailed information will be available at the hotels.
mailto:feats2001@univ-valenciennes.fr http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/LGIL/FEATS2001/