-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: IFIP 8.9/CONFENIS 2010, Natal, Brazil Datum: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 20:39:47 +0100 Von: Björn Johansson Bjorn.Johansson@ics.lu.se An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Call For Papers Please consider submitting a paper for the IFIP 8.9/CONFENIS 2010 Conference, held in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 25-27th August 2010, organized by the IFIP TC8 Working Group 8.9, Instituto Federal Fluminense, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, and sponsored and supported by the Secretary for Vocational and Technological Education, Ministry of Education, Brazil (Setec/MEC).
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Enterprise information systems * Enterprise engineering * Enterprise modeling and integration * Enterprise computing concepts for specific domains such as finance, telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, command and control, and healthcare * Enterprise architectures * Design and modeling paradigms for enterprise computing * IT aspects of inter-enterprise collaboration and virtual enterprises * Enterprise Application Integration * Trust, security, and privacy issues in enterprise computing * Quality-assurance of enterprise computing systems * Evolution and management of enterprise computing systems * Realization technologies for enterprise computing, including ontologies and semantic web support, and middleware standards and systems * Enterprise computing tools * Business intelligence component of enterprise information systems * Applications, case studies, and management issues
For detailed information please visit the CONFENIS 2010 Conference Website: http://confenis2010.iff.edu.br
Important Dates: Papers submission 05/01/2010 Notifications of acceptance 06/15/2010 Camera-ready papers submission 06/30/2010
Submission Guidelines can be found at http://confenis2010.iff.edu.br/call-for-papers
CONFENIS 2010 proceedings will be published on CD by the Ministry of Education of Brazil, and will be available in the IFIP Digital Library. The template for camera-ready accepted papers can be found at http://confenis2010.iff.edu.br/call-for-papers/paper-template.rtf/view
Furthermore, the selected best research papers will be considered for publishing in top-ranking information systems journals published by Taylor & Francis and IEEE.
*Contact* If you have any question or suggestion, please send it to confenis2010@gmail.com.
*Registration Policy* Confenis 2010 fees are subsided up to a given limit of participants, for more information please visit the Registration area of this website.
Organizing Committee
Honorary Chairs: Li Da Xu, Old Dominium University, A Min Tjoa, Technological University of Vienna. General Chairs: Rogerio Atem de Carvalho, Fluminense Federal Institute, Sohail Chaudhry, Villanova University. Program Chairs: Sohail Chaudhry, Villanova University, Charles Moller, Aalborg University. Publicity Chair: Björn Johansson, Lund University.
Local Chairs: Wyllys A. Farkatt Tabosa and Ricardo M. Alexsandro Valentin, Rio Grande do Norte Federal Institute, Janei Cristina Resende, Secretary for Vocational and Technological Education, Ministry of Education, Brazil.
Björn Johansson, PhD
Associate Senior Lecturer
Department of Informatics
School of Economics and Management
Lund University, Sweden
bjorn.johansson@ics.lu.se mailto:bjorn.johansson@ics.lu.se