---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: SAIS 2002 Call for Papers Reminder Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 12:30:58 -0600 From: Tom Case tcase@GSAIX2.CC.GASOU.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
<html> <div align="center"> <font size=6><b>Call for Papers<br> <br> </font><font size=4>Fifth Annual Conference of the <br> Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS)<br> The Savannah Desoto Hilton, Savannah, Georgia<br> March 1 - March 2, 2002<br> <br> Submission Date: November 15, 2001<br> <br> </b></font></div> The Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS) invites IS scholars and practitioners to participate in its fifth annual conference which will be held March 1 - March 2, 2002 at the Savannah DeSoto Hilton Hotel in Savannah, Georgias charming historic district. <br> <br> SAIS is a regional chapter of the Americas Division of the Association for Information Systems (AMAIS). Consistent consistent with the goals of AMCIS Conferences, the SAIS program is intended to be varied, where the only restriction is that submissions address organizational or technical research, practice, or pedagogy in information systems planning, design, development, management, acquisition, implementation, usage, or evaluation. Working papers, research in progress, workshop proposals, and teaching cases may be submitted. <i>Submissions by graduate students are especially encouraged</i>. <br> <br> All papers and proposals must be the original work of the authors and should not have been previously presented or published elsewhere. These will undergo a blind review process. Accepted submissions will be eligible for publication in the SAIS 2002 Conference Proceedings. Authors of accepted papers must pre-register for the conference to ensure publication in the Proceedings. Outstanding submissions will be considered for the SAIS 2002 Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards. <br> <br> <div align="center"> <font size=4><b>Important Dates<br> <br> </font></div> November 15, 2001</b> -- Submission Deadline for Papers, Panel Presentations, etc.<br> <br> <b>December 15, 2001</b> -- Acceptance Notification<br> <br> <b>January 15, 2002 --</b> Submission Deadline for Proceedings Articles<br> <br> <div align="center"> <b>Submission Guidelines<br> <br> </b></div> Each paper should be submitted as a word processing file (MS Word, WordPerfect, or .rtf format) attached to an e-mail message to SAIS 2002 Program Chair Kathryn Kimery at Kansas State University. Dr. Kimerys e-mail address is kkimery@ksu.edu. The e-mail messages subject line should clearly indicate that the message is a submission for SAIS 2002. To ensure consideration for student paper award recognition, the e-mail message should explicitly identify the paper as a student submission.<br> <br> Authors who are unable to submit electronically may fax their papers (Attn: Dr. Kathryn Kimery, SAIS 2002 Program Chair) to: 1-785-532-7024.<br> <br> <b>Submission Format Guidelines: </b>The body of each submission should not exceed <i>six single-spaced pages</i> in length (approximately 2500 words) including all figures, tables, appendices, and references. Each submission must include the following:<br> <br> 1. The name, e-mail address, mailing address, university/organization affiliation, and phone/fax numbers of the contact person for the submission.<br> <br> 2. The submissions title and the name, e-mail address, mailing address, university/organization affiliation of the author(s).<br> <br> 3. An abstract of the submission. <b>Note:</b> items 1, 2, and 3 should be submitted on separate pages and will not be counted toward the six-page maximum for the paper.<br> <br> 4. The body of the submission including all figures, tables, and appendices.<br> <br> 5. A list of references or a bibliography. <b>Note:</b> items 4 and 5 should not exceed a combined total of six single-spaced pages.<br> <br> Submission acknowledgement, the review process, and acceptance notification will be managed via e-mail. Instructions for camera-ready copy preparation will be provided via e-mail to the contact authors of accepted papers; these will also be available on the Web.<br> <br> <div align="center"> <b>Want to Help?<br> <br> </b></div> If you are willing to serve as a reviewer or session chair or would like additional information about the conference, please contact the SAIS 2002 Program Chair, Dr. Kathryn Kimery (<font color="#0000FF"><u>kkimery@ksu.edu</u></font>).<br> <br> <div align="center"> <b>Conference Fees**<br> <br> </div> <x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> & nbsp; </x-tab><x-tab> &nb sp; </x-tab><x-tab>   ; </x-tab><x-tab> < /x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab> <x-tab> </x-tab></b><i>Regular<x-tab>&nbs p;</x-tab></i><x-tab> </x-tab> <i>Graduate Students<br> </i>Early registration (before February 1, 2002)<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> &n bsp; </x-tab>$200<x-tab> </x-tab><x-t ab> </x-tab><x-tab>   ; </x-tab>$125<br> Late registration (after February 1, 2002)<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> &n bsp; </x-tab>$250<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab
</x-tab>$150<br> <br>
**Includes conference proceedings, two breakfasts, two luncheons, and the SAIS 2002 Reception.<br> <br> <b>Hotel Information:<br> <br> </b>Room reservations can be made by contacting The Savannah DeSoto Hilton (+1-912-232-9000 or +1-800-HILTONS). SAIS 2002 Conference room rates (excluding taxes which are currently 12%) are as follows:<br> <br> <font size=2>Single/Double: <x-tab> </x-tab>$135<br> <br> </font>Reservations should be made by January 29, 2002 to ensure availability.<br> </html>
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